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BUSNESS CARDS. LEX. W. HAMILTON Attorney at Isw. Wlll practice In both State and United Statee Courts Office Rooms, one and two, lst floot oí the new brick block. corner of Huron and Fonxta Streets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. p EOBGE W. RENWICK, TBACHEE OF VülCECULTÜRE,SmGIÍÍG,HARMONY&PlÁNO. Harmony successfully taught oy mail. Addr sa, F. O. box 2151, Ann Arbor, Mich. M. TYLER, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Offlco and residence over postoffice, flrst floor. (Office over First National Bank.) Hoürs: 10:30 to 12 m. and 2:30 to 3:30 i. m Can be reached at residence, West Huron-st., a the "Prof. Nichol place"; by telephone No. 97 and will reply to calis in the evening. KBLLT'S PEERLESS TRUSS Ia glven on trial and warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. CHRONIC CASES A SPECIALITY. Office, No. 6 Washington-sí., Over Rinsey & Seabolt's Store, Ann Arbor. 0. C. JENKINS, D. D. S., DENTAL OFFICE OVKK ANDREWS KOOK STOKK, 13 MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOR. NICHOLS BROS., DENTAL OFFICE Second Floor Masonlc Kloek, over Sav ings Bank, Ann Arbor, Mich. teeth extracted without pain by the use of gu or vitalized air. ZINA F. EZNQ, Law and Collection Office. C. S. COMMIS8IONER, and Agent for placln Insurance in reliable companies. ■W All business entrustcd to tlds office leoelvei prompt and carelul attention. Meney reralttod Immedlately on collection. No.42 Main Street, South, nn Arbor, Mich. iÏÏPTÜBÜ EGAN'8 IMPERIAL TRÜ8S. Spiral 8pring with graded preBure 1 to 6 ponnds. Worn day and night by an Infant a week old oi adultofSO years. Ladies' Trasse a specíalty. Endose stampa fo) Testimoniáis of Cures, measurements, etc EGAN'8 IMPERIA1 TRÜSS CO., Hamilton Block, Ann Arbor , Mich . WM. BIGGS. ttactor 1 Mier And all UiiuN of work In connectlon il li aboye promptly execnted. Shop Cor. of Church-st and üniversity ave. Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box 1218. WILLI2LM ARNOLD, 6ELLS 1847 RIGERS BROS.' SPÖONS. FORKS AND K3STIVJE , At bottom prices, engravin includfi' full line of the justly celebistf d TtOCKFORD WAL.THAM and ELGIN WATOHES. Open face, Key and Stem-winding always on hand and regulated, ready for a man s pocket. If you eannotreadthis get one of Johnston 4 Co .s eye-glasses or spectaeles for sale by WM. ARNOLD, 36 Main St Ann Arbor, Miei. m ara SURE CURE FOR NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, HEADACHE, BACKACHE, HEART CORRECTOR, OR PAINS. It is the grandeat fexalb y known. It Is the ladles' frieud. Tryit. Nooneahould be without it. Valuable Testimoniáis. DONT USE THE KNIFE. A Eemxbkaule Case.- Doctore grave her xip as Incurable and her aw bone must be removed, but is saved by the use of Steketoe'8 Neuralgia Drop. Tho undersigned herewith wishes to say what a remarkablo cure Steketee's Neuralgia Drops done in curing the nndersigned of neuralgia. I had been troublcd with pain in my law for a long time. I craployed a skillful physician in this city. He decided that my case was incurable unless my jaw bone was removed. I called on Mr. Steketee for advlse. Headvised af ter huving 6xaminedmyca8eto use bis Neuralgia Drops. The regult of usinsr one.half battU of aaid Neuralgia Drops entirely cured me, and withovt the use of a knite or violenco. Miss G. Roest. Corner of Clancy and Cedar Streets. Grand Baplds, Mich., Dec. 6, 1883. Many people have written me if the abovo vrrlting are true. I now answer all inquires that every word of the above writingr is true. It is neftriy fouryearssincel was cured; had no more pain nor neuralgia. It is worth the weiffht In gold to me. Miss G. Hoest, November ï, 1887. Now Mrs. B De Korne. Ask your drugglst for Steketee's Neuralgia Drops. If they have not lt for sale, then fake nothing else, but send direct to G. G. Steketee, Grand Rapids, Mich., who will sond rhreebottleson reoeipt of Ï1.50; expresspaid. P. S.- Trial bottle sentón roceipt of 12 cents In U. S. postage stamps. GEO. G. STEKETEE, Grand Rapids, - Mich. PATENTS FRANKLIN H. HOUGH, Solicitor of American & Foreiin Patents, 925 F St., mar V. S. Fatent Office, WASHINGTON, D. C All business before the UnitedStates Patent Ofllce attended toibr moderate fees. Patents procured lu the United States andall Forelgn Countries. Trade Markt and Labels registered. Rejected applicatlons revived and prosecut d. Information and advice as to obtainlng Patents cheerfully furnlshed without charge. Send Sketch or Model for f ree opinión as to patentability. Copies of Patents furnished for 25 cents each. M& Correspondence invited.


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Ann Arbor Register