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OÜR 85 CFJÍT COLUMN. Advertisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, or Wants, not exceeding three lines, can be inserted bree weeks for 85 cents. L03T- In or near tbe Post-o51ce, a package of Legal Papers. The package had shawl straps around it. The finder will confer a favor and receive a reward by leaving it at the Post office or Yale's news stand. Feb. 6, '88. A 8PLENDID- Medical Practice of $1500 can be had by buying house and lot. No opposition. Address Box 14, Brookfield, Mich. FOR RENT TO LADIKS- Two large furnished room or a single room at No 47 Thompson-st. 'T'O RENT - Ladies or Gentlemen wishlng a -L pleasant Suite of Rooms, Furnished and Heated by Furnace. Inquire at 65 S. Fourth-st. rpo FARMERS- We have about 100 Ibs. stout X. Twine, good for bag strings, and handy to have around at any time. Will sell it cheap. Register Office. SAWS Gummed and flled, Furniture repaired, Chaire bottomed. SL Clair, 33 N. Fourth-st. FARM FOR SALE- L66 Acres; can be divided. Located in Milan, one of the best towns in Southern Mich. Splendid Farm, fine location Terms reasonable. For panieulars, cali on or Address H. H. Allen, Milan, Mich. FOR SALE, RENT OR EXCHANGE- Houses and Real Estáte. Inquire of James R. Bach, 1G Huron-st. AGENCY for Renting, Selling.or Exchanging Houses, Real Estáte or other property, go to see James R. Bach. 16 Huron-st. ÍrOR SALE- Vacant Lot, three Houses; one 1 at $14.00. One Houte to rent, t3 week. Inquire 90 Washington-et, S. D. Allen. I?OR SALE.- Very desirable house and lot wlth barn, pleasautly located. For particulars apply to E. B. Lewis. 65 8. Divislon-st. FOR SALE.-A square box cutter will be sold at a bargain. Apply to Ferdon Lumber yard, corner 4th and Depoi sts. FOR SALE- Orexchangefor farm, 24 city Iots with large briok house, 4 blocks from Court house. Inquire 48 South Maln-st FOR SALE- New milch cow. Address H. D. Platt, Ypsilanti. FOR SALE- Farm of 1.Ï0 acres, good buildings, fences. timber, soll, &c, i niile uorth of Delhi Mills. Wm. W. Tubbs. 682-89 FOR SALE- Farm of 80 acres, good buildings, soil, etc. Location unsurpassed. Long time, low rate of interest and on easy terms, or will exchange. Correspondence solicited. G. C. Crane, Stony Creek Mich. 656- If. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE- For City lesidence, farm of 65 acres, one mile south west of City. Or will sell or exchange 15 acres with buildings. Enquire at 36 South 5th St. S. A. Henion. 656 t f. FOR SALE AT A BAUGAIN- House and lot, No. 28 Maynardst. Location desirable for student boarders. Iriquire of E. B. Pond, 6 N. Main-st 640tf FOR SALE- Horse Wagon and Cutter, Jersey Cow and Calf, three Fire Proof Safes, Stock of Hats, Caps anti Furs. House on University Ave for rent. Kot. 9th, 1887. C. H. Richmond. 672 tf FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms for rent at No. 13, North Division-st. REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- HouBes and lots valued from 81.000 to 86,000 and containlug from one-fifth oi an acre to twenty acres- all in the city limits. Houses rented on reasonable tenns in central localities. Farms exchanged for city property. Enquire of J. Q. A. SESSION8, 632tl Attorney and Real Estáte Acent. Office over Express Office, Main st.. Ann Arbor. WANTED- A Suite of Unfurnished Rooms, suitable for gentleman and wife, south of Campus. Addrets S, Registek OiEce. WANTED- A man to Bell goods. Horse and buggy furnished Expenses paid. No inonev requirea. M. C. Reeves, 56 S. Division-st. 683-5 WANTED.- A young man to take a course in shorthand and pay bis tuition by doing jauitor work. Apply at once to s. A. Moran, 19 s. State -st, 1 to 2 p. m. 681-8 WANTED IMMEDIATELY - Two good reliable Coat-makers and one Vest-maker. Good prices. Plenty of work. Solid irons. Pleasant shop. Cash every week. N. H. Winans, Battle Creek, Mich. 67:2 tf LOANLNU- Money to loan on flrst dasa real estáte mortgages at current raten af Interest Satlsfactory arraugemente made witb capitalista dairing such investment. Every conveyance aod transactlon In abstracta of titles carefully eitmined as to legal effect. Zlna P. King. Ann Arbor Mich. tf.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register