The Reading Strike
Reading, Pa., Feb. 4- The first serious ootbreak since the beginning of the troubles in the Schuylkill miniug regiona occurred Thursday. The trouble was at the William Penn mine, which started up Wednesday independently of the Knights. A large force of pólice were atiout the mine, but whüe twenty Hungariana and Polea were on their way to the mines before daylight about an equal number of strikers in ambush attacked them and with clubs beat them in a terrible mauser. The foreigners were threatened with instant death if they ever attempted to go to work again. There was great excitement for a time, and it wonld have taken but very litüe more to precipítate a riot and bloodshed. Shenandoah, Pa., Feb. 4.- The striking miners here attacked non-union workmen yeeterday, a riot f ollowed, and in the iracas three men were wounded, two fatally.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register