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The Theater Comique, ut ProvJdence, B. i. was burned on Friday. The Nortliwest-rn roails nro Losing -',- 00.i,000 a week by tho rate war. Willlam I Negu & Co., New York hardware dealers, iaüed on Tuesdayior $100,000. Bir Itichael Hlcks-Beach has been returaed to Parllament frora the wosd división of Bristol J. F. Poïlolat Co., well-known fur deal rrs in Chicago, ore closed by the sheriff on Tbnrsday, The Lebaiion cotton-mills ve.v I'awtncket. Pk I, were burued on bunday. Loss. $150,000. Graff Bennefet A Oo., iron m .nufaeturers of Pltteburgh, Pa , faUed on 'l'uesday for $1,200,000 Fanny Wye, aired 13 yearp, was married on Friday at orth Stonington, Conn., to Charles Drake. Pred Ansohlag vraa fomul gnilty S-Uurday oí killinir Mt and Mra. C. B. Ilitohcock at Los Anjjeles, CaL Flte at Holland, N. Y., Tuesday morning deetroyed an entire business block, causing ■ a Iosj of $50,000. Tbc tirm of Fratelli & Moroui, contractorsatliom?, haveïailed, with li.ibilities of 00, 000,000 lirns. Jobn A. Diisbanei Co., wholesala paper dealeis at Bal timóte, Mi, fatled on Wednesday ior $200,000. The Gant2ber? Theater at Hohoben, N. J.,W8B l.miied Monday, and :i buli dozen persons were injured, two fatal ly. The Saco (Me.) Bank has received every dollar oL the bonds stolen by Frank C. McNeally, amonntingr to $20."). 000. A flre at Oséala, Fla.,Frtday bmned about a dozi?n business bouses and resldenooa. Loes, ft 0,000; insuranee, $30,000. The New York Saturdiiy Nlght Club on Satnrday evenlng ave a dinner to tbe surviving war (jovernors oL tbe Union. No thern S atei and pineries wil] be represented at ibe LumbernieuV convention at Texarkaua, Ark., February 28. New ïork fruit dealers and brokers have a peötion to Congresi asktng tbatthe dutie on foreign fruit be retained. Mueller & Gogreare, wholesa'e il;;üers in licuor, assigned at ('iiicninii s.mrday, wlthdebts amounting to $150,000 Wenüam Boberteon, of Va., died on Tbursday, aged 8 1 veara líe served ooe year as Goveruor of Virinialn 1836. Stn'o enoampmen b oí tne K i-i.-as G. A. ]:., Woman's Kdief Corps and Bons of Vet. eran-; were opened at Winfield Tuosday. The aulüorities of the State of Dnrango, Mex., . iured and Bhotmostof the members of Bernal's band of robbers. A new trial hu'■ for Mr s. Robinson, wbo polsoned her brother-ln-law, lrince A. Fresman, at SomerTilte, Mass. The indictinent against Miss Josie Holmea, late exchanue olerk oï the recked Fidelity Bank, wan nolled ïuesday at CincinnatL The Aesociation of British Chamberí of Commerce has passed a reso'iHion fot au arbitration troaty with tlie United States. The minera emplayed at Palmyra, O., vho stnick two months ago tor au advanoe, resmned work ou ïuesday at tlie old prices. A fire in Providence, 1!. I.. on Siuulay 4eBtroyed the ]anicls buildintf, oneupiod by business tirms, causing a loss oL $250,00ft The iirstl-uld-headed eajrle seen in Ohio fur many yeara was shot neaz Batavtaon Monday. It measured six feet from tip to tip. Mr. l'yiiv. membei oE P. r'.i:nnent, was sentencöd at Dublin ou Wednesday to three month imprisonment uivler the Crimes act The workmen at the Bellaire (O.) blast furnace were given a voluntary advance oL ten per cent by the manage tocnt on Monday. Peter ShunJrean, of Napanee, Ont, fatally shot bis wife Tuesdi.y because she ïoined the Salvation Army and then killed niinselt Rev. James Schofleld, lathor of Genera'. Schofleld, and for many years a Baptist minister, diod in Chicago on Saturday, aged 87 veare. At a private meeting ol nail manufacturera in New York on Friday an agreement was signed to reduce production about 40 per cent. The Supremo Court of Hawaii has decided that the veto power ot King Kalataua is personal and may be exercised without con. Bultation. "" In Detroit on Wednesday two men with eeveral thousand dollars in counterfeit tendollar silver certiflcatcs on their persons were arrested. Mra. Sarah Keed, aged 7t years, was burned to death on Tuesday at her home near Indianapolis, Ind., her clothing taking lire Ironi a Btove. It ■was reportcd on Thursday that an error had been diRcovered in the constitution oí Sew Jersey wliich would libérate all prisoners committed since 1875. At Union City, N. Y., onTlmrsday Geórge W. Darrow, a hotel proprietor, feil Into a railroad cut and was injurcd so that he could not move, and froze to death. While Mrs. William Means, oí Lima, O., ■was lightiug a coal-oil stove on Thursday the etovc cxploded, setting üre to her olothes, aud she was iatally biurned. For the purpose of restricting production and maintaining prices U5 per cent of the coke ovens in the ConneUsville rejrion were shut down Thareday. rendcrinj 1,500 men idle. F. B. Ponpart, confiaeii'ial seeretary to Adolph Kohriebcr, treasurcr ot' the New Orleans Cotton Exchange, ahsconded on Saturday wlth !ji.'0,000 belongins; to the chtnge. President Means, of the Metropolitan National Bank of Cincüinati, has paid the receiver $125,000, the amount oí his paper held by the bank. Other officers are also paying up. The execution oL Brookü, ulias Maxwell, who killed Preller at 8t Louis, has ugain been postponcd, owing to the fact that a petition for a rehearing has been sent to the United States Suprcme Court The indictment against J. W. Wilshire, charged with being Harper's confedérate In wrecking tho Cincinnati Fidelity Bank, was nolled Monday, there being insuffleient evideuee to convict Similar action will be taken in Miss Holmes' case.


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