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Boring The Jaw

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Put an auger-bit in the head of a grasshopper or mosquito (naturalista say the latter has a sawehaped contri vanee tocut the flesh vvith), and set him to work to bore through the cheek and jaw. Let him be big enough and strong enough to handle a man, get him down and begin operations. If such savagery could be realized, it would be no worse than a jumping toothache. The old comic alnianac used to have a picture of a man, his mouth filled with water and seated on a hot stove waiting for it to boil. This was called acure for the toothache. Grim joke. But it perhaps suited the times, as there was then nothing known to give instantaneous and permanent relief, and the joke illustrated the desperation of the sufferer as well. But not so now. At least we are sure from the following that some men have found sure comfort and cure, at once, as they te8tify: Mr. George W. Harris, Hagerstown, Md., writes June 8, 1887 : " I suffered with neuralgia, caused by a defectivo tootb ; was advised to rub my gum with St. Jacobs Oil ; did so and was relieved thoroughly." Mr. George A. Grimes, 938 Lemon street, Baltimore Md., May 11, 1887, states: " I suffered severely on several occasions with jumping toothache, lasting once several days, when I was cured immediately by St. Jacobs Oil." Mr. J. S. DePalos, 1026 Opera Building, Chicago, 111., May 5, 1887, says he was not only cured of toothache by St. Jacobs Oil," but found great relief in its use for sore feet and chilblains. Mr. Val.Steinbach, 1648 2d street, New York, writes February 2, 1887 : " My wife suffered with toothache, and nothing would give her relief. She tried St. Jacobs Oil and was cured at once." Mr. John Gutmon, Sherman, Ky., writes February, 1887 : " Have used St. Jacobs Oil about ten years. It always cured toothache in about ten minutes." Mrs. Margarethe Schroeder, West Webster, N. Y., states February 7, 1887 : " St. Jacobs Oil is excellent for toothache." Col. A. G. Alford, Baltimore, Md., March 9, 1887, says : " I was suffering terribly for several days with an ulcerated tooth. and could get no relief till I tried St. Jacobs Oil, which relieved me instantly." It is a relief, therefore, ihat not alone kills pain, but takes away all soreness. Sleep comes, and that ends it.


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Ann Arbor Register