How Sweet. A young and pretty girl stepped into a shop where a young man who had been enamored of her but dared not speak, stood behind the counter. In order to remain as long as possible, 8he eheapened everything. At last she said : " I believe you think I ara cheatinjt." "Oh, no," said he " to me you are ahvays fair." ' Well," whispered the lady, " I would not stay so long bargaining if you were not so dear." She did not have to cheapen when the druggist only charged her 25 cents for " Pomeroy's Petroline Poroused Plaster,"for her mother's Kheumatism ; she did not grudge this small sum, for they had found them a sure cure. For Sale by H. J. Brown, Dist. Agt. forAnn Arbor. Mary J Holmes, the novelist, believea it impossible to keep a truly merry Christmas whfti the poor are forgolten. Rsv. S A. Long, pastor of the M. E. Church at Fraiiklio, Mich., says Hibbard's Rheumaiic Syrup is wonderful in the cure of rheumatism. Mrs. Margaret J. Preston is ob'igeJ by the conditioo of her eyes to do all her literary work through an sssistant. "MAYGODBLESSYOU!" A Boston Hanger's Tronble and How He Oot Uut of it- Plain Words froni the Sunny Soutli. When we are in trouble we cry for help. When we are relieved we ofteu forget to be thankful. But not always. Mr. W. W. Griffin, of Trout Creek, 8t. Clair Co., Ala., writes : " I bad a bad attack of chilla and fever. My system was full of malaria. For two years I was scarcely able to work at all. Some times my heart would palpítate for two houra at a time. My legs would get could to the knees, and I fully cxpected to die. In September, 1881, I bought a bottle of Shaker Extract of Roots, or Seigel's Cnrative Syrup, of your agent, Mr. E. M. King, and before I bad teken the flrst botüe I feit better, and in a short time was able to go to work. May God biets you for the good you have done." Mr. Wm. J. McCann, 99 Randall-st.. Boston, writes : " 8ix montos ago I bcgan to throw up my food after eating. I thought I was golng Into consumption. I soon began to hare pain in the chest, stomach and sides. I got Hule sleep and woke all tired out. I once lost flve pounds in four days. I began using 8haker Extract of Roots, or Selgel's fiyrup, and when I had finIsbed the sixth bottle I could eat three square meáis a day, and go to sleep the minute I struck the bed. I am a paper hanger by trade, and have worked every day since I took the second bottle, and galned eighteen pounds. I ought to be thankful and I am." This remedy oppns all the natural passages of the body, ezpels the poison from the olood and enables nature to rebutid what disease has destroyed. Siiaker Extract of Roots. or Seigel's Syrup, Is sold by all druggist. or send to the proprietor, A. J. White, M Warren street, New York.
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