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Personal And Social

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Mr?. J. S. Rickets returned from Farwell. The Knights Templar give a social next Monday evening. Erwin F. Smith, of Ann Arbor, ia spending the week ia Linsiag. T. J. Keech has been confined to his house for a week by sickness. G. F. Allraendinger will be back from the south, Saturday, or earlier. Miss Lizzie Kirk, of Ypsilanti, visited Miss Grace Jennelle last week. C. A. Hamm, of Buffalo, N. Y., has been visiting Geo. W. Millen a few days. Mrs. 0. G. Wales and daughter, of Toledo, are visiting at John Matthews'. W. W. Wines gave a supper, last Friday evening, to his employés and ladies. The Ann Arbor bachelors say that they can stand it if the readers of the Evening News can. Some Ann Arbor people enjoyed a fine dance at H. K. White's, Tuesday evening, on the river road. Miss Emily Clapp, who has been visiting at T. J. Keecu's, has returued to her home in Lancaster, N. Y. Sir Knight Spaflord, of Manchester, attended the regular meeting of the commandary, Tuesday evening. Rev. W. H. Ryder went east last week to confer about his cali to Andover, and he is still con8idering the subject. A large sleigh load of Ann Arbor young people will attend a dance at the Follet house in Ypsilanti, tomorrow evening. Tomorrow evening there will be a social at the residence of Nathan Sutton, Northfleld. Also a church social James Bunting's, in Geddes. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Loeffler returned to Ann Arbor yesterday to remain until Mr. Loeffler has finished his course in the Dental college next June. Frank Abele and Jay Thompson, twó well known young men of this city, left Tuesday for Springfield, Mo., where they will work at their trades. Andrew C. Robeson, law '81, lit. '85, of Greenville, O., arrived last Friday in Ann Arbor, and spent several days with friends. He is now a representativo in the Ohio legialature. Miss Mollie Nelaon. of Ithaca, Mich., was a guest of Miss Grace Jennelle, last Friday. Miss Nelson is a gradúate of the Normal, and expects to take a course in the Commercial college at Ypsilanti. Capt. Miller and wife, of Grand Haven, are now visiting D. F. Schairer. He has a medal from the U. S. Government for saving 12 lives on Lake Michigan, nine miles from Holland, Mich., about two years ago. A pleasant party was held at the residence of Wm. Parker, of Geddesburg, last Thursday night, it beir.g the21st birthday of his son Fred. Over 107 people were present. The party erjjoyed themselves in dancing, and gupper was served at midnigbt. A number of Ann Arborites were present.


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Ann Arbor Register