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The Fisheries Treaty

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TUE TRKATY FTv JfASHiNtiTox, Feb. 22 aluded by the Joint, Fish.iy Commissioi. was made publlo yesterday. President Cleveland's ine.-h:ipr'i aocompanyinj; the treaty and jrotocols exptes3es approval of thoWea'y :is :i satísfaotory, practical and final adjostment of the vei d q fcion to wiüoh n relatea The f" toom■ i :imary of the trealy: Articlcs 1 to Hof the treaty ure deroted to the .ietails of the lieudlund thcory of 1 nes for which Canada has contended. 81ie still retains cxolusivs ju:-isdiction wlthin the three-milc limit, mfl&sured seaviard from low-water marU, toot the headland thoory is disposed of by the provisión thai "al every bay. creek ur barbor not otherw se srecinlly pro ■yidedfor tlie dlstance sliall be metisurea er wardfrom a straight line flrai -liebay in the part nearest ttie entrsnee at the flrsl. point, wücre the width dot luit exceed ten miles." Within that point onr flshermen eau go, but must not ösh. The President inessase laj-s special stress upon tlii. as we!l as upoc BtUcle o, which provifles for the iree navigation of the Strait of Canso. Articles 10 to 1! concern toe right to touch and trade, and provide that American fishing Tessels entering Canadian pons under stress of weatheror to repair damages or for the purpose of purchusing wood or obtaining water need not report, enter or clear, and hen ing shelter mj unload and sell tlieir flsh, replenish thoir outflts and supplies, and have all fac;liti05 for shipping orews. Licenses to purchase tree of charge may be had for supplying the outfit for the homeward voyage, aneï Oanadian reuela aro to have the same privileges in our port. Artille iay the pena'tles for iinlawioi-T fishing in the m!i i i, ba fB, oreekï and harbors relerred to in article 1 oí this treaty may extend to forfelture of the boat or vesscl and appurten;mccs, and also ot the supplles and carfc aboard when tlie offense was committed; and lorproparin in suoli waters to unlawtully fish therein. penaltlea shaU ba tixert by the couri. not to exceed those for unlawfully fiühing. Tho proce.duu' -y and as inexper,sive as practicable. Artlcle 1". : lhe Unitea States shsll remove the duty Uiey wül allow oor flshermen to buy ba outflta anö 3upplies, transship eototi tor transportaron iMid s' Article ui v:iys that !; -nall bc rstifiedby the President oí the Dnited States, by andwiththo consent ol the Senate ; and by Her Britsnnto-Majesty, hTlng n sassent oí lhe Pariiament of Canada and ol rhc I.egitlatore Ot Ntwfoondland ; and the rat.fications tUallbecx ' ■ a& as possible. The prrtool te the treaty provides ttat rat flcation, the limitof which is flxed att'ioycurs, oor Bshermen m-.iyhave tte right te-parchase l)iiit, ice, stinus and Hnesby obtainins animal Uceases at a fee of il. 50 per ton, and ii ng the continu atlon ot this arrangement- .;thcdutyoc tish the liï ■■ ' tree


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