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OCR 25 CENT COLUMN. Adverüsemente, such as To Rent, For Sale, oí Wants, not exceedlng three Unes, can be Inserted ir"e weeks for 23 cents. A UCTION SALE- A Farm of 187 Actes with Xlgood buildings and largeorchard;all personal property, snch as ows, hordes, hogs, and all farm ïmrlements, also hay and grain, one raile nonh of the vlllage of Saline, on ihe 8th day of March, 1888, at 10 a m. Mra. L. D. Wheeler. A TEAMSTER, with good Team, would like Vsteady empluyment Cali at Nu. 10 Mann-st, or addrcss B, Box 113;, Ann Arbor, Mico. MONEY TO LOAN.- On farmers only, frotn one to flveyears, interestpayable annually, with privilege of paying Ï10O or over at any time, and btock interist. No commiss on charged. For partlculais, cali on or addrcss. W. J. Permar, No. 5 South Main-Pt. pvRESSMAKING - Misi Buf-ll's Dressmuklng U Room, at 69 S. Main-Et Cloaks an.i Wraps a special ty. HOUSE TO RENT- Well furnished. For particulare. inquire at 43 B. Ingalls-st. LO3T- In or near the Post-olice, a package of Legal Papers. The package had shawl strap around it. Ttie finder will confer a favor and reeeive a reward by leaving it at the Postomce or Yale's news stand. Ftb. 6, '8K. rpORENT- Two Suites of Furnished Rooms, X No. 63 North sL THAT very deslrable House and Lot, No. 67 S. X livison-st., lor sale. Inquire at the Farmers' and Mechamos' Bank. TO FARMERS- We have about 100 lbs. stout Twine, good for bag sixings, and handy to have around at any time. Will sell it cheap. Register Office. SAWS Gummed and filed, Furniture repaired, Chairs bottomed. St Clair, 33 N. Fjurth-su FOR SALE.- A strong, well ma Je phaeton (n good condltlon. Can be seen at No. 26 N. Statei-t. For terms inquire at 23 E. Catherine st. FOR SALE- 10,000 choice Snyder Black-berry Roots at $3 per 1000. Apply lo Wm. Looker or to John R. Militr, Kegister liuild ng. tf tfARM FOR SALE- SA Acres; can be divided. Located in Milau, one of the best towns in Sonthern Mich. Splendid Farm, fine location, Terms reasouable. For pariku:ars, cali on or Address H. 11. Allen, Milau, Mi h. tfOR SALE- House and Lot wilh Barn and Stablo, corner Madison and División. Apply to Mrs. H. M. Henley. FOR SALE- A Paris Range Cook Stove, been us d six months, cost $i), will take f25. Cali at 26 E. Williamst. for further iiilormatlon. liOK SLE- TheResldence I now O'cnpy, No. V 26 S. DivUIjnst. Also a medium 6ized House on J ffersoü-st., one Block from the Campus. All in good repair. Address Mrs. S. M Spence. Í70R SaLE- Farm of 150 acres, good buildings, 1 fences. timber, soil. &c. J4 niile uorlh of Delhi Mills. Wm. W. Tubbs. 682-83 FOR SALE- Farm of 8ü acres, goed buildings, soil, etc. Looation unsurpassed. Loug time, low rate of Interest and on easy terms, or wül sxch&nge. Correspondence soliciied. G. C. Craue, Stouy üreek Mich. 606-1 f. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE- For City lesidenee. farm of 65 acres, one mile soutli west of City. Or will sell or exehange 15 aurrs with buildings. Enquire at 86 South 5th St. S. A. Henion. 656 t f. I7OR SALE- Horse Wagon and Cutter, Jersey Cow and Calf, three Fire Proof Safes. Stock of Hats, Caps and Fura. House on üniversity Ave. for rent. Nov. 9th, 1887. C . H. Richmond. 672 tf FURNISHED and unfurnisbed rooms for rent, at No. 13. North Dlvislon-st. REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houses and lots valued froin (1 000 to $6,001) and containlug Trom one fiflh ol an acre to tweuty acres- ali in the cliy limits. tiou-es rented on reasonable terms in central locallties. Farms eichanged lor city property. Euquire of J. Q. A. SESSION3, 632tf Attomey arni Real Ksiate Agent. Office over Expre Office. Main Ut., Aun Arbor. WANTED- A Suite of Un urnished Rooms, suitdble lor gentleman and wiie, south of Campus. Addre-s s, Register Office. WANTED IMMED1ATELY - Two good reliable Coat-makeis and one Vet-maker. Good prices. Plenty of work. Solid iroiH. Pleasant fhop. (,'ash every week. N. H. Wm&ns, Hattle Creek, Mich. 672 tf OANING - Money to loan on flret clan real Li eat&te mortgagefi at current ratea of interest, iatlsfactory arrangement made wlth capitalista lesiring such lnvestment. Every conreyance ad transactlon in abstracts of titlcH carefully eximlned as to legal efl'ect. Zlna P. KIn?. Ana Arbor Mich. tf.


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Ann Arbor Register