Coming Events
Company A's party at the rink is booming. Rsv. Henry P. Collins, of Coldwater, will preach at the Presbyterian church next Sunday. "Si Perkins," Saturday evening at the opera house, and Saulsbury's Troubadours next Monday evening. Rev. J. T. Sunderland will gire next Sanday evening the fourth in his series of Practical Sermons to students. Subject: "Choosing a Profession.'1 E. 0. Warner, seeretary of the eounty board of school exominers, says that there will be an examination of candidates for third-grade certi6cates, at the court house Feb. 17. At Unity club next Monday evening, Mrs. Sunderland will read a paper descriptiva of Correggio's Night, and Prof. Chas. M. Gayley will give a paper on the "Land of BlacW Hunger." Thomas 3. Villero, of Rochester theological seminary, New York, will occopy tbe pulpit of the First BipĆ¼st church, on -"Sunday, Feb. 12, preach mg before the Toung People's society in the evening.
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Ann Arbor Register