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The net reeeipts for the poor concert are $135.21_ The Methodist Sunday school gave a Christmas supper Tuesday eveniig. Lovina Johnson vs. A. L, Litchfield, elander, in circuit court in the future. Communion services in the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning. Preparatory lecture tomorrow evening. Archibald Farren, aged 21 years, of Midland, died in Ann Arbor Dec. 26. The remains were taken to Midland for burial. Geo. Scofleld, a tramp and drunk, was Bent to county jail for 20 days last week by Justice Pond, and Hayee, drunk, 10 days. John Rathbone while skating en the pond on Monday broke through the ice and went under. His comrades pulled him out. Lucius Flanigan, drunk, 30 days in county jail, by Justice Freuauff, Dec. 22. On Tuesday, Joseph Brownell, drunk, 30 days. L. üruner and wife on Monday attended the funeral of Prof. John Bengel in Detroit, when the remains were brought from Hannibal, Mo. Allmendinger & Schneider on Tuesday shipped 40 bushels of peach pits to Detroit, from which some idea of their fruit business may be learned. A nine-year old daughter of Martin Adamscheck of Miller ave, died Tuesday morning of typhoid fever, and will be buried this afternoon at 1 o'clock. The annual meeting of the first Presby terian society will be held next Tuesdai evening for the election of two trustees and for reports o' church officers. In the circuit court yesterday, in chan cery case of Beal vs. T. Wilkinson, the bill was dismissed. Nora Cuhman wa granted alimoHy from Henry Oushman Divorce was granted Rosa Villa from John Shipacafsee. William Schiller, who met with the acident in Allmendinger & Schneider's mili, ïas had to have one finger amputated, but t is hoped thar the rest will be saved. Tcmorrow evening the proposed stoctcholders of the new Ladder company will meet in the common council room to hear the report of the oommittee appointed last week. Donaldson Sc Meier are satisfied at last, and there will be no lawsuit $300 were sent them, and they have accepted that amount as payment in full for their claim on the school board. Last summer, Mr. Charles Treadwell made some very important experimenta in catching the codling moth and will make these experimenta known at the next Pomological meeting Jan. 7, 1888. The Saline Observer says: 'Prof. Dewey, of Ann Arbor, gave a ghost of a lecture on ghosts, their grandfathers and cousins and úneles and aunts, at the Presbyterian chureb, Friday evening." William McOeery of Ann Arbor drove out to his farm near the city on Tuesday for a load of straw. His horses statted too quickly, throwing him from the load and b-eaking his hip. He is 70 years old. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Dorr, of Federal Point, Fla., left Ann Arbor Oct. 10, 1887; in a covered spring wagon with one horse, and drove all the way to their home in Florida, arriving near the Florida line Dec. 15. The American Meteorological Journal, edited by Prof. M. W. Harririgton, receives kindly attention from the Sacramento (Cal.) Bee. The Journal is one of the pioneers in the young and vigorous study of meteorology. Dr. Eddy preached two delightful Christmas sermons on Sundav in the Presbyterian church. Tbere will be a gift s cial at the church this evening, with supper at six o'clock, interesting exercises, and giftg for the poor The hack drivers should not be so reckle?s. Two haekmen were racing down Detroit-st last Saturday evening,- it seems to be a common practice, - and a delivery wagon was obliged to get on the sidewalk to avoid a collision. One of them ran into a wagon and dragged it quite adistance. At the Unitarian church Sunday morning Mr. Sunderland prenched an excellent sermón on Christmas. The Sunday school will hold its Christmas festivities tomorrow evening in the church parlors. There will be a Christmas tree, a supper, an amateur dramatic performance, and a good time generally. Mr. Louisa Brehm, aged 67, died Dec. 23, at her home on W. Liberty-st, and the funeral occurred on Jlonday, Rev. J. Neumann eonducting the services. She leaves six children: Mrg. Caroline Gwinner, Mrs. Wm. Herz, Mrs. Titus F. Hutzel, Miss Lizzie Brehm, Wm. Muehlg, and Gustave Brehm, all of Ann Arbor. Henry Haskell, of Allmendir.ger Sc Schneider's, was msrried on Monday to Miss Mary Brooks St. Clair, of Bay City, and brought his fair bride to Ann Arbor immediately. Tuesday evening CO to 70 Baptist people and neighbors surprised the young couple in a jolly way, carrying their owu eatables, and there was a pleasant time. The first train went yesterday over the extensión of the T., A. A. & N. M. R. R. from Mt. Pleasant to Cadillac. Fred Smith, T. J. Keech, A. L. Noble, Eli Moore, W. W. Wines, and H. S. Dean, attended a banquet given by the Cadillac business men's association last evening, a banquet given in celebration of the completion of the road. Knights of Pythias elected officers Monday evening as follows : Paft Chancellor, Gilbert Bliss; C. C, J. Lindenschmitt; V. C, Fred Baker; Prelate, John L joker; M. of E., Fred W. Schlanderer ; M. of F., William Jacobus ; M. of S. and R , James Barker ; M. at A., James Ottley. Representative to grand lodge, Gilbert Bliss. Installation takes place in four weeks from time of election. The usual animal Christmas festival was eelebrated at St. Andrew's mission in Geddes, Tuesday evening, and was attended by a large number of Ann Arbor Episcopalians. The church also gave a Christmas festival at the county home yesterday, for the inmates, with the Christmas tree, and address by Mr. Earp. This was also well attended by Epigcopalians from Ann Arbor. Weleh Post, Q. A. R., will install the following offleers Jan. 2 : Commander, Walter H. Jackson ; senior vice-commatder, A. F. Martin; junior vicecommander, Eli S. Manly ; chaplain, Wm. K. Childs; offlcer of the day, William Fisher; officer of the guard, Conrad Noli; delegates to department enoampment, Harrison Soule; alternates, J. Q. A. Sessions, W. J. Clark and W. K. Walker; inside guard, T. S. Cox; outside guard, Wm J. Clark. The State Suday-school convention in Kalamazoo Dec. 13-15, was attended by five Washtenaw county people : Mr. Breed, of Ann Arbor, Mr. Crowell, of Ypsilanti, Mr. Campbell, of Stony Creek, and Mrs. Tousey and Miss Thayer, of Salem. There were 250 delegates, and Rev. Washing Gardner presided. Our five delegates pledged Washtenaw county for $100 for the cause. Of all the lower tier of couoties, it seems that Washtenaw is the only one that hasn't a county Sunday school organzadon, and the five Wasbtenaw delegates decided to redeem the county in that respect. A meeting will be held in Ann Arbar for that purpose. Adeline P., wife of Charlea B. Stayt, ol the Fourth ward, died Dec. 24, of heart disease. The deceased was 49 years old. The funeral occurred on Tuesday at the M. E. church. She ha3 lived in Ann Arbor about three years, coming here from Iowa to edúcate her two daughters. She was a lady of very fine mind and ol great intellectual attaioments, standing high in educational circles in the west. Her father, Rev. Wjo. PenSeld of Dundee, Mich, 3nd her b. oiher, Lorenzo Penfield, a prominent attornt-y at Auburn, lad., were in attendarice at the funeral. Mr. C B. Stayt desires io express his gratitude to the friends who assisted him in this se vere trial.


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Ann Arbor Register