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The natural gas craze has struck Maaitoba and boring will be begun ia a few days at Calgary. SHILOHS VIÏALIZER ia what you need Lor constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Pnce 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by Eberbach & Son. More than fifty Chicago babies have been named after the executed Anarchist?, but they won't need ropes for some years to come. Salvation Oil, the greatest cure on earth for pain, has no equal. Persons suffering trom rheumatism, neuralgia, or from cuta, bruises, spraine, &c, snould not be without it. Price only twenty-5ve cents. Mrs. Q-eorge Gould bas a white ostrich feather fan inlaid with gold and diamond., which coat $1,000. Rheumatism is cured by Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup striking at the Beat of the disea8e and restoring the kidneys and liver tu healthy act:on. If taken a sufficient time to thoroughly eradicata such poison, it never fails. Edison 6ays he is going to startle the world with another invention. Perhaps it'a a thunder-clap. The great sources of the extensive curative range of Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic are its great blood purifying qualities anc its gentle aperitivo action, thereby removing all restraint from the secretive organs, curing promptly and thoroughly dyspepsia costiveness, bad breath, piles, pimples, low spirits, sick and nervous headache, ague malaria, and all stomach, liver and kidney troubles. The most delicate stomach accepts it with relish. Price 50 cents, o Eberbach & Son. Two hundred thousand infanta under two years old are believed to be farmee out in France. The effect of using Hibbard's Rheu matic Syrup is unlike all medicines containing opiates or poisons, it being en tirely tree from them. It cures by purify ing the blood. In Cannecticut there are over 85,00( acres slong ihe Srmnd shore devoted to oyster cultivation. CATARRH CURED, health and wee breath secured, by Sniloh's Catarrh remedy Pnce 50 cents. Nasal injector free. SU by Eberbach & Son. Ninety-eight teachers will be thrown out of employment by the abolition o Germán from the St. Louis schools. results, are Acker's Dyspepsia Tableta. Recommended by physicians and endorsei by all who have nsed them. The best remedy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency.and Con stipation. Guaranteed, and sold at 25c. b John Moorf, Druggist. "Did you ever know a great man wh wasn't dead?" asks the Boston Gzette Well - ahem - wel!, it's no use. We ar not dead, however. Don't let that cold of yours run on. You thinl it is a light thing. But it may run into catarrh. Or into pneumonía. Or con sumption. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonía i dangerous. Consumption is death itsel The breathing apparatus must be kep healthy and clear of all obstructions ant offensive matter. Oiherwise there i trouble ahead. All the diseases of these parta, heac nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs can be delightfully and entirely cured by the use of Boschee's Germán 8yrup If you don't know th's already, thousand and thousandg of people can teil you They have been cured by it, and " know how it is, themselves." Bottle only 75 cents. Ask any druggist. If auddenly submerged the stiffest ha at once becomes ducked-tile. In England there ia a society conductec by ladiea for the promoting of long ser vice among aervants. Valuable prizes are given. in a gotik CU1DTIUP Sufficirat to top ia fiyf OlllAniinU minutM the raixtint, Mlnging pain of 100 bums or scaJds. It wül slop the púa as soca as m pplicd. PnilPUIIIP Abundmnce to cure a score UU UU II IH 11 of co!ds "d the eoughing that often leads the way n Coasumption. It will tos1TIVEI.V case a Cough in 15 1 minute. C: '.",' I U P More liian eiD'1 to "ve 1 " ■ ! I II O ozen children Chokin; with Cxour. One minute after the fint dose th hartlest attack mmmmmmm ' Croup will be rclieted. UÍUCC7IUP Plenty to reliev th oppre il 11 L L 1 1 H U 'o aad wheezinf cl tht most levert cast of Asthma. Thtt Streel cures ! Asthma by thu medicine are groofs that Dr. Thonu' Eclectric OU ha mm _ _ no equal u u Asthma cure. In t ne thmje cases Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil caa he relied upon. It has (ven relief te thomands. Keep it in your house. There is haiilj a wedt tt the year it will not bc useful.


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