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Warner's Log Cabin Sarsaparilla R?guates the Regulator. Best blood puri5er - argest botde in theTarket. Manufactured by proprietors of Warner's S fe Cure. Sold by all druggint11. The coal miners are not the only ones hat up-et on: equanimity. Sometimes ts the mino's in our own houeshold. - Philadelphia Cal!. "What i-i the whole duty ot' a marrid man?" asks a new conjugal catechisra: To 3e agreeable to his wife and keep Dr. Buli's Collón Svrup in the house ftr the children when they get a co'd, of course. Ask us somethiog hard. Rev. S. A. Long, pastor of the M. E. Church at Frariklin, Mich., says Hbbard's Rheumatic Syrup is wonderful in the cure of rheutnatism. Huw I iiI'ixuiit it is lo aei u beautilul cbiM's face disfigured with vile humors, bursting ihrough the skin in pimples, blotehes, aud sores, and saddt-r still, whtn the yung and innccent are lausrhed at and twitted in all sueh cases. Parenta should give them that good and pure rernedy, Sulphur Bitters, wh ch will searuh and drive out of the blood every partiële of mmor. - Helth Gazette. Jay Gould is in Venice. He ha gone to see how they water their streets. THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured by Shiioh's Cure. We guarautee it. Sold by Eberbach & Sjn. Kansas Cuy wants a vigilance committee and a few lamp-post execu'ious. Mark Twain. The American press generallv appeara to have lost conceit of Mark Twain. One reason lor this change of feeling niay be thai Mark has grown rich. It is an unapardonable error for a humorist to be rich. He ought to live in a garret, like James Triplett, be the happy professor of one thread bare coat, and shoes that let the water in. But even under these direful circumstances, 25 cents would purchase him from that most painful of all complaints, Rheumatism. They are advertised everywhere. For Sale by H. J. Brown, Dist. Agt. for Ann Arbor. MiM Sarah O ne Jeweit has been made rich through ihe recent deatb of an uncle. IV ' EVER MADE. ÍY]. Itwill ilrivc the Humorfromyonrl I Ssystem, and make your skin II 4A?K: clean and Bmooth. Thosel I ? "Wk. Pimples ■ Blotiheslll _&. y 4Lwl!i-h mar your beaufycq 3 ' & i cV.are cimsed l.y impure W i. ■%■ % OeLblood, an(I can belll %. % v(f.„V %9LYtae, if you arel I i % V% ALwiseandusell Mm II best and fliai-8?Vo 4.%%V medicine. Ti-y ft, fíVVV I I you will l)ce:itisliecl. W% % -W% Ui J Get it oí your Druggist. vv Cv SS QdoN'TWAIT. GETITATONCEk Sj If you are euffering from K1- Hl They never íail to cure. III fewAdvertisements The Art of Advertising ! For 10 we will insert 4 unes (32 wordsl In One Million copies of Daily, Suiiday or Weekly New tpapers. ïne wo k will all be done in 10 days . Seud order and (luik to GEO P. ROWELL & CO., 10 Nprme SI., M Y. J76 page Newspaper Catalogue sent by mail for 30c ■JAilTiyi HEAHD FROH.-Reoent lal II ■■ II la II railroad extensión? havo ■II Wil inilfl developed exceptlonally fine mineral, stock and districts. Hape and full partlculara, tree, upon applloatlon to C. H.W arkin, Gon. Pass. Agt, St. Paul, Minn. ATA AU INMINBiiSOTA.-From idhV I II ■ rain couotrv. Hlnnr. ,11 I l at la brlu rapldly IraniWIWWIl fo rmrd loto th flnest . tock and dslrr tate In the Inion. Ghaap land tin obtalnable, coaveolent to rallroad. Partlc uluri freo apon apnlloatlan t O. H. W A KKK.V, en. Pui. .l(t., t. Paul, Mina. NEW BUSINESS--:: v In new and fortilo country créate nuny new towna, affordina excellent business opportunities. Particular reyardinfif sucl% opportunities in Montana, Minnesota and Dakota will be sent upon application to C. H. WARREN, Gen. Pass. Agt., St. Paul, Minn. PROSPEROUS-"-"I IIUUl 1.1 lUUUlthan these just harvested. Many opportunities to secure fine Government lands recently surveyed, near excellent coal flelds and adjacsnt to railroad. Maps and full particulars, free, upon application to C. H.Warhen, Gen. Pass. Agt., St. Paul, Minu. OIIOPCCO ARC rou "i'itgagtd, paylng Alllllir'A.A. livuiy nntsor running behlnd? WUUV LVVI Can gou move to new locathn? Excellent lands, cheap, which uilll Increase In ualue several f oíd In fot yeart. No othtr such opportunltleê existing, Full particular! free, upon application to G. H. WARREN, Oen. Past. Agt., St. Paul, Minn. l-.ll nnpOF CBOn U an onknown ï-tiX IIIL experlenc Ontral and mi J II L Korlkirn Dakata and MinnI nlLUIIbDenlta. Map and nill particular resardlng land, prlce, etc, ent free. Addr .. C. ft. WAKKEN, en. Pa. Alft., St. Paal, Minn. 11 UV lllflDIF0R ANOTHER.oron WHT WllnR8"11181117 whycon II II I llwlllltinue workini? on a worn-out farm? Why try to secure a living from suoh hitrh-prieedor heavHy-mortKag-ed farms? Why work on rented land? Why not start for yourself ? Why not secure at once some of the low-prioed but very fertile and well-located lands adjacent to railroads now to be obtained by those goin? to Northern Dakota and Minnesota, where you can make alarjrer net proflt per acre thanon the high-priced or worn-out land you now ocoupy? Why nol go and look the situation over, and see for yoursolf. or at least obtain further Information, which wiil be fk sent free, if you will addrexs C. H. af Warjibs, Gen. Pass. Agt., St. Paul, Minn. f


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