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The wonderriil IIchIíiik properUs of Dnrh.ys' Propnylactic 1 lulil in case of Acciclentü. for Ilurns. Sr.ills, Cnts, Wonnds, etc. lts prompt use will invariably relieve pain, promote healuicr and prevent Erysipelas, (iaügrene, or Proud Flesh. Oiving to the cleansmg and purifyinp qualities of the Fluid the most obstina'e Ulcerg, B ils, Carbuncles, and Running Sores are rendered pure and healthy and speedily curtd, no other application being neccessary. Some of the sileul Senators can't talk; otherá won't talk. "X, rv W v Of the good things of tliis VWUU life are gorrowfully let alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker'a Dyspepsia Tablets will cure Dyspepsia, Indigestión and Constitmtion ; sold on a positivo guarantee at 25 and 50 cents, by John Moore, Druggist. Senator Bowen, of Colorado, talks very infrequent'y. "MAY GOÍBLESSOin" A Boston II iuiKr't Tronble and Hou He Got Uut of tt- Plaln Word friini Ihe Smniv South. When we are in trouble we cry for help. When we are relieved we often forget to be thankful. Bat not always. Mr. W. W. Griffln, of Trout Creek, St. Clair Co., Ala., writes : " I had a bad attack of chills and fever. My system was full of malaria. For two years I was scarcely able to work at all. Some times my heart would palpítate for two hours at a time. My legs would get could to the knees, and I fully expected to die. In September, 1881, I bought a bottle of Shaker Extract of Roots, or Seigel's Curative Syrup, of your agent, Mr. R. M. King. and before I bad taken the first bottle I feit better, and in a short time was able to go to work. May God bless you for the good you have done." Mr. Wm. J. McCann, 99 Randall-st.. Boston, writes: "Sixmonths ago I began to throw up my food after eating. I thought I was going into consumption. I soon began to have pain in the chest, stomach and sides. I got little sieep and woke all tired out. I once lost live pounds in four days. I began using Shaker Extract of Roots, or Seiners Syrup, and when I had finished the sixth bottle' I could eat three square meáis a day, and go to sleep the minute I struck the bed. I am a paper hanger by trade, and have worked every day since I took the second bottle, and gained eighteen pounds. I ought to be thankful and I am." This remedy op"ns all the natural passages of the body, expels the poison from the blood and enables nature to rebuild what disease has destroyed. Shaker Extract of Roots, or Seigel's Syrup, is sold by all dniggista. or send to the proprietor, A. J. White, 64 Warren street, New York. Hypocrisy is a sort of homage vice pays to virtue. Drive out the vicious blood with Warner'a Log Cabin Sarsaparilla, renew it with new and virtuous blood and there will be no hypocrisy in your strong and bealthy nature. Best blood ren.edy and cheapest. A scientisi declarea that the ba'r curls after death. Now, when you hear your wife say that she's "made a pie that will make your hair curl," you'll know just what she means. FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. Ie never fails to cure. Sold by Eberbach & Son. We should economize at all times, but more especially when times are close. Observe the purchases of your thrifty neighbors. More substantial bene6ts can be obiained from a fifty cent bottle of Dr. Bigelow's Poaitive Cure than a dollar bottle of any other cough rernedy. It is a prompt, safe and pleasant cure for all throat and lung troubles. Sold and endorsed by Eberbach & Co. Before starting out as a poe', James Whitcomb Riley made an hor.est living as a sign painter. What Am I To Do? The symptoins of Biliousness are unhappily but too well known. They doffer in different individuals to some extent. A Bilious man 9 seldom a breakfast eater. Too frequently, alan, he has an excellent appelite for 1 quors butnone for solidsoE a morning. His tongue will haraly bear inppection at any time; if it is not white and furred, it is rough, at all events. The digestivo system is wholly out of order and Diarrhea or Conetipation may be a symptom, or the two may altérnate. There are often Hemorrhoids or even losa of blood. There may be giddiness and often headache and acidity or flatulence and tenderness in the pit of the stomach. To correct all this if not effect a cure try Green's Ausrust Flower; it costs but a trifle and thousands attest its efficacy. Senators Faulkner, Turpie and Bate will be mum for some time.


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