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SENATE. Washington, Feo. '2',i. - The 8 nnte diapensed with its regular business yesterday, and alter the read njr oL Washington' farewell address by ihe presiding soloer, Senator Injfalls, the body adjoura d. Washington, Feb. '24 - In the Sánate yesterd.y bilis were reponed írom coniniittecs to estend tbe sonthern :.nd westrn boundarles ot' the Beate ol Kanaas, and to provide for the oorajUlttory edacatton of Indian cliil [ren, nok inoluding tbe live civilizad tribes nor the Osages. )t tin were passed to provide aid fcr State homes for disabled soidiers and sa lors, and to extend tho laws ol liie UiiiUid Swiies over certain nnorgan zed territory couth oL KaiiH, popularlv known as Xo Man's Land" Washington, Fob. 'l'i. - A resolntion was adopted in the S 'nate yesterday requesting the President toinform the Senate whether the French Government, bad prohibited the importation of Amerioan products. The bill granting' pensions to ex-soldiera and sailora who uxajnoapaoltatécl from the performance of matm U labor and providing for pensions to dep;ndent relatives of deceased soldiere and sniiors was uonsidered. Adjourned to the '27th. Washington, Felx !8. - In the Seaate yesday the bill frrantinif pensions to ex-soldiera and Bailors wbo are incapacitatid for the performance of manual labor, and to dependent relatives o( doceaeed Boldiers and eailors was considered. Th bilí to incorpórate the M.i-itime Canal ('onipany of Nicaragua was passed. Washington, Feb. 29.- In the lUnited States Senate yesterday a rusolution to continue the investigation of last session into allcged electlon franrls in Texas was agreed to. A bill was introdneed anthorizin? the iaaning to National bank circulating notea to theamount of 100 per cent. of the par value of the bonds deposited with tbe United States Treasurer to seenra the payraent of circnlating notes. Tha Grand Army Pension bill was f urthor considerad, the quesMon being on the amendment making the bill iipply also to thoae who served in the war with Mexico or (for thirty days) in any oL the Indian wars. The ameadmunt was agi eed to. THB IIOUSB. Washington, Feb. 24. - In the House yesterday & 8 Cox, of New York, was elected Speaker pro tem. The aession was devoted to considering bilis for pnblic buildings at a oes. Bills were pawsed appropriating $150,000 for a public building at Duluth, and $10,000 for the parchase of add ti'onnl land at Council Bluffs, Ia. Washington, Feb. 25.- In the House vesterd y tlie Senate bill to increase the pensions for deafness was reported favorably; a so the bill increasing the pension for total disabilities t o iJÜO per mom h. The bill for the admis8ion of iiorth and South Dakota as separate 8 ates was reported adversely. The Elections Committee picaented a report in the contested election cise of McLuffle va. Davidson, of Alabama, favorable to the claims of Dav.tlson, the sitting tnember. A ininority report in favor of scacing McLuffie was also presentad. Washington, Feb. '27.- In the House Saturday a long disuussion took place over appropriatlons for pnblic buildings, and tbe bill for organization of the Territory of Oklahoma was considero!. Washington, Feb. ÜR- Bills were Introduoed in the House yesterday granting amnesty for all oftenses ugrainst the internal-revenue laws commi ted prior to February 22, 1888, and for the admission ot the State of Wyoming. Resolntions were introduoed extending the terin of office of the Pres dent nntll the 30th of April, 188!), and chanRintr the date of tbe meeting of Congress, and calling upon the President for information as to wbat steps have beentiken to prevent the continued immigration of Chinese labor rs into tbe United Statea A testimonial of respect for the memory of W. W. Corcoran w is plnced on reoorcl Washington, Feb. 29.- In the House a petición of 700 Michigan minere was presented proteetina; against reducingthe duty on iron ore. In committee of the whole a large nnmber of bilis for pnblic buildings were agreed to.nmong tbem being an appropriation of $400,000 for one at Hilwaukee, SP150.000 lor Bay City, Mlch., and $100,000 for additional gronnd at Indianapolis, Ind. OTHER NOTES. Washington, Feb. üö.- The Treaeury DpartmentoThurnday issn-d warnmts for the paymmt. of $10,000,000 on aoconnt ol pensions, the effect of which will be to redaos ihe surplus for the monthof February from $17,000,000 to $7,000,000. The total revenues for the month to date aggregate $25,000,000, be ag $2,000,000 in excessof an average of $1,000,000 a day. The expenrtitures daring the Bame time amonntto $18,000,000. Washington, Feb. 28.- The Presidential party arrived in this city at 3 o'clock Bunday morninnf from their trip to Florida and the South. Washington, Feb. 20. - President Cleveland has direuted th;it the new military post at Highwood, near Chicago, be known and designuted os Fort Sheridaa


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