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It In n Curlons Tart that the body is now more susceptible to benefit from medicine than at aoy other season. Henee the importance of taking Hood's Sarsaparilla now, when it will do ou the most good. It is really wonderiul for punfyiog and enriching the blood, creatina an appetite, and givim? a hesltfcy tone to the whole svstem. Be sure to et Hood's Sarsaparilla, which is peci'iar to itselt'. We go and fanoy that everybody is hitikiug of uf. But he is nol ; he is like , r is thinking of riimself. - Cbarles ieacip. Man y New Iflcat n the home cure ol (üseasee, aoflideoU, nd how to treai hun, snd many hints of alue to the si(k will be 'cund in Dr. [aufmann's great Medical Work ; elegxnt lustrations. S-nd three 2-oen'. stampa o A. P. Ordway & Cj., Boston, Maef , ni roceive n efov frnn. The grent r.d only Worth, of Parií )nsderi Mrn. Potter's i"ai:e Ihe leautifnl heeversaw. Te, ve.vv&ox SioodAEÏ s warracted, is because it is the bet iiood Preparation known. It will posiively cure all Blood Diseases, purifiea the wliole system, and thoroughly builds up the constitutinn. Rememljer, we euarautoe it John Moore, Druggtst. The more you sy, the les people remember. The fewer the words ihe reater the prorit. - Fandon. Scrofi'La, dyspepsia, gout ani! e'ysipeas, or any of ihe arisin trom an nteeoled condi'ion ir the nystem, can be ffecmally cured by the great blood v.iriier, Hibbard's Rht-umatic Syrup. Nothing 1 ke asking for what you wai.i, Some striking machinists iu Providence Iemand an increase of Ö00 per wnt. in waïe. BEST PREPARATION EVER PROOUCED or Coughs. Hoarseness. Weak Lungs, Whoopinq 'fuu;h. Dry, HackingCoOttihs ff long staniling, and ill Bronchlal :ind Ining ASkctlons. Try it. Varranted to Cure Consumption In lts Earlier Stages. 7 A1L-ROAD ' Absolirte Dominion over Pain- 3AIN CURE i" Will Oui-p Holle, Sore Throat, ruup, Fnt Bite8,Woundatetc.rin teutlfue than any ither medielneon ■■" Guaranteed to Cure Rtieumaisni aud Neuralgia. Warranted by jour drunlxt. öc. and SI. Kor SI wt wil! st'nd lurgedt size of líber Cursi expreas prepaid. Addbran Rait-Road Remedy Co., Box 372. Lincoln. Neb. Tr:ide Bupplled by Karraud, Williani A Co., Detroit Piso's Cure for Consumption is also the best 3 Congh Medicine. If you have a Cough without disease of the Hl BÊ Lungs, a few doses are all you need. But if you RQ glect tliis easy means of Hl tjk safety, the slight Cough Kl t inay become a serious El matter, and severa) bottles will be required.


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