Local Option Notes
Sharon township has a large meeting today. Capt. Janea epeaks in Dixboro next Wednesday. Manchester is alive on the local option question, judging from the letters which come to the local option committee. Rev. W. W. Ramsay poured red-hot shot into the ranks of the saloon-keepers, last Sunday evening; and if it be kept up all over the county, the ranks will be terribly thinned after May 1. The othes day a Germán living not far from Ann Arbor said that he wouldn't oppose prohtbition, because every time his sons come to town they returned home with heads as large as bushei baskets. The Washtenaw Post of last week says that the local option law, if the prohibitionists win, will be rigidly enforced. There is a most bewildering difference of opinión among the opponents of prohibition as regard3 the enforcement of the law. A circular has been issued to the electors of Washtenaw, probably paid for by the saloon-keeperg, telling how taxes will be increased 50 per cent, and rehearsing all the other imaginary evils which will come upon the county, should local option prevail Feb. 27. It is an interesting document. Calhoun county did wonders last Monday, rolling up 3000 majority for prohibition. The saloon murder in Battle Oreek probably set people to thinking. Genesee county voted on Tuesday. The remaining elections this month are as f'ollows: Gratiot, the 13th; Tuscola, the 14th; Newaygo, Lenawee, Livingston and Ionia, the 20th; Clinton, the 21st; Oceana, the23rd; Washtenaw, the 27th; Emmett and St. Joseph, the 28th ; Mason, Jackson and losco counties, the 29th. The Register's special translator is away; henee the following rather free rendering of an editorial paragraph in the Washtenaw Post of last week: " Whether in our Washtenaw county also the watercranks achieve a victory will depend entirely on the friends of personal liberty. If, like their brethern in other counties where local option has already been put to vote, they fold their hands and patiently submit to things as they come, then they can make up their minds to a similar defeat. On the other hand, if each true citizen does his duty, we shall be able to keep the water-pestilence from our throats for three years at least."
Old News
Ann Arbor Register