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Woiiian's Modesly. Many women are prevented by feelings of delicacy from consulting a physician in those disorders ansing from functional derargement of her peculiarly delicate orgamom, and the most serious results sre often caused by this neglect. To such persons D-. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ia an especia! boon, as it offers a sure and safe oure fjr all those distressing disorders to whioh women are peculiarly subject, while it saves a mode-t girl or woman from (he ernbarrassment of a persml consultation with a physician. "Favorite Prescription" is the only medicine for woruao's peculiar weaknesses and ailment8, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manu'acturers, that it wili give satisfaetion in every case, or money will be refunded. See guarantee on bottle wrapper. Senator Hearst has been bashful ever since be made that famous tulogy in the Senate on bis dead colleague Miller, in which he mixed death, the moon, picture-que soenery and a moral all up together. However if he can't talle he can count hts silence as very golden, with $4,000,000 on the right side of his ledger. There never was in the histor? of this country a mediüine s highly endrrsed by its home people as is Hibbard's Rheumat:c Syrup and Plassers. Senator Stanlord isa poor talker, though he once or twice a fesion reads from a roll of marjU-icriot a set peech on some Pacific Coast questicn. 4'hildrfn ofieo nee 1 some ale cathartic aad touic to avert approaching sicknessor to relieve colic, headache, sick stomach, indigestión, dyentery and the complaints incident to cnildhoott. Lft the children take Simmons fver Rfgulator and keep well. It is purtly vegetable, not unpleasaot to the taste and saté o take ulontj i-r in connection wiih other medicine. Senator Mamterson, of Nebraska, mnkes but tew ches. He mde a feelmg or8tion on Loemi, ai.d scmetimes taiks on military affnirs. 1 THE CREAT Germán RemedyJ IQTRUTHSF0RTHE8ICK. BlHous Spell8dcpcn3 for a case where 80 l II onSüLPHURBlTTEKS PHl'R BITTERS Willli it will cure you. not assistor cure. It n n ...,wi, ocv-Tfaiu. pa lthattireilandallgone cieansc the viti:iteclI I Ifeelinft; if so, use tiOoi when you scelll ■ilSDLPiiirB Bittebs; t3 impurities burstlH II it will cure you. ing tlirough the Bklnlll II Operaüveswhoare in IMmples.Blotc-hosJ I IHplnaolir mnflnr1 In D1 Sores. Rel}" OCU RShp mTllfli i.1 work SULPHUB BlTTEBS.M J tllC 11)1 1 M il II'! WOlK, . ... , ,. - . FaI ■Bahopsjclerks.whodo ;ln(1 bealth will fol-SH Illnot procure sufllcient i ,„.,_ .111 I lexercise, and all who Sl!LPHUR ]ÍITtersI I I Uh,...l.l use Si'LPnuB JS nt Von-tle Z IjBliTKits. Ilicvwlll .„„rio-pditwillcurelll g not thcn bc weak and j.0""s ed " " m cureg Ilf vou donntwisli ,ÍÍ!I.LP,I,IFR"ITTER?II1 toBuirerfromKheum. will bulld tod up and II atism, use a bottle of make you Btrongandl II Sulphur Bitters ; ""nlthy. III ItnevcrfallRtncurp. mthtr BittersIII m Dun't be without a will make your blood SS 2 bottle. Try it; you pure.richandstrong.M Ijl will;-r.t it. nn.l y..ur llcsl, . Ijl III Ludies in delicate Trs sim-mik HiT-ll Illhealth, who are all mts to-night, andlll rundown,8hould use fon will sleep welllll lUsri.llll l; l-l I n . r .. I f, . I i ■■ -r r. r f..rle. Uo you want the best Medical Work publlshed? Send 3 2-cent stampa to A. T. Ordwav ál Co., Boston, ïlads., and receivo a cojiy, free. lew Advertisements The Artof Advertising! For fltio ve vil] ïiif rt 4 ]in s f82vords) in One Millit'ii copien ■! Dailv. .cmn1a r Weekly Neviia er-. Ilie uní will nll le done in 10 days. Seiid onWr iud h k t GEO P. ROWÊLL & CO., 10 Kprai ■ '-. 7(3 page NewspdptT CfttftlogiM sent by mail for 30c UnHITAUA HEARD FROM.-Kecent ■TI Mil I lililí railroad extensión? have ■ II Vil I ni ín dereloped eiceptionally flne mineral, stock and faroiing distriets. Maps and full partlculars, free, upon applicatlon to C. H.W abren. Gen. Pass. Agt., St. Paul, Minn. ATA fí U IS M -'V-VKSOTA.-From an cxVI clualvr itrulii country, Minne J I Llvla la belnff raplcfly iriinir ■ w w im formeel Id Co the fineit stock, and dalry late In the Union. Cheap lmiiU itlli uhialmible. convenlent to rullroad. Particular free upon applicatlon to C. II. AltBES, Oen. Pui. JLt., 8t. Paul, Mlnn. NEW BUSINESS f?NifH5 ln a now and fertile country creates raany now towns, affording excellent business opportunities. Particulars regarding such opportunities in Montana, Minnosota and Dakota Aill b sent upon application to C. H. WARREN, Gon. Pass. Agt., St. Paul, Minn. nnnPDCDflllO North Dakotanevep i rfUor tnL Ud1""1 better crp9 ■ IIUWI LllUUUlthan those just harvested. Many opportunities to secure flne Government lands recently surveyed, near excollont coal flelds and adjacent to railroad. Mapa and fiill particulars, free, uponapnlicatlon to C. H.Warben, Oen. Pass. Agt., St. Paul, Minn. QIIPPCQO ARE rou nortqagtd, paying allllllllB%ala heavy rents or running behlnd? VUVUhVVI Can you moue to new location? Excellent lands, cheap, whfch wlll Increase in ualue eeoeral fold In fiue years. No other such opportunities txiating. Futl particulars free, upon appllcation to 0. H. WARREN, Oen. Pass. Agt., St. Paul, Minn. f 1 I I I 1 1 I" " K CBOP8 la sn unknown L n ! II Uk ttzpttrtenc In Central and ■ HU IlIL Northern Itukotu ind MlnnI " M-,,r,i. Mapa and full partlcnlars revrdlnv landa. prlcn, etc sent free. Addmu C. H. W A KKK.V, Oen. Pan. Ast., St. Paul, Ml n n 11 UV ti#n D FDU ANOTHER, oron W 11 I W 1 1 H K smiill salary? Wfay conII III IlUlllltlnuo on a worn-out farm? Why try to secure a livinff f rom suoh hlfir h-prlced or heavlly-mortgaffed fRrms? Why work on rented land? Why not start for yourself? Wby not secure at once gome of the low-priced but very fertllo and well-located lands adjacent to rallroads now to be obtalned by thO9egoing to Northern Dakota and Mlnnesota.where you can makealarfjer net proflt per acre than on the high-priced or worn-out land you now occupy? Why not r-o and look the sltuation over, and see for yourself. or at least ohtain furtber Information, which wlll be Jfc nent froe, if you wlll address C. H. mM ] Wabhen, Gen. Pass. Agt., St. Paul, Minn. g EBEEBACH & SOI, DRUGGISTS And Pharmacists, No. 12 South Main Street, Keep on hand alarge and well selected stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye-Stuffs, Artists' and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Articlesjrusses, and PURE WINES & LIQUORS Special attention paid to the furnishing of Physicians, Chemists, Schools, etc., with Philosophïcal and Chemical Apparatus, Bohemian Chemical Glass-ware, Porceiain Ware, Pure Reagents etc. Physicians' Prescriptioas carefully prepared at allhoure. LUMBER LUMBER! IÜMBER! If you contémplate building cali at FERDON llïli! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and get our figures for all kinds ot LUMBER We manufacture our own Lumber and ruarantee VERY LOW PRIOESI - Jl no a cali nuil we will make li (e unir interest, as oiir large and well if rad.l Ntock íull y analains our assertlon. JAMES TOI.BKKT, Prop. T. J. KKl(U, Snpt. BIHSEY & SEABOLT 3STOS. 6 .A-INTD 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbor Michigan. Have always on hand a complete Stock of every thinp li. iuü GROCERY LINE! Teas, Coffees and Sugars All prime Artlcles bonght for Cash and can aell atlow figures. Our frequent large invoice rt Teas is a sure sign that we give bargaina In QUALITY AND PBIOB. Weroastour own coffees every week,alaj fresh and good. Our bakery turun out theveiy best of Bread, Cakes and crackers. Cali aDd sec us. TANSY GAPSULÈC I THE LATEST DISCOVEBY., W Dr. Iapnrle'a Celebrated Freparation, Safe and Always Reliable. Indispensable to LA&IES. Send 4 cents for Bealed Circular. CALUMET CHEMICAL CO., Chicago. Z ■"SB Forcst City Bird Store, ' IIV st establisheu 187ijöing■h ing Binls, Talking ParBBBB Êr rots, Bird Cages, Puro rr -- Seed, Song Hestorcr, rwVlV Insect Cure, ïishing K3f Tackle, Bird Books. SJ Poultry SuppHes, (iokl K Fish, Dogs & their Medicines. Ferrets. Bird's Eyes. S. H. WIUOH, 34 Superior St., Cleveland, Ohio. igLAND HOME STOCK FARM Percheron ITorses. jt a k v French Coach Horses. k V Savage & Flruum, Impor H ters and Breedeis of ï'er A cheron and French Coach H Ht Horses. lllandHoraeSto. k K m ï'arm. Grosse Isle, Wayne jK H County Mich. We otfer l ;■ ■ j M Ter y large stud of horses tn I JM H felect from, we guarantee Cri PÜH H H our stock, malee prices reaiH VbHV sonable and sell on easy Ê trnns. VIsitors always we!. m come. Lare catalouo r irce. Address N SaTeFrnnni, 0 DB XKUIT UIC1Í. 1 PAINT I ■ ü'aint Friday. run it to Church Sunday. Eight &= 2 fc Fashionablc Shades: Black, Maroon, Vermilion '. ', 1 Blue. Ycllow, Olive I.ake. Brewsier and Wagon ■ -- Lf% (irecns. No VarafaMng neccssary, Drl hard ttilh "hine." One Cual and job is doue. re q S YOUR BUCCY m . Tip top for Chairs, Lawn Seats Sash. Flower y Z Tots, Baby Carriagcs, C'urtain Polcs. Furmture, wü UJ I'ront Doors, Store-fronts, Screen Doors, Boats. y? Manilas, Iron Fenccs in fact everythinff. Just ff 9 mm the tliin for the ladies to use about tlic house ï j ï FOR ONE DOLLAR IS SCOIT'SHONEST 3 Q Are you going to Paint thís yearT If so, don't jf p, buy a paint contaimng water or benzine wlien o Í j[ __ forthe same money (or nearly soj youcaw procure „'" f KUTit (ON I'lliK PAI.VT that ís wmrrnntPit to rt ■■■ be ..ti II0M-1ST. (.KMINK LIK8EB1MHL I'AI.M "8 and frt-e froiii water and beimne. Demind tbts u v, J T brnnd a mi ttke nn othcr. Mcrchants handliny 3 g g &■? it are our agents and authorizcd by us, in writlng, n 3 3 lo arrantit to mr 5 VKAK8 'lli S CUAT8 or L 3 y% S YK.IKS wlth 2 i'OATS. Our Sïudes are th 5 = ■ Latest Styles used tn the East now becoming {ï"2.f UU so in the West. and up with the times Jf fi iry tkis brai)d of HKST FA1.T and you wilt ■%%.% nover regret it. This to the wise is sufiicienl „o v o HOUSE PAINT pj COIT'S FLOOR PAINTS ai Paint that never dried bevond the sticky point, mEZ Z waste a weck, spoil the 10b. and tbcn swearT f m Next time calí fnr rOlT A tO'S FTMUt PAIBT S iX ' popuUrand suUable bhadea, wurrantfri to drr M hard ti a ruck over ulglit. No trouble. N'o S lssWONTDHT STICKY g


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