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To promise and t keep your word are two different thiags. VVe nromise that Wamer's Log Cabin Liver Pilis afford a pleasant and immedia'e relief. Try them and see if the promise is not kept. Price 25 cents per bottle. The OH Ci'v Derrick, in a spurt of generoaity, offer Klrain a year's subscription if he will stand up before Sulüvan four rounds. VJOWV VAYVVAVV certain in tlieit results, are Acker'a Dyspepsia Tableta. Recommended by pliysicians and endorsed by all who have used them. The best remedy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency.and Constipation. Guaranteed, and sold at 25c. hf John Moork, Druggist. A great university in Chic igo i prom ised by one of the c'ty"g millionairet. Of course, hog Latin wil be ncluded among the classical fttudie. - American. ïhe Greatesf Blood PurifierfL KNOWN. # Hl This Great Germán Medicine is the#. III hennest and best. 12Sdosesof SVh-Wie II PHUKBITTEKSforil.OO,lessthan# I OBe cent a dose. It will cure the i Q worst cases of skin disease, tromW ' pq a common pimple on the faceM f Km Itlto that awful dfscase Scrofula.# Q llSULPHUB BITTERS Í8 thejf II III best medicina to se in all ƒ " III cases of such etnbborn incljf0ln. kJ(J Bil II deep seated diseases. Do#neys are ont l IJnot ever take #oforder. Useljl □ BLUE PILtS sulphurQ lllormercury.theyaredead""1?,! "V I lly. I'lace your trust lnWy?}}n ï, , ?i 1 1 lá;LPHUIÍBITTEl{S,#mattcrwl)ataUflll III the purest and bestif yu use il medicine ever made. jnMn lfm [ V til withayollowsÜckyDon't walt until yon KI H substance? Isyourare unabletowalk, orlll breath foul hndjrare flat on your back, III Illoffensivei' Yourbut get some at once, itlll llstomach Is out#'ill cure yuu. Sulphurlll In of order. Use#Bitters is HSUiVilTTERsTle Inralid's Friend.gj IMimmeiliatelyjTieyonnp,theapedaniltot-L3 Is your l'r-#tering are soon madewell by 1 1 ine thick,its use. Remember what voul ropy, clo-read here, it may save y. III udj-, orm(e, it has saved hmidreds. l MDou't wait until to-morrow, f Try a Bottle To-day! □ IS" M Are you low-splrited and wcak,l S Mor suffe'rin? trom the oxceraes of III S#youtli? If so. SULPHUK BITTültónl 'Wwill cure yuu. II Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Orilway A Co., Bostou, JMittíá., for best ruetticalwork publilicU? lew Advertisements The Art of Advertising ! For 810 we will instrt 4 lines (32wordsi in Oue Million copies of Daily, Suuday or Weekly Xewspapers. The wo:kvül all be done in 10 days. Send order and check to GEO P. ROWELL & CO., 10 Sprure Sí., N Y. 176 pageJNewspaper Catalogue sent by mail for 30c TBE CmU of all BODES of ADVENTURE Condensed into One Volume. PIONEER; .K,n DARING HÉROES m DEEDS. The thrllling adventuren of all the hero explorer and frontier fighters with Indians, outJaws and wild beasti, over our whole cou try. from the earliest times to the present. Lives and famoui exploita of Denoto, LaSalle, Standish, Boone. Kenton, Brady, Crockett, Bowie. Houston, Carson. Custer, California Joe. Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, Generala Miles and Crook. great Indian Chiefs, and score of ntheiï. Knlendid y IIlastrated with 220 fine engravings. AOENTN WA5ÍTED. Lowpriced, and beats anything to geil. Time for payments allowed Agent short of funda. PLANET PUB. CO., Box 6881, Philadklphia, Pa., ob St. Louis, Mo. MAMTAM1 HKARD FROM.-Recent m II 11 I All A raiiroad extensión? have ■ II Vil I niin developed exceptlonally flne mineral, Btockand dlstricts. Map and f uil partlculare, f ree, upon application to C. H.Warrsw, Gen. Pa88. Agt., 8t. Paul, Minn. OTAIÍI '"M1"EOTA.-Fpoma,i. I K lnlTe rain country. Minne T.1 "formedtlitotkt Bnl .tork and dS!rf ?. la he Cheap lund. itlll ohtulnitble, convenlent to rallroad. Pnrtlrulan (Vee npon applleatlon toC. H. WAKB.EX, 8tn. P.,. Act., t. Paul, Hlon. NEW BUSINESS f S5 In a now and fortile country créales many now townu, aftording excellent business opportunities. Particulars rogarding sucia opportunities in Montana, Mitinosota and Dakota will b sent upon application to C. H. WARREN, Oen. Pass. Agt., St. Paul, Minn. DDnCDCDOliO North Dakotanever rnuur LfiL Uu1bad btter crp ■ IIVVI IIIW WWItban tbose Just barvested. Many opportunitles to secure flne Government lands recently surveyed, near excellent coal fleld and adjac?nt to rallroad. Map and full particulars, free, upon applicatlon to C. H.Wahren, Gen. Pass. Agt., St. Paul, MmD. ClinPCCO ARE rOU mortgagri. paying tjLlIJlJLlJui h'a"y r'nt' " running bthlntl? wwwñ##l Can you moi'e to ntiv location? Cxetlertt land: chtap, uihich wlll Incnase In ualut Mtierat fold In fio ytars. No othtr such opportunttits txlêilng. Full particular fríe, upon appllcatlon to 0. H. WARREN. Qtn. Pau. Aft., St. Paul, Minn. I"! II nror CROPI l on uknowi L KI lUk xperlenee In Centrml and I Hl IL!Vorther'1 nkotominnI niUWIIli ne.ot. Hapi Dl flill partlrnlara rtlrdlni lsndi, prior., te.. Kit froe. Addr... c. A. WAKKEN, Oen. P... ▲■(., t. Paal. Mlnn. 11 UV lfflDVF0R ANOTHKR, oron Iffnl fllJnlV8ma11 la7? WhyconII III IlWIIIltlnue working on a worn-out farm? Why try to secure a living f rom suob hig'h-prlcedor heavily-mortgaged farms? Why work on rented land? Why not start for yourself ? Why not secure at once some of the low-prlced but very fertile and well-located lands adjacent to rallroads now to be obtalned by those going to Northern Dakota and Mlnnesota, where you can make alarger net proflt per acre than on the high-priced or worn-out land you now oceupy? Why not go and look the situatlon over, and see for yourself, or at least obtaln further Information, which wlll be Jk sent free, lf you will address C. H. SI Warren, Gen. Pass. Agt., St. Paul, Mlnn. j, fHmm(MBIIlllls revolutionizcd the work durÏNllr!WTTnN'n the lft h'f ceutury. Not in Van ilHMleïst am' "K lhe wondere of ini ■■■ ■ ■" ventive progres is a method and system of work that can oe performed atl over the country without separating the workers from their homes. Pay liberal: auy one can do the work ; either sex, young or old ; uo special ability required. Capital not needed ; you are started free. Cut this out and return to us and we will send you free, something of great vtilue aud importaaoe to you. hat wlll itart uu in business, which will brinK you in more money right away than anythingelsé inthe world. tjranduutnt free. Address Tkue & Co., Augusta, Maine. EBERBACH & SOI, DRUGGISTS And Pharmacists, No. 12 South Main Street, Keep on hand a'large and well selected stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye-Stufls, Artists' and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Articlesjrusses, and PURE WINES & LIQUORS Special attention paid to the furnishing of Physicians, Chemists, Schools, etc, with Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus, Bohemian Chemical Glass-ware, Poreelain Ware, Pure Reagents, etc. Phyeicians' Prescriptioas carefully prepared at allhours. LUMBER LUMBERI X.UMBER! If you contémplate building oall at FERDON LUMBËRYARD! Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., and get our figures for all kinds oí LUMBEE We manufacture our own Lumber and ?uarantee VERY LOW PRIOES! it(- ve iih a cali nnd we wlll mke IK ■ toar interest, au OHr Iar;' and well icrnd! stock fnlly MiixtaiuM onr asser(Ion. JAMES TOLBEKT, Prop. T. J. Ki:KIH. Siiix BI2FSEY & SEABOLT OSTOS, e A.3ST3D 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbor Michigan. Have alwayB on hand a complete Stock of everj thine ii toe BROCERY LIJE! Teas, Coffees and Silgar All prime Anieles bought for Cash and can el. atlow figure. Onr frequent large invoioee of Tea i6 a sure sign that we glve bargaina in QUALITY AND PRIOB. We roast our own coffees every week, alwaya fresh and good. Our bakery turne out the Ter y beat of Bread, Cake and crackers. Cali and aseu. PATENTS FRANKLIN H. HOUGH, Solicitor of American & Foreign Patents, 935 F St., nr V. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D. C All business before the United States Patent Office attended to for moderate fees. Patents procured in the United States andall Foreign Countriee. Trade Markt and Labels registered Rejected applications revi ved and prosecuted. Information and adviee as to obtaining Patents eheerfullyfurnished without charge. Send Sketch ar Model for f ree opinión as to patentability. Copies of Patents furnished for 25 cents cacli. 49" Correspondence invited. ífiLAND HOME STOCK FARM -x1 ' " Percheron Hortet. A t V French Coaeh Horsei. X Afci_ . Saage & Faruura, Impor H M Un and Breeden of Per H chcroa and French Coach M ft Hortei, Itland HomeStock H A Frm. Grosse Ule, Wayna B ■ County Mich. Wt off a B ■ Tcry lirge studofhcríc tu H Select from. w ffuiraotta W kl V iottabl and sell on caay VF V (crmi. Visitor alwaytweí m comí. Lrge cllogu trec. Addreu _ Sarre A Fínnra, , Dr boi t uica. í PAINT I By míate COIT CO"8 OSI-COiT BTCOY P A!T - 1 Paint Friday, njn it to Church Sunday. SiAbt í,- j k Fashkmable Shades: Black. Maroon, VtrmiBon ? 3 Blut, YeUow. Olive Lake, Brewswr nd Wagon L ■ Greeos. No Vaniishuig necessary. Drtes hitrd e - "" ulth Mikle." Oi.e Coat and job is done. Tg L YOUR BUCGY lil fc Tip top for Chaírs, Lawn Stats, Sash, Flower tí SM rrl I'ots, Baby CarrUífes, Curtain Polcs, Fumiture, 5Ö Ubi Front Doors, Store-fronts. Screen Doors, Boats, W3 gg Mant les, Iron Fences, in iact everything. Ju Eo m m ihe thin for the ladies to use about the house E'S L FOR ONE DOLLARS L COIT S HO NEST G0D Are you oíng1 to Paint this yearf If so, don't &é r. luy a patnt containmg water or benzine when L for the saine money (or nearly so) you caH procure „"" (UIT Je riffi PtKK PAINT that Iswarranted to [tftf ■■■ bean HO.NK8T, (iEMINH L1S8EKD-OIL PA1KT S 3 and frt-e from water and benzine. Demaad thl vi __ brand and txke 110 ollier. Merchants handlirtff = a v it are our agenis and autnorized by us, Ín writing, ■- z 3 to rrnt ít lo wcar 6!S wilh 3 (OATS or 5_ +LS 8 YKAK8 wlth 3 COATS. Our Shades are th gj , I.atest Styles used in the East now becoming -X13 Ubi so popular ín the West, and up with the tunes o " m Try lilis brand cf HONKST PAINT and you will ■L 3 nwer regret it. This to thc wtse Ís suliicient u a = HOUSE PAINT jjj % COIT'S FLOOR PAINTEÍi Jí Paint that never dried beyond the sticky point, 3EE waste a weck. spoil tKe job, and then sweart j Nert time cali for IIT k t'Ot FLOÜR PAIMt ÜÍ 4 popular and suitable shades, witrwiicd to dry Um Ih litinl mi a rock 0Vr night. No trouble. No - g H-WQNT DRY STICKY g


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