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íireat Llttle Men. Some of the greatest men that ever lived were of small stature and insignificant appearance. The reader will readily recall marjy instanceB. Very fmall are Dr Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets, but they are far more effective than the huge, old-fashioned pills whioh are so difficultto' swallow and so harsh in their actioa. The "Pellets" are gentle and never cause conBtipation. For liver, stomaeh and bowel de.-angemenls they have no equal. A dashing yourg lady is apt to throw a man over. Important.- All persons afïlieted with rheumatism, neuralgia, gore throat, pains in the back or limbs, sprains, bruises, etc should know that Sslvation O1 is what they need. Price 25 cents. That would be a weak enterprise whieh could not stand a loan. Rev. S. A. Long, pastor of the M. E. Church at Franklin, Mich., says Hibbard's Rbenm&tic Syrup is wonderful in the cure of rheumatism. A noteworthy event - Loaning money. V-C rv would enjoy your dinner J O v andarepreventedbyDyspepsia, use Acker's Dyspepsia Tableta. They are a positive cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestión, Flatulency and Constipation. We guarantee them. 25 and 50 cent& John Moore, Druggist A violent crank is apt to give one a turn. We shoul J economize at all times, but more especially when times are close. Observe the purchases of your thrifty neighbors. More substantial benefits can be obtained from a fifty cent bottle of Dr. Bigelow's Positive Cure than a dollar bottle of any other cough remedy. It is a prompt, safe and pleasant cure for all throat and lung troubles. Sold and endorsed by Eoerbach & Co. A good way to get the cents of a meeting, it would 8eem, is to take up a pennv contributioD. I THE GREAT Germán RemedyJ IaTRUTHSFORTHESICK. Bilious SpellBdepenu for a caae where s 1 1 1 , III 'nSuLPnuKl5iTTEBS phur Bitters willlll it wlll cure you. notassist orcure. Itlll g Do vin silm-r witti aeTCr fail8tl IHaattiredanüallgone cíense the vitiatedm llireeliufr; if BO, use hlooil when vou eeelll I.SÜL..HUR BinEKö; liSZXibuSEH Hitwillcureyoq. iDr tlirongh the Rkii.ll I Operativos who are " I imples, Blotchesjl giclosely conflned tn nl feores. Hely on Qthe milla and SuFVIU?,hBl?TE??Q U shops; clerks.who do fai1 l"=altlx wjU íolBf III not procure mifficient _22I___I Blexerciae.andallwho "sííñííííníríríTálll Uareconflnedindoors, w um!L T iíiw'nSflll ÍIÍ you do not wish SííHSIF8 BlTTERsIJi to suffer wl" blul1 yu upandl I atism, use a bottle of pake you strongandl II Sülfhur Bitters ; nealthy. III it never fails tocurc. gIT, „.,„„ „...„.Hl m Dou't be without a will niakeyourbloodSH SS bottle. Try it; you pure, rich and Htrong.U 111 will not regret it. ;iml your flesh hard. III II Ladies m delicate nTTr7pïï7ïnÏÏT" Mlhealth, who aro all reus to-night, andlll lrunrtown,shoulduse you will Bleep welllll iú I l ■'" i. l-iiíl i;. ■ - ■ ' ' ' LI Do you mot the bost Medical Work publlshed? Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. 1'. Okdway & Co.i Boston, Mass., anii receive a copy, free. lew Advertisements The Art of Advertising ! For SKI wc wül insert 4 lines (32 words) in One Million copies oí' Daily, Sunday orWeekly Newspapers. The work will all be done Ín 10 days. Seud order and check to GEO P. ROWELL & CO., 10 Spruce BU, BT.Y. 176 pageNewspaper Catalogue sent by mail for 30c I TBE GBEAÏ of all SOOZS of A07EXIVAE Condensed into Une Volume. PIONEER i ,n DARING HÉROES Ay DEEDS. The thrilling adventures of all the hero explorers and frontier fighters with Iiidians, outlaws and wild beasts, over our whole courtry. from the earliest limes to the present. Lives and famous exploits of üesoto, LaSalle, Btandleh, Boone, Kentou. Brady, ('rockett, Bowie, Houston, Carson, Ouster, California Joe. Wild Bill, Húrtalo Bill, Generáis Miles and Crook, great Indian C'hiefs, and scores ofnthers. Splcudid i v ilInslriilcd with a20flneeugraviii(,'. AEIT8 ISTKU. Low-priced, and beats anytfaiug to sell. Time for payments allowed Agents short of funds. PLANKT PUB. CO., Box 6881, PHIL4DILPHIA, l'A., OR St. LOUIS, MO, revolutlonlxed the work durHlPHT (Hing the last half century. Kol III la II llUlcast ani'.ng the wondere of inventive progrcss is a method and fystem of work Uiat can oe performed all over the country without separating the workers from their homes. Pay liberal: any one can do the work; eithersex, youngorold; no special abiliyrequired. Capital not needeit ; you are started ree. Cut this out and return to us and we wül I end you free, something of great value and I orlance to you. ihat will start you in business, I which will briner you in more money right away I han anythitijíole in the world. (randoutñt free. I Address Tkue & Co., Augusta, Maine. An Excellent Boute. Tourtot, Btulneaa men, settlers and others dewriijg to reach any place in Central or Northern Montana, Dakota, Minnesota, or i-nut Sound anti Pacific Ooast points should In I garding the ratea and advantages i b.vthls route. A rate trom Chicago orit. Paul to Joundor Padfle Coast points $5.00 lower I tlian vla any otber Una U guanuitecd I BMANItDBA ton.Ifl flAILWAX ITmoÜiin.-i; WatortoHii, Aberdcen, Elleiiila.1,.. Fort I 1 and Bottlneau, Dakota, are a fe of the I prwclpal pointi reacbed via rpcem extensión oí I V.'.:S r',';Vi L,or m!4PS or other informal ion ad1 . -■- i r. Warken, General Passenger A geni t. 1 nal. Mm,,., or Ii. W. H. Moreland. TrawUng Mich181 Asent' l?9 Jefferson Avo" JJetrüit I end for new map of Northwest.


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