T. A. A. & N. M. R'y Co. will eell tickets to New Orleans and return at very low rates on account of mardi gras festivíties. Tickets on sale Feb. 6th to 12th inclusive, returning on or befare March 31st. A. J. Paisley, Agent 1000 mile tickets can be bad over the T. A. A. & N. M R'y, for twenty dollars. This road has never charged more. A. J. Paislet, Agent. Sometbing Hice. Hot Drinks, Lemonade, Coffee, Tea, Lunches, Ham, Eggs, or Steak cooked on short notice. Oys'ers cooked to order. Fresh Pies, Cakes, BunR etc., in variety at the Candy Kitchen, 22 Eist Huron-gt. Mas. S. C. Pratt, Propnetress. Ann Arbor, Ilion., February 8, 1888. Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Bgan Imperial Truss Company, at their office, on Thursday, February 16th, 1888, at 7:30 p. m., to vote on the adoption of By Laws for tbe government of the Company ard such other bnsiness as may come before them. T. Y. Katne, Vice Pres. and Mgr. Wm. W. Douglas has not sold out as yet, hut he is doing the beat he can to do 80. Do not iail to get a big bargain while ' you may. !. Slmon'i Pleasant Barber Shop, directly opposite the south door of the court house, is the best place in the city for anything in his line. Try it. 645 tf.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register