lts better tur de 'jority o' meo ter stay in de place whar da b'long. De dewberry vine doan %rovr so long atter its lifted erbove de groun'. - Traveler. Rlnging Síolses in the ears, sometimes a roaring, buzzing sound, arecaused by catarrh, that exceedingly disagreeable and very common disease. Loss of smell or hearing also re8ult from catarrh. Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier, is a peculiarly successful remedy for this disease, which it cures by purifying the blood. If you suffer from catarro, try Hood's Sarsaparilla, the peculiar medicine. "The difference between a form and a ceremony," gaid Whately, "s a nice one, and it lies in this : You sit upon a form and you stand upon a ceremony." Tbe Coming Cornet. It is fancied by a grateful patrón that the next cornet will appear in the form of a huge bottle, having " Golden Medical Discovery " inscribed upon it in bold characters. Whether this conceit and high compliment will be veriñed, remains to be sten, but Dr. Pierce will continue to send forth that wonderful vegetable compound, and potent eradicator of disease. It has no equal in medicinal and health-giving properties, for impartirig vigor and tone to the liver and kidneys, in purifying the blood, and through itcleansing and rene wing the whole syatem. For scrofulous humors, and consumption, or lung scrofula, in its early stages, it is a positive speciñc. üruggists. Clara, how is the baby ? Oh, he is as chirp as a lark. That Hibbard'e Throat and Lung Balsam is a great remedy. These doses relieved bis suffering, and he was ready fer play. A gritty paper - Sandpaper. Piles! Piles! Piles! Dr. William'g Indian Pile Ointment is the only sure cure for BÜDd, Bleeding or Itching Piles ever Discovered. It never fails to cure oíd ohronic cases of long standing. Williama Mfg Co., Cleveland, O. The army list - Enlist. WHAT IS DYSPEPSIA? Among the many symptoms of Dyspepsia or indigestión, the most prominent are: Variable appetite; faint,gnawing feeling at pit of the stomach, with unsatisfied craving for food; heartburn, feeling of weight and wind in the stomach,bad breath, bad taste in the mouth, low spirits, general prostration, hendache, and constipation. There is no form of disease more prevalent than Dyspepsia, and none so peculiar to the high-li ving and rapid-eatingf American people. Alcohol and tobáceo produce Dyspepsia; also, badair, etc. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS, will cure the worst oase, by regulating the bowel3 and toning up the digestivo Organs. Sold everywhere.
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