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norticnsr Sale. Wherea, default has been nndein the pafment of a certaiu mortgage made by Uwight KI ÍK and Mnry A. lii.s wilt', to Ueiiry Pratl. dated the second day of Jauuary, A. D., eighteen hundred and secure t.he pajmentof flve hundred dollars, which mortgage is recorded in üie register's office of the oounly of Wa.-htenaw, State of Michigan, in Liber 38 of mortgages page 27ó.and wbich was duly assigned by 8aid Henry Pratt to Cyrus Beckwith by deed recordel in Liber 9 of Mortgage assigrimeiits, page 412, and by Cyrus Beckwith to Amarilla H. Beckwith, by deed recorded in said Liber 9. page 413. and by Amarilla H. Beckwith to Sidney Beokwith, by deed reeorded in said Liber 9, page 414, and whereos, there is uow claimed to be due upon saiii mortgage the Bum of live hundred and ninety-seven 2V100 dollars at the date of this noties and uo proceedinas atlaworin (haneery haring been taken to recover the principal sum or interest or any part thereof, now therefore notlce ia hereby given that in pursnance of the power of sale conlained in said mortgage andotthe statute in such case made and providc I, the prem fes di wribed in -aid mortsage to-wit: 1 he north-raKi qnarter of the north-wtst qnarter of seciiou thinv two, townshiptwo south of range ihree ei st. sit'ia'te in sairt county of Wahtenaw, wil be )ld at public auction at the M)uth doir of the Court i ouse in the city of Ann Arbor in paid cunty. that beinr the place lor holding the circuit courr of the county, on fciatnrday, the 7lh dav if April neit, A. U. 1888. in the liounf 10 ocloik in the lorenoon, tomake tiieamount then due on said mortgage and the costs of tht'Re pmceedlugsand the sum of twenty flve dollars atioiney's feeasprovirttd Dated this 4th day of Jannary, A. D. 1888. CS0 9. 8IDNEY BECKWITH, Assignee. "UNIVERSAL Suite ï hum ! Every country on the Globe dissected, and its Anatomy comprehende1. ItsOeography, Popnlation, People, Government, Kuiers, Industries, Politie, Productions and general distinctive features. Whethe? jou are a Simonta Kepublican, Democrat or Third Party man, Protectionist, or Kra Trader, this Book i a !- uanza for you. It is an Intercational Bhe-Book, nd it will glve you quickly the Vital, SoclaJ and Industrial Siatistics you are obliged to have in giving a reason for you faith. Splendid Mps, excellent üiagrams.Clear Type. Descriptive circular or any specifie information cheerfully fumished. A MtMi Men or Womjn, with t tK ll I ' or witnout experience. AWI JtiJti X Q here is permanent and profltable employment ■■■■■■■HHi 'r you. ADDRESS : William Graham & Co, 17 Washington Sirs-i, C2XOA.GO, Z1.Z.. KEFERENCES:- Northwestern Christlan Advocate, Metropolitan National Bank, Chicago k Arte Email Fruit hnorj ! All kinds of Berry Plaats ; Fine Planta of the Sharpless ; The best Strawberry ; Fruit and Ornamental trees from Ellwanger & Barry, Rochester, N. Y. Orders must be sent early. WINES AND 8YRUPS. Sweet Home-made Wine for Invalida, and the Encharist, Sour Wine, Raspberry Syrup, Shrub, Pear Syrup. Plymouth Rock Eggs. E. BAÜR, "West Huron St.. - Ann Arbor


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