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BUSNESS CABJDS. LEX. W. HAMILTON Attorney at Luw. Will praeticein both State and United States Ccmrtó. Office Rooms, one and two, let Door of ihe new brick block. corner of Hnron and Fonrtii Btreete, Ann Arbor, Michigan. DB. H. S,. .E,IsriDT. (Office over First National Bank.) Hoürs: 10:30 to 12 m. and 2:30 to3:30 p. m Can be reached atresidence, Wert Huron-st., a the "Prof. Nicbol place"; by telephone No. 97 nd will reply to csIIb in the evening. KELLEY' PEERLESS TRUSS 3 given on trial and warranted to give satiffactiDu or money refunded. CHRONIC CASES A SPECIALITY. Office, No. 6 s:„ Over Rinsey !i Seabolt's Store, Ann Arbor. C. HOWELL, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SUEGEOK. Office in Masonic Block, ROOM 1. 'I-eKrptaone Couneetions, Ann Artnr. NICHOLS BROS., DENTAL OFFICE wecond Floor Mnnonlc Block, over Snv Iurs Bank, Ann Arbor, Klcb. Teeth extracted wlthont pain by the nee of mg or vitalized air. gtd WW EOAN'S IMPERIAL TKCS& W MP Spiml Boring with gr&ded pree snre 1 to 6 ponnds. Wom day and v_ - night by au Infant a week ld o f adultofüO yean. Ladles' Trusie? seE-M.., a Hpecialty. Knclose tamps lo j a Testimoniáis of Cures, nxeamitsi-?J:-mcl)ts, ftc'. KCAN'S IMl'ERiA! v TKUSS CO., Hamilton Bloek, Ann Arbor, Mich. 3 wish to tnform the public that I keep eontantly on hand the best grades of Black Diawond Coal, inall sizes; also the Jaekson Hlll soft coal, which I can sel! at lowest market prioes. WU1 dcliver to any part of the city. Give me & c&ll at No. 11 west Washington-et. M KTABLKR. WM. BIGGS. Contractor ! Builder And all hinds of work in ronncrllou ilh tb aboye prumpUy exrcutcd. W Shop Cor. of Chnrcb-et and University ave. Telephone 9 ; P. U. Box 243. WILLIAM ARNOLD, SELLS 1847 R GERS BROS.' SPOONS. FORKS AND KNIVE8, At bottom prices, engraviu? iuuludíí fUll line of the justly oeleb) et(ö BOOKFORD WALTHASI and ELGIN WATCHBS. c pen face, Key and Stem-wlndlug alwayt on hand and regulated, ready Tor a man t picket. If you canuot readthis get ece of Johnston & Co'.s eye-glasses or spectacles for sale by WM. ARlSotD, 36 Main Bt Ann Arbor, Micb . SHINGLES! The best Rooflng in theworld is Waiier'sPaientShingles Made of Iron, Tin or SteeL Cheapei More Durable and Ornamenatl Than Slate Warranted to give Batiafaotion. For particulars and pricos auareea CEOKGZ SCOTT, Architect. Sole Agent forWaehtenaw County. I k 1 9 1 i m ' I IM f Vt II 'Jíl Át SURE CURE FCS NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISK, HEADACHE, MCXACHE, HEART CORRECTOR, OR PAINS. ft ís the grandest i-emaue mmebi known ,- i the ladlee' friend. Try It. No ene sin Ud í without It. Valuable Testimoniáis. DONT USE THB KNIFE. A RSMAllKABLK CAFE.- Doctor CSTC hl fP" J3Pra,1í'e 'm her jam luw Mt b mo ved , bu t is eaved by the use of Stek.ítee'3 -VunriefaDroíw. Tho underedímed herew i h ensiles to Bay what a remarkable enre Sukt.■c-e p Neuralgia Drope done in curinB tic unoranedof neuralgia. I had boentrovMt-d ith pain in my jaw for a Ung time. I ra;!Lnl,a fW11"1! Physicton in this citv. He cided Üiat my case was incurable nless my iw öone wae remoTed. 1 caUed on Mr HeaövlsedaftCTKavinï )im1my oase touse bis Neura](rialr)i)s .Neuralgia Drop enliríl, wwi me ,3 Irrh. otó the use of a knlle or violericí .. ■ Mibs Q. Eokst. r ..„.ï iT?ï5erif Ctoncy and Cedar Streets. Gnmd Kapids, Mksh., Dec. 6, 1883. Many pcople have writttu me if the above 7JlVne are l now newer all inqulree that every word of tho above writinp it rué -. sneariyfouryearepinoelwagcured; had zo more pain nor m-uraipia. It is worth the fipiit m pold to me. MiwG. Koert, S ovember 1, 188T. Now Mre. E De Korne. -k your drufrgirt for Pteketee's Neural( -a Drops. ] f they have not it for Bale, then else, but pend direct to G. G -;lieteo. Grand Haphif . Mich., wbo wffl iend .treeoottleeon reoeipt of 81.50; exprese paid. P. S.- Trial bot!e sent on receipt of 12 een ts ie r. 8. postage Btampe. GEO. G. STEKETEE, Grand Rapids, - Mich.


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Ann Arbor Register