A Significant Election
In the Shiawassee county local option election, the Owosso saloon-keepers spent considerable money. They even hired hacks for uBe in the city and townBhips on election day to take people to the polls. The local option committee used only $100, and sent 20,000 circulare over the county. They made no canvass. Yet the county gave a large majority for prohibition." The most significant election waathat in Ingham county. Both 8ides refrained from eflfort, except what the ministers did in their pulpits. So far as we can learn, no organized effort was made on either side. We take it that it was the fairest way to get the will of the people. The county rolled up the tremendous majority of 3,000 for prohibition, and the county contains some hard towns, too. It is significant in that it was without the usual accessories of elections,- buying votes, speeches, enthusiasm, personal solicitation at the polls, and all the tricks of the ward politicians. Such things often result in defeating the will of the people. An election without thern is refreshing, and is itself one of the good results of the local option law. A majority of the voters intelligently and coolly made up their minds how they wanted to vote, and deposited their ballots accordingly. We cannot conceive how the saloon could receive a more severe denuncia. tion in one county than it did inlngham.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register