More New Furniture!
AT THE KECK STORES, 58 and 60 S. Main. In addition to our already extensive stock of Furni__. _ . . . ture, Cárpete, Curtains, Draperies, Shades, Upholstering fO LO NIAL Goods, Trimmings, etc, we havejust received, and - -" "- now ready for sale, a splendid line of Articles, beauti ful in design and finish, consisting in part of Reed, OTI CO Eattan, Antique, Oak, Walnut, Mahogany and Carpet O I Y L_tlO. Rockers, Parlor and Reception Chairs, House and Office Desks, v - ■ Secretaries, Book-Cases, Centre, Library and Extensión G n Y R ISI A Tables, Pedestals, Music Cabinets, Painter's and Picw ' Y ' ' ' ' ture Easels, Hall Racks, Side Boards, Stand Divans, - - Misses' and Children's Rockers, Gold Medal Carpet ni I"O S weepers, Blacking Boxes, Beautiful Plushes, Curtains, r UvJO China Silks and All of which we will sell at bottom prices for cash. Don't forget that NOW, in stores, 58 and 60 South DCHRnnM Main-st, is the largest and most complete stock of ParDt.Li S I V I I lor and Bedroom Suites, and all articles in the Furni I lure line to select from in this city and at lowest prices. Fine Bedroom Suite in Antique, only $18.00. Ql 1ITCG Uphölstering, Repairing and Finishing neatly and O U I I CIO. promptly done.
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