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Real Estate Transfers

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Followinp is a l.-t of the real estáte transfers in Washtenaw county, as recorded by the register o!' deeds, for week ending February 20, 1888. Chas. H. Wilson and wife to Isabell Morton, Augusta f 300 Leonhard (runer and wife to John and Catherine Koch, Ann Arbor city 300 Hudson ï. Morton to Mrs. O. H. Keuuey, Ann Aroorcity 40 Esther A. Donaldson to Henry Vannattër, et. al. (decreeof a&signment) ] Geo. L. Unterkercher and wife to Chase & Valentine, Manchester 400 Geo. L, Unterkercher (by sheriff) to Chase et Valentine, Manchester 200 Wm. H. and Sarah Gray to Wm. R. Mount Sharon 499 Fredeiick Stabler and wife to Margaret Wagner, Ann Arbor 250 Jlary 8. Palmer (nee McCarthy) to Geo. A. Hendricks (revoeation of power of attoruey, W. H. Collins and wife to Allen B.'sküïmore, Lyndon.... 400 A. D. Craue to Hellen T. Crane, et. al., Dexter jq Ellen L. Washburn to James . Duücau AnnArborcits 2100 Tred h. Thompson and wife to GeO. C. Cooper. Ypsilanti 1 Abram Maybee and wife to August and Chas. Freebear. Augusta 1G0O Lewis C Hunt to Robert II. Hunt, Anu Arbor city iod Margaret H. Frederlck, et al. to Charles Browf. Salem village 80 Joseph Wilson (by adm'r) to Homer V, Brown, Salem village John O. Koch Jr. and wife to Henrj G, Paul. rittsfleld 1100 Mary Chsmbers (by wül) to Ueorge K. Chambers et. al John Gilbert and wife to Sarah C. Schermerhorn, Ypsilanti 1