Minor News Items
A convention of educators wfll be held in Washington on the 14tH Otto P. Clark, ex-Commissioner of PenBions, died in Washington on Saturday. About one hundred Irishmen were arreeted under the Crimes act in Ireland last week. John C. Eno, the New York banlt-wrecker, is reported as arranging to return from Canada F. Grote c Co, of New York, manufacturera of ivory goods, failed Thursday for $411,000. OU and gas was Btruck Thursday at St Louis while boring an aitesian well at tireen's brewery. During January seventeen families left the Ottawa Consular district to settle in the United States. C, C. Farwell & Ca, boot and shoe manufacturera at Danvers, Mass., failed on Monday for $200,000. The wife of Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes died on Monday at the family residence in Boston, aged 69 yeara Whüe putting up clothes atTitusville, Pa., Monday, Mrs. Sarah Stem, aged 79, accidentally hanged herself. By a fire in the blacksmith-shop of James David in New York Monday fif leen horses were burned. Loss, $5,000. Twelve business buildings at St Anne, BL, were burned Sunday night Loss, $25,000; Insurance, $14,000. Five brothers named Wise were arrested on Tnesday at Fairmount, 111., on the charge of numerousrobberies. Advices from Shanghai Bay that nearly 2,000,000 persons were utterly destitute through the Hoane-Ho floo l In a dispute at Centerville, HL, Satnrday night, James Mounce shot and killed Adam Spear. The murderer was arrested. An explosión on Monday at the dynamlte works at Woodside, Mich., destroved two paoldntr-houses and killed three men. The Ptttaburgh tube works reramed operations Monday, subject to a settlemeat of the wages queation by arbitration. Foor counterfelters were arrested on Tuesday near Saline, 111., and a large amount of Bpurlooa coln was secnred, John Nazro, who at one time owned the larpest hardware store In the world, died Ín MUwaukee on Monday, aged 61 year. A Plttsburgh laborer named O'Nelll hot and killed his wlfe on Tueaday and then íatally shot himself through jealoufiy. An artificial Ice factory, the stock in which U pnncipally owned by Chicago capitalista, was started Tuesday at Hutchinaon, Kan. Early Sunday morning linrf lar entered the jewelry store of Chapman A Sale, at Norfolk, Va, and atole property valued at $30,000. A new railroad, the Winona & Sonthwedtera, to ron f rom Omaha, Neb. , to Winona, Hiña, was incorporated at Des Hoinea, la,, Monday. Ernst Brockob, a thirteen-year-old boy, died Ín great afrony in Chicago on Friday ot hydrophobia. He was bitten by a dog a month ago. Dr. E. Hiles Willett, supreme medical examiner of the Catholic Enighte of America, died suddenly Monday at his residence Ín Memphls, Tena Prof. Charlee Linden, a well-known naturalist and member of the American Associatlon tor the Advancement of bcience, died ut Buffalo Friday. The English Beformed Funeral Association is said to be doinif a great deal in bringing expeneive and ostntatious funerals hito disuse. John A. Hickey, supreme marshal of the Catholic Mutual Benevolent ARSOciation, died Monday at Detroit, o-f pneumonía. He wae ill but two days. John C. Crowley, a prominent lawyer of Boston, who went to Europe euddenly last November, is said to be a defaulter to the extentof $75.00tt Kichard K. Fox, the noted sporting man, was arrested in New York on Tuesday, charged with a violation oí the law in encouraging prize fighting. WUliam Ball shot and killed Miss Eva Everett on Tueeday at her home near StewartsvlUe, Mo. , because she ref used to marry him, and then killed himself. The Tiskilwa Bank burglars, Fan Barnes and Jimmie Wüson, were brought irom Clinton, Ia. , Monday on a requisition f rom Governor Oglesby, of Illinoia 8. F. Funk, an Ohlo farmer who was also s forger, is found to have beaten .Lima, Delphos, Van Wert and Ottawa banks out of $50,000. He is spending it in Canada. The Methodist church at Fremont, O., was burned Monday, entailing a loss oí $10,000. The stracture was considerea the finest in the Central Ohio Conference. Maxwell's attorneye at St. Louis have abandoned the idea of asking f or a rehearing and will concéntrate their efforte toward securing a commutation of sentenca The 8t Louis ft Springfield Railroad Company, to construct a line from Mt Olive, DL, to St. Louis, was incorporated at Springfield Tuesday; capital stock, $1,600,000. Prot Virchow has examined a fragment taken from the very center of the trouble in the Crown Prince Frederick William's throat, and declares that it shows no evidence of cáncer. Mr. Derby, a chemist, his wife, and six children were found dead in their dwelling in Manchester, Eng. It is supposed they were poisoned by the man, who was made desperate by poverty. Andrew B. Stewart, an agent of the Mormons in Utah, has just secured irom the Mexican Government the grant of 1,250,000 acres of land for a grand colonization scheme the Mormons are getting up. A curious Chinese Buperstition was observed in Boston lately. The body of a Chinaman who had died was anointed with the blood of two hens, certain incantation were pronounced, and the man was warranted to come to life again in live daya
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