The Illoo.l is the source of health ; therefore, fo keep well, purify the blood by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine is peouliarly deigned to act upon the blood, and through that upon all the organs and tissues of the body. It has a speciBc action, alo, upon the secretions and excretions, and assists nature to expel from the System scrofula, hutnoi-s, impure particles, nd effecftnatter through the lungs, liver, bowels, kidneys and skin. It effectually aids weak, impaired, and debilitated organs. A. trial will convince you that it d es possess peculiar curative powers. The mntto on our five-cent nickel is: ''Ia God we Trust" - quite appropriate if we read it on our last one. The Boston Star says Dr. Kaul'mann's great book on diseases, its causes and home cure, with fine colored plates, is the best work ever published. A copy will be sent free to anybody who sends three 2-cent stamps, to pay po8tage, to A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass. The defendant in a murder case often hangs upon the judge's words. The eflfect of using Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup is unlike all medicines containing opiates or poisons, it being entirely lree from them. It cures by purifying the blood. The locomotivo engiueer as his favorite tune wbistles down brskes. " My son, when you go to the city, get you a Bicycle, some tight pants, some tooth-pick shoes, aud a slender cane, but with all your gettings don't fail to get a bottle of Salvation Oil, for " pride (you know,) goeth before a tall." A general advaoce agent - The pawn broker. - News. A Letter from the Pastor or the M. E. Chnrcb. Franklin, Oakland Co., Mich., ) Dc-c. 2, 1887. S Rheumatic Syrup Company : Dear Sirs- Mr. A. A. Rust, of this place, furnished me one bottle of your Rheumatic Syrup. Have taken about twoth;rds of it. Before taking it the Blightest chaDge in the weather affected me very much. I am now almost entirely free from the awlul twinges of rheumatism, and changes in the weather do not affect me. SA. Lono. Pastor of the Methodist Church, Franklin, Mich. ._____-_ A rough estimate - (iuessing at the number engaged in a street brawL Careful attention to diet is the best guard against diseae. It is a fact which all should know, that over-eating not only corrupts the blood but destroys nerve force, and induces dyspepsia, aundice, bad breath, piles, pimples, low spirits, headache, ague, malaria, and all stomach and liver troubles. Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic quickly cures the above diseases. Can be taken by the most delicate. Pi ice 50 cents, of Eberbach & Son. Twelve cabinets with 120 ministers served under Grevy. All Sorta of Folión. Mr. W. F. Daley, Advertising Agent of the BrooklynElevated Railroad, writea: " Inflammatory rheumatism swelled my leg and arm to twice their natural size. I suffered excruciating pain. Your wonderful S. S. S., made a complete cure. Major Sidney Herbert, editor of the Sovturn Cultivator and DtxU Farmer, Atlanta, Ga., writen: " I have fullr tested the virtues of Swift's Specific, both u a rheumatism cure and tonic. It has dona even more than it proprietora claim for it. Mr. Michael Long, Jr., with the Strobridge Lithographic Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, writes : " I suffered for two yeari with a terrible itching and painful sores on my neck, arma, hands and fingers. No physician could help me. 8. S. S. relieved me perfectly and I feel like a new man. Mn. Amanda Ingle, of Oastonia, N. C, writes : "My baby, when four months old, developed scrofula. He had two severe risins and sores on the neck. I sent for our family physician, who pronounced it icroiula, and prescribed 8. S. S. for it. I gave the baby S. S. S and it Boon got the disease under control. The sorea ara healed, and the baby is well and he<hy. I know S. S. S. nared its life, and I told our doctor so. He ia a regular physician, and prescribed S. S. S. for the baby u soon M he saw it had scrofula. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseasei mailed free. The Swin Bpbcific Co., Urwor 3, Atlanta, Qa. All stir and bustle - The sewing society at tea. Acute rheumatism can be effect ually and permanently cured by the use of Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup and Piasters. Jay Gould will come home in February or March. The late Gov. Bodwell, of Maine, was a pillar in the Universalist church. Two for a Cent And the best ever made. Cheap enough, surely, and so good that those who have used them won't have anyothers. Whatarethey? Ath-lopho-ros Pilis. Whatarethey for? For disorderedStomachorLiver,lndigeston, Dyspepsia.Constipation, Nervout or General Debility , Headache, Lassitude, Diseases of Women. They'll take away that tired feeling, give new life and strength. Small and pleasant to take, yet wonderfully efftctive. Prepared from the formula of an eminent physician. Neatly put up in bottleSi and told by all druggists. THE ATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall St., New York. tlll Sea Wonden exist in thousands of II Uforin , but are surpassed by the marvels ■■■ of lnvention. Those who are in need o profitable work tbat can be done while living at home should at once send thelr addresa to Hallet & Co., Portland. Main, and receive free full information how elther sex, of all ages, can earn from 95 to $25 por day and upwardt wher ever they live. You ire started free. Capital no requlred. Some have made over 160 in a single day at tliis work. A '1 succeed.
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