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TK. Wasiitv ion-, l-,;l). ft- In the Sonato yesÉerday bilis were passed for the relict of importers of animáis for iryeiling purposes, añil to enuble the State of Colorado to ieleot tndeinnity school landu. It, was decided to tako a vot .-_■ on tbc E Itioatlotuü blll Wasiitn'.!"v. FeU, 10 In the Ssnate irday a joint reeolntlon was ]issed pioridüm toi the dlstrlbrftiOD oí ndistributeJ copies oL the records ol the rebellion and -.he reporls of the tenth census. The Committeeon Indlan AfTuirs reportad favorably the bill nrovldlnar for the opening to ment of the Sioux Indias risirvations in Dakota. Adiournod to the lliih. Washington, Feb. 1 1.- In the Senateyeeterday the bill f or a commiesion on the Bubject oL the licuor trafflc was placed on the alendas. A bill was iiitroduced to increafe the pensions of those who have lost a limb or two limos or both eyes. A resolution wasoflerel to ascertaln whethcr Congress had jower to euact Iaw3 to prohibit within 'Jie ÜQitsd States the adulteration of food. The Blair Education bill was discussed. Washimotov, Fei. 15. - I'. lis were introduced In the Seuate j-e6terday to compénsate femalo nnrses for services during the war, and to amend the law rclating to the t;ix on manufactured tin. The bill to provide for the compulsory ednoatlon of Indian children was dlaoiMsed, and the resolution ior an inquiry into the causes of inefficiënt mail service was considered. A reeolution instnicting the Committee on Commercein reportinjr the Kiver and Harbor bill to set ou.t the important faets bearing on cachitem was reported anü agreed to. THE HOUSE. ■ffASHTNGTOS, Feb. !. - On uiotion of Nr. Burtows (Mlch.), a resolution was adopted ai the House ycBterday aseigning the aftrnoon of February 29 for the delivory of aloaistic addresses upon the life and chaxactcr ot the late Seth C. Moffatt, of Michigan. During tlic morning honr the House reurned the consideration of tlie bill making bilis of lading conclueivfi cvidenco in eertain caBes. After a lonpr VIate the bil! -waspassciL The Speaker then appointed the following special committee on the existing labor troublea in PennaylvaBia: mira (B. G.í. Stane (Mo.). Chipman (Mieta.). Anderson (Kan., Parker (X. V ). The House Uien, at 2:45, adiourned. Washim.tí'x, I'cb. 10.- In the House yetterdajrShe bill to discontinue the coinage of the threc-cent piecc was ijassed Bills were introduced tor the adjustment of ccounts of latiorers'arieing under the EijthtDour law, and to prevent the overloadlng of vessels on the great lakes. The bül requiring subsidized railroads to niaintain and opérate telegraph Unes was considered. WiSHDtc.Tort, Feb. 11.- In the Houee terday a resolution to inquire into the com7)laints oí defectivo mail service in the Weet and 6Onth was adopted. Favorable report were made on a bilí to créate an arbitration Toard to eetUe the differcncCB between the, United States and Texas. The Senate bill authorizing the appointment of Andrew D. White as a regent of the Smithsonian Institntion was pasned. Washinton, Feb. 11.- In the House yeeterday bilis were introducid authorizing the election of a delégate from the Indian rerrit arv to the Fifty-first Congress; mitting farmers and producers of tobáceo Ib se-11 leaf tobáceo in any quantity to Dy person, without rcBtriction; to proMbit littitious and gauibling transactions in articles produccd by the American f inning indnstry; proposing a ■constitutional aincndmcut limiting the ■membership of the House to 2Ö0; to prohibit the coinage of tlirec-dollar gold pieces; for the estaWislnueut ot a postalteleeraph syBtem. A bilí was paesed proMbiting any person in Washington or Georgetown from makinpr books or pools on the result of any races or of any game of base-balL Washington, Feb. 15.- Biils were reported favorably frora conimittees providüngfor the establishment of a bureau of health in the Interior Department; to protect mechanic and otheis in their wages and to prevent the employment of enlisted men in competition with civilians; for the tellet ot importers of animáis for breeding pnrposes, and to amend the consUtution eo as to change the inaugural day of the President from Mareh 4 to April 30. A éeficiency appropriaöon oL if.10,000 for te support of United States prisoners during the fiscal year was askeJ for by the Secretary of the Treasury. OTBER NOTES. ■Washington, Feb. 0- The House Committee on Territories yeBterday listened to guments by Delégate Voorkees, oí Washington Territory, and Dalegate Toole, of Montana, urging the atlinission of those Territories Into Statehood. Washinitoíi, Feb. 11.- The special commlttee appointed to examine and connt the intcrnal-revenue Btarniis in the vaults tf the Commissioner of Iuternal Revenne t the close of the business Jannary 14 porta hat cvery stamp was properly accounted for, and coramend those responsiblefor handling 765,034,201 stamps, valued at over 180,000,000, without the loss oí a cent to the Government Washihgton, Feb. 13. -The President has appointcd Judge Alcxander McCue, of "Rrooklyn, N. Y., who holds the office of Solieitor of the Treasury. Assistant United States Treasurer at New York. Washxnston, Feb. 13.- A couimittee of ConRresK rot to work Satnrilay investigatjng the Keading troubles, and a nurabei of ■witnesses wcre examinecV The evidence went to show that the railroad company had not been the loser by the trouble, an aecusations were thrown out that the whole íflfair was In the interest of bulling 'die coal market Washington, Feb. 14. - It is said that the House Demócrata have decided upon an omnibus bill for the admisión as htates of the Union of Dakota uudivided. Montana, Washlnjrton Territory and New Mexico. They calcúlate that Dakota is Kepublican, New Mexico Democratie, aud the other two Territorie8 debatable ground. Washington, Feb. 11. - The roof of the rdnance building at the A,Yashington Xavy yard feil in yeuterday morninpr, being unble to support the heavy weight oí Bnow npon it. The daniage is estimated at $30,000. Washington, Feb. 15.- The House Com aalttee on Banking and Currency has' agreed to report a bilí providing for the isasue of not lesa than f 20,000,000 nor more than $30,000,000 of fiactional paper currency in fivc, ten, twenty and tifty cent otes. This is in compliance with the great demantl from mcrchants and bankere, and cspecially newspapers throughout the country, bo that sniall sums of money may be sent through the mails. Washington, Feb. 15.- The Senate yesterday conftrmed the noininations of B. F. Wade, Marshal of Northern Ohio, and Alexinder MoCue, Assistant Trcaeurer at Kew ïort


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