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Mortgage Sale. Whereas, default has been made in the pay. ' ment of a cortain mortgage made by Dwiehtl Riggs and Mary A. hts wife, to Henry Pratt, date the second day of January, A. D., eighteen hun. ' dred' secure the pajmentof ft? hundred dollars, which mortgage is recordd in the register's office of the county of Wahlen&w State of Michigan, in Liber 38 ofmortgagee, pap 275, and which was duly assieneJ by said Benn Pratt to Cyrus Beckwith by deed recorded in Liba 9 of Mortgage assignments,page 412, and by CjJ rus Beckwith to Amarilla H. Beckwith, by deeJ recorded in said Liber 9, page 413, and by Aim rilla H. Beckwith to Sidney Beckwith, by deert recorded in said Liber 9, page 414, and whereat I there is now claimed to be due upon said mort gage the sum of five hundred and ninety-sevee ; 25-100 dollars at the date of this notice and n proceedings at law or In chaneery haring beet taken to recover the principal sum or interest o; any part thereof, now therefore notice is hrebj giyen that in pursuance of the power of sale contained in said mortgage and of the statute in MA case made and provided, the premises describe! in said mortgage to-wit: The north-east quartes of the north-west quarter of section thirty-two township two south of range three enst, situa'u in said oounty of Washtenaw, will be sold at pub lic auction at the south door of the court houv'jj in the city of Ann Arbor in said couuty, that inc: the place for holding the circuit court of the county, on Saturday, the 7th day of April nextá A. D. 1888, in the hour of 10 o'clock in the forel noon, tomake theamount then due on said mort. gage and the costs of these proceedings and thei sum of twenty-flve dollars attomey's feeaspru-S viiied therein. Dated this4th day of Januarv. A. D. 1888. C80 9. SIDNEY BECKWITH, Asslgnee. I " UNIVERSAL Buide ! Gazetteer !j Every country on the Globe disseoted, and its Anatomy comprehended. ItsGeograpliy. Popu-i lntion, People, Government, Rulers, IndustrlesJ Politics, Productions and general distirictivcl features. Whelhfl; jou are a Simón-Pura Republican, Democrat or Third Party man, aj Protectionist. or Free Trader, this Book is a 'i ii inza tor you. lt is an International EbSook, and it will give you quickly the Vital, Social and Industrial Statistics you are obliged to have iu giving a reason for you' faith. Splendid Maps, excellent Diagrams, Olear Type. -I Descriptive circular or any specitic information eheerfully furuished. A Pi WVmM Men or Woman, with 1 LX (TH, I S or without experience, S %M éiimfi m ki here is permanent and profitatile employment 1 HHHBH for you. ADDRESS : Wiliiam Graham & CoM 11 Washington Strest, C22ICACO, ZL.Ii. EEFERENCES :- Northwestern Christian j vocate, Metropolitan National Bank, Chicago. ta Arbor Email Fruit Hraory ! All kinds of Berry Plants ; Fine l Planta of the Sharpless ; The best Strawberry ; Fruit and Ornamental j trees from Ellwanger & Barry, ' ter, N. Y. Orders must be sent early. WINES AND SYEUPS. Swee.t Home-made Wine for Invalids, and the Encharist, Sour Wine, : berry Syrup, Shrub, Pear Syrup. Plymouth Rock Eggs. E. BAUR, West Huron St.. - Ann Arbor


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