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MORE NEW Furniture and Carpets ! AT THE EECK STORES, 56 and 58 South Main Street. We have just received, and now ready for Bale, a splendid line of Articlee, beautifnl in design and finish, consisting of Bedroom Suite?, Parlor and Reception Chaire, House and Office Desks, Secretarios, Book-Cases, Centre, Library and Extensión Tables, Pedestals, Music Cabinets, Painter's and Picture Easels, Hall Racks, Side Boards, Stands, Divans, Misses' and Children's Rockers, Gold Medal Carpet Sweepers, Blacking Boxes, Beautiful Plushes, Curtains, China Silka and Carpeta, Mattings, Rugs and Mattresseg, all of which we will sell at bottom pricee for cash. Don't forget that NOW, in stores 66 and 58 South Main-st, is the largest and most complete stock of Parlor and BeUroom Suites, and all articles in the Furniture line to select from in this city, and at lowest prices. Upholstering, Repairing and Finishing neatly and promptly done. CLOVEK AND TIMOTHY SKED FOR SALE. RIC1IM0ND & TREADWELL, Ann Arbor, Mich. WE AEE HERE At the Same Oíd Stand, io. s in inÉ, First Grocerj East of Office, WHEKE YOü ARE INV1TED TO CALL1 For Sugars that are Strictly Pure. For Ooffees that are Perfect in Flavor, For Teas that never turn Red. For Spiets that are not Adulterated, For Klour that Beats them All, For Kerosene that ives the Best Light, For Gooda of the Highest Qiiality, For the Lowest Living Prices. Also a full line of Crockcry, Glassware and Lampg. Remember the placo, . 5 Ann-st., Ann Arbor. J. D. STIMSON & SON. Henry Richards Is ag-ain in business. This time in the rear of John Finnegan's Agricultural Hall, OUT DETROIT STREET. ALL KINDS OP Hard and Soft Wood ON HAND and Orders taken for GOAL I will also lay in a stock of HARD -WOOD LUMBERÏ For the Spring Trade. Old oustomers and friend.3 are invited to see me. HtXKT RICHARDS, - Ann Arbor. BEWARE Of Adulterations put in Candy For Pure Non-Poisonous CA'N 13 Y! CALL AT HANC STSEFE U'S Whera all kinds of Caramela, Chips, Opera Oreams, Buttercups, Etc., are made Fresh every day. Headquarters for Wal lace & Co. 's, Ne-w York Creams. 38 SOUTH MAIN STREET. HEPORT OF THE COXDITIOK - op THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF A.NN ARBOR. At Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan, at the close of business, Feb. liih, 1888. RESOURCES. Loans and discount. .$ 278.815 68 Overdrafts_ _ _ 893 17 ü. 8. Bonds to secure eirculation_ 25,000 00 Other rtiicks, bonds and mortgages 900 00 Due frora approved reserve agents 60,996 89 Due from State Banka and Baukers.... 1,170 22 Bills in Transit „.. 1,135 00 Real estáte, furniture and fixtures 13,950 00 Current expenses and taxes paid_....... 399 05 Checks and other cash items 877 28 Bills of other National Bank 8,094 00 Fractional currency, including nickel 215 98 Specie, including gold Treasury uotes, 13,704 10 Legal-tender notes 6,964 00 Redemption fund wlth U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent. of circulation) 1,125 00 Premiums paid _ „„ 6,484 38 TOTAI 415,251 75 LIABILITIES. Capital stock pald in S 100,000 00 Surplus fund 10,000 00 Other undivided profits 18,054 62 National Bank notes outttandiug........ 22,500 00 Dividend unpaid. „.. 248 00 Individual deposltH subject to check- 199,613 33 Demand certifícales of deposit ...... 6l,k3S 80 Totau _ t 415,254 75 Statk or Michigan, County of Washtknaw. bs: I, Kirtiiey W. CUrkmn, Casbier ol the above named bank, do olcmnlr snear that the above statement is Urue to tlie bet of my knowludge and belief. 8. W. CLARKHON, Cashier. üubscribcd and sworn to before ma this I7th day of Feb., 188. F. H. Bilsee. Notary Public Correct- Attest: C. II. RlCIIMON-n, ) John M. Wiibxleb, vIMrectorF. PHII.II' Bik, ] Probate Order. 8TATB OF MlfIHIOAN. Í COUNTY OF WA8HTKNAW, j At a kosíou of the Probate Oourt fjr the County of Washteaaw, holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, theninth djr of February in the year one thousand ight hundred and eightylght. Present, Wiliiam I). Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Stephen FiUrcbild, deceaxeU. On readinic and fillng the politlón, dn!y rori3ed, of Benjamin Bniwn, praytng thatacerlaln i instrument now on file in thlo court, purpfrting .o be the last will and tehtamentof said deceased, may be admittei to probate, and that he may be appointed executor thereof. Thereupon lt is ordered, that Mondar, the fifia day of Maren next. at ten o'clock in the fore :ioon. be assigned for the beariog of said peti;lon, and that the dcvl,. e?, legatees, an 1 hcirs at aw of said dcoeaied, and at 1 other persons interested lu said estáte, are required ti appcar at ases-lon cffcaid C'ourt. then to be holden at the ' Probate OfQoe in the City of Anti Arbor, and show ïauifany there be, why the prayer of the petitinner t,hiulil not be ranled : An'ci it is funher ordered. that said petitioiier give notice 10 üie persons interefcied in sa!d estáte, ftf the peinlency f said petition. and tlie hearing thereof, b oausnga copyoi tlns order to be publikhed in the ANNAiitíoií Kkgitkr, a uewspai er prUited and circulated In mul ;unty, threa successive weeks jrcviouHto said day of hearing. WILLIAM U. HARRIMAN, [A true copy.J Judge of l'robate. W.j. 'i. Uoty, l'robate Reg!bt;r.


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