Death Of Stephen Fairchild
Benjamin Brown received a telegram from Toledo Monday morning announcinc the death that morning of Stephen Fairchild, ex-trea?urer of Washtenaw county, who died of eonsumption. The death was probably hastened by a troublesome wound received in the war. Mr. Fa;rchild went to Toledo litile over 15 months ego, expeoting to return soon, but he has siace been confined to the house constantIy, and wbs clearly never to recover. His death produces genuine aorrow in great many homes in Washtenaw county ; for he had no eneinies, and was thought very much of by all who knew him. Oae gentleman spoke of him as one of the very purest men he ever knew. He was county treasurer four yeara, elected on the republican ticket, and was secretary of the Washtenaw Mutual fire insurance company for a time. At the time of his death he was 50 or 51 years old. He leaves two sisters, one íd Toledo, and Mrí. Everett, of Sharon. He was never married. His funeral occurred yêsterday in Manchester, and he was buried near his old home in Sharon township. Monday evening, Welch post, Q. A. R., 8eleoted Capt. Manly and Conrad Noli as repre9entatives to go to Toledo to. escort the remains of Stephen Fairchild to Manchester. Yeaterday about 20 members of the post attended the funeral. The services at the grave were under the auspices of Fairchild'spost from Graas Lake, which post will hereafter be called the Steve Fairchild's post, in honor of the lamented dead. Rev. Mr. Sunderland; of Ann Arbor, preached the sermón. Welch post sent a beautiful floral offering which was in the shape of a knapsack, and Galden Rule lodge, F. & A. M., sent a floral offering which was appropriate.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register