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The Troubadours

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Oí Tiie Humming Bird whicb Salsbury's Troubadours will present in Ann Arbor Mouday eveniog, the Detroit Free Press bas the following to S'iy : "Nellie McHenry is, of course, the planet around whicü the leser lights revolve. She has lost none of ihe vivacitv aüd fiw of spirits which have always made her a favorite, and she still has that self-assertive loot io her possession. Her Sally Styles is the best thing that sV b has given the public, ar.d she introduces a travesty on Ophelia's msd scène in the se.'ond act that is sidegpütting. John Webster, as Augu-ius Honeymoon, l okpd the part to perfection, and his acting was commensurate with his comical appearance. This centleman has mellowed into a very clever comedian. The J.seph Brsfs of Frank Blair is one of the most succes-ful pieces of eccentric character acting seen here in many seasons. Mr. Blair seems a coming man, and he has everyihing in his favor. He sings better than most comic opera comedians, his grotesque dancbg is remarkable, and he has, wnh all this, a surprisingly mobile face. He still does his familiar burles-que of a queen of the ballet, only he hB made it more ludicrous than ever."


Old News
Ann Arbor Register