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Real Estate Transfers

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Followinff is a list of the real es' ate transfers in Washtenaw county, as recorded by the repister of deeds, for week endingjanuary IC, 1888 Jabob Webe r to Geo. John Weber, Lodi $ 5200 G. Buchholz to Jjibbry Buchholï, Aun Albor city 12' Nancy Osborn to Uorge Osbrn, Saline 2000 Fred. Schill and wifo to Thomas Clark, Manchester ■ ■ 100 James Furlong and wife to Michael and Peter Furlong. Superior 100 Catherine Furlongto Michael Furlong. SupGrlor " Samuel Hendrickson and wife to Joeeph D. Baldwin, trustee, Ann Arbür city 400 Peter Lu8ty to Francés Lusty, Lyudon 1800 Benjamin Franklin lo ü. F,ua Sparks, ChelD. EttaSpark's'tÖTimotbybrislamchelsea. 1 Timothy Drislam and wife to Minerva L. Davis, Chelsea ■ 19=0 Henry I. Davis, et. al., to T. and M. E. Drislam, Lodi 5ÏL James Ganntlett to Wm. H. Culver. 'i ork 2400 Jnseph Demott to Wm. H. Culver. York 1000 Eliza J. Havens to Thomas B. MoCollum, Vpsilanti city 17CO J. N. Wallace et. al., to James B. McKay, Ypsilanti city 10000