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AMONG TIIE POL1TICIANS. Jaceson. Mich., Feb. 3- The Michigan Temperance Alliance, in annual session Wednesday, abandoned its non-partisan position, electing the Prohibición State Cen tral Committee its officers. A. D. Power, of Northville. is president. Oshkosh, Wis.. Feb. 3.- The State Central Committee of the üniou Labor party of Wisconsin met here Wednesday, and after eiïecting an organization decided to hold the next State convention in thi city July 24. Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 4.- The Con. ■gTessional d strict conventions were held in this State Thursday to name State Central Committeeinen. The following were selected: First district, F. B. Posey, of Pike; Secona T H. Adams, of Knox; Third, M, M. Hurley, of Floyd; Fourth, Marcus R. Sulzer, of Jeflerson; Fifth, Joseph I. Irwin, of Bartholomew; Sixth. L. D. Stubbs.of Wayne; Seventh, D. M. RansdalL, of Marión; Eighth, John H. Buford, of Montgomery; Ninth, John R. Swoveland, of Tipton; Tenth, E. D. Crumbacker, of Porter; Elevetb, B. J. Dill, of Huntington; Twelfth, W. J. Bunyan, of Noble; Thirteentn, L. W Roys, oí Kosciusko. Mdtneapolis, Minn., Feb. 4.- The State Republican Leapue adjourned yeeterday, its labora being coinpleted. Candidates and platforms were not discussed, the league voting to pupport the Republican candidate for President F. E Searles, of St Cloud, was elected permanent chairman of the league. Kesolutions were passed pledfring the State to the Republican party, extending gympathy to Irelaud and scoring the Democratie party for not admittinarDakota. Lexington, Ky., Feb. 4- The Kentucky Leislature ajourned at Frankfort yesterday morning. Spriküfield, I1L, Feb. 4.- It has been decided to cali a convention of Illinois Bepublican clubs to be held here Marca 8 and 9. New Yokk, Feb. 4 - A Washington dispatch to the World Bays the politlcal friends of both President Cleveland and Governor HUI are in Washington worklng to secure the New York delegation. ExMayor Grace is also there as a friend of the President and also in the interest of nis own tight for the New York Govemor ship. New York, Feb. 6. - It is said that Governor Gray, of Indiana, and Governor Hill, of this State, favor holding the National Democratie convention in Indiana. San Francisco, Feb. 8.- A number of prominent Republicans met in this city yesterday and organized the Republican State Club of California W. B. L. Barnes was elected president. New York, Feb. 8.- The Anti-Monopoly League, of which W. A. Carsey is head, has issued a cali for a National convention, to be held in this city on August 1 next Albany, N. Y., Feb. 8.- The Assem bly was in session less than ten minutes yesterday morning. Then it bade farewell to the beautiiul but doomed chamber. Scarcely had Speaker Cole rapped for order when Mr. Ainsworth announced that the joint Senate and Assembly Conference Committees had decided that it would be simply courting deuth for the lower House members to remain longer in the chamber. Mr. Ainsworth moved that an adjournment be taken. His suggestion was almost unanimously carried.


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