Geore W. Childs announces that he would rather be editor of the Ledger thaii e President. This may cause some folks o wonder i( he tver reads his own paper. Il fíoH 13)1 A New Eemedy with Wonderfnl Healing Powers. For both Internal and external Use. POSITIVE CURE FOR RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. Also Colic, Croup, Headache, Lame Back, Wounds, and all distressing ailmentsof the human body. ï Al L-R O AD Us the Best on Earth for Bronchitis, COUGH CURE jCoughs.ThroatandLungTroubles A POSITIVE CONSUUPTION CÏÏEE in ts Earlier Stages. These Medicines are Warranted by your Druggist. Price 25c., 50c. and $1 per bottle. For $1 we will end largest size of either Cure, prepaid. Address Rail-Road Remedy Co., Box 372, Lincoln, Neb. Trade supplied by Farrand, Williams & Co., Detroit. UNIVERSAL Buide S Weer ! Every country on the Globe dissected, and its Anatomy comprehended. ItsGeography, Popuatton People, Government, Rulers, Industries, 'olitics, Productions and general distinctive ëatures. ' Mi? jou are a Simon-Pure Republican, Democrat or Third Party man. a Protectionist. or Free Trader, this Book is a bo uRuza for you. It is n International Blue-Book, and it will glve you quickly the Vital, Social and nduitrial 8ta.tlstics you are obliged to have in giTing a rearon for your faith. Splendid Map, excellent Diagrama, Clear Type. Descriptivo circular or any specific Information cheerfullT furnlihed. 04 mammmmmtm Men or Wonun, with A fl Tj1 I 'W orwithont experience, XyTLlXM X m here li permanent and proBUble employment (HilHIBM '"r ynADDRESS : William Graham & Co., 57 Washington Strest, CHICAGO, Il-I. REFERENCES :- Northwestern Christian Advocate, Metropolitan National Bank, Chicago. Aun Arbor SmaU Pruit Huraory ! AU kinds of Berry Planta; Fine Plants of the Sharpless ; The best Strawberry ; Fruit and Ornamental trees from Ellwanger & Barry, Eochester, N. Y. Orders must be sent early. WINES AND SYRÜPS. Sweet Home-made Wine for Invalids, and the Encharist, Sour Wine, Easpberry Syrup, Shrub, Pear Syrup. Plymouth Rock Eggs. E. BAUR, Weet Huron St., - Ann Arbor
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