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"MAY GOD BLESS Y0I7!" Itosioii Paper-HHiiKFr'8 'l'roublennrt Huw He Gt (Int uf it- Plaln Word froin the Niimiy South. When we are in troufole we ery for help When we are relieved we olten forget to be thankful. But not always. Mr. W. W. Griflln, of Trout Creek, St. Clair Co., Ala., writes : -'I had a bad attack of chilla and fcver. My system was full of malaria. For two ycars I was scarcely able to work at all. Some times my heart would palpítate for two hours at a time. My legs would get i ould to the kncos, and I fully expected to die. In September, 1881, I bought a bottle of Sbakcr Extract of Roots, or Seigel's Curative Syrup, of yimr agent, Mr. R. M Kiug. and bclore 1 had taken the tirst bottle I feit better, and in a hort time was able to go to work. May God Mess you for the g'od you have done." Mr, Wm. J. McCann, t9 RanOall-st.. Boston, .writrs: "Sx months ago I began to throw up ■my food aller eating. I tbonht I was eoínj? .tolo consumpiion. I sodii beuan to huve pain .in the ehet, slotnach and sides. I got littlea eep ainl woke all liied iit. 1 once lost five pounds in four day. I began usiiiL ShaRer Kstract of Koots. or Seiüel' Syrup, and when I hd fluisbert thc sixth bottle I oould eat thre? fcquare menls a day, aud go to sleep the minute I truck thf bed. i am a paper hanger by trarie, and have worked every dav since I look the serond bottle. and gained eihteen pouuds. I ought to be ihankiul and I am." This lemedy opns all the natural passages of the body, expcls the poison from the blood and enables nature to rebuild what discase has desIroyed. Shuker Extract of Roots, or Seigel's Syrap, Ls told by all drnKiftt. or eend to the proprietoi , A. J. White, 64 Warren street, New York. Low Bates to Pacific Goast. The new agreement between the tran-sooirlinental lines authorizes a lower rate to Pacifto coast points via the Manitoba-Paciüc route Omui is made Yia any other line. Frequent exrorsiona. Accommodatioas first-claaei. Kor rates, maps, and other _ _ ,..., particulars, apply to C. ■ ■ MmNtíííum 1 II. Wakhen, Genera! U ■ i-rn B A Passenger Agent, Bt.lll ARI I UBU Paal, Winn. ■ -BAtia. r I nuia T A TTTJ mar Be Tmnn on nie at aeo i jtLLÖ Jüti p. ËoweUJC Cu'a Newspapef Adrerttaliw Bureau ( lOSproce StA wheread rerlljlng gutaotow te made tot it UI ÍÍKW ïoliït. I ' ü 1 . anti IliiKful. but I couldn't 1-e'p it. Everything went wrong with me, and I thought I hadn't R fnend in the wnrld ; dyspepsia caused thia, and for months í couldn't ent anything. and just suffered in tnisery till I used Sulpher Bitters. Tiiree bottles eured me - D. Lewis, 22 Bowdoin Street, Boston, Mas. What to expeat in bonnets - Wouien. - Butlint;ton Free Press. riiomplnn Short TTnn.l TViiter. Mr. A. 8. White, the wellkiiown author of " White' Plionography," amona as the Champion Shorthand Writer of thé World, reocived the first prize in the intf'niitioiial contesta at London, Edinburgh, Paris and Berlín ; he carne near being permancntly disabled by rheumatism. }lis rccovery by the use of a rempdy infallible incuringrhcuraatism and all bloodilisensp ü told in a letter from his office, 02 Wachinton st., Chicago, dated Juue 20, 188?. He write: ' Your rcmedy has done wouderful servire for me. For the past five yeara I havf been troubled with rlieumatio pains. "My riflit hand had become almost usekaa mid 1 was gradually losing speed as a ■horthand writer. A friend of mine, JJr. Dc-deriiili, ilvised me oí jour remedy. I used i doziii bottles of S. S. and am now entirely rtcovered. I shali nevor eease to conumn.l your excellent medicines, and wish vou Diuch success. "ïours truly, A. S. White" And here is another witnnss: "BSMTOK, Ark., August, 2öth, 1887. " Last spring I wasdanperously afüioted with erysipdas, and my life wasdespaired of by my ihv sicians. As a last hope I tried S. S. S. and soon found relief, and in twox;ks was able to attend to my bufirves. l used fivo bottles. 'S. H. "VViTTHniiNE.Ed. Saline Courier." Treaiise uu Bloo'l and Skin Diaeuses mailwd tree. Tok Swift Si-ECiPic Co., Iranrer ;. Atlauta. Ga.


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