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Against Free Trade

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Boston, Feb. 3. - The first public meeting ever held in Boston in support of the principie of a protective tariff took place Wednesday evening at Tremont Temple mider the auspices of the Home Market Club. General W. F. Draper presided and the principal speakers were J. W. Jarrett, of Pittsburgh, and Colonel A. S. Colyer, of Nashville, Tenn. Colonel Colyer was given a warm welcome. He discussed the tariff question in the South chiefly, and summed up his view of the situation thus: " I think the peopla are bezinning to appreciate the need of protection, and that the sentiment in that direction is rapidly growing. In Kentucky a mujority of 80,000 a few yeara ago was reduced to 16,000 last year. The peopla want protection and must have it " Mr. Jarrett sharply criticised President Cleveland's tariff views as expressed in his message. He said: " The President talks of reducing the tariff just as if it were theonly tax that burdens the American people, when we have an internal revenue tax about which he had not a word to say. He talks about redncing the tariff duties without reducing the wages of the working-man. I make tbis open declaration - that with one exception I don't know of any article today on the prótected list; I don't know of one article produced on a large scale in the United States where a reduction of the tariff would not mean suffering on the part of labor. 1 say this as a representative labor man, and I defy him or any other pereon to come forward and prova that it can be done. "


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