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Do Not Ttaink fors Hoinenl that catarrh wiil in time wear out. The theory is false. Men try to beheve it because it would be pleasant if true, but it is not, as all know. Di not let an acute attrack of cold in the head remain unsubdued. It g Hable to develop into catarrh. You can rid yourself of a cald and avoid all chance of catarrh by using Dr. Sage's Cararrh Remedy. If already afflicted rid yourself of this troublesome disease speedily by the same meaos. At all druggists. A good many dough heads are still founij among tce upper crust. - Paregrapher. Don'! let that cold of yours run on. You think it is a light thiog. But it may run into catarrh. Or into pneumonía. Or consumption. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonía is dangerous. Consumption is death itself. The breathing apparatus must be kept healthy and clear of all obetructions and offensive matter. O;herise there is trouble aheail. All the di-ea?es of these parta, head, note, throat, bronch'.al tubes and lungs, can be delightfully and entirely cured by the me of Boschoe's Germán Syrup. If you don't know th g already, thoufands and thousands of people can tell you. They have been cured by it, and " know how it is, themselve?." Bottle only 75 cents. Axk any druggist, If suddenly submerged the stiffest liat at once beeomes duckeii-tile. The fimperor of Brazil wears a buckeye or horse-chestnut tied to his neck to keep off evil spirits, and it has been a great suceess. The great sources of the eitensive curative range of Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic are its great blood purifying qualities and its gentle aperitive action, thereby removing all restraint from the sr. cretive organ, curing promptly and thoroughly dyspepsia, costive-'ess, bad breath, piles, pimples, low spirits, sick and nervous headache, agüe, malaria, and all stomach, liver and ktdney troubles. The most delicate stomach accept it with relish. Price 50 cents, ot Eberbach & Son Sach is the emptiness of human enjuyment that we are always impatient ot toe present. Attainment is followed by neglect aml possegsion by disgust. - Dr. Johnson. Good Morsiko, Mother; how do yon feel this morning? Oh, I am ever so much better. That cough and aoreness of my lungs has entirely left me. I got a bottle of Hibbard's Throat and Lung Balsam, and in twentv-four hours I was wel!. Kindness is a laoguage which the dumb can speak, and the deaf can tand. - Bovee. SCVWO the They are esS3WVr pecially Hable to sudden Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Congh, etc. We guárante Acker'a English Kemedy a positivo care. It saves honra of anxioas watching. gold by John Moors, Druggist A really great man s known by tLree sigos,- generosity in the designs, tmmanity in the execiition, and moderation in succes. - Bigmarck. A Fiirt. Among the few popular remedies that have suc cessfully withtood the test of a discriminaties public, especially sensitive in matten of such vital imporlan bh thoee which roncera their daily health, Pomeroy's Piasters rank preeminent. For over live years thi well-known remedy, endorsed with the approval of the medical professon, ha been in general use amongst the people. witu steady increasing favor. ltn name is indeed becoming a huusthold word. Beware of counterfeic. Insist on having the genuine article. For Sale py U. J. B;own. DUt. Agt. for Ann Arbor. Eghty yeara henee it will matter little whether we were a peasant or a peer, but it will matter much, whether we did our duty as one or the other. - Brooke. I NEVER paw anyihing Iike it. Eïerywhere I go I hear nothino; but praise for Hibbard'8 Throat and Lune B ilsam. If you live on less than you earn you will soon be able to count up your cagh n the savings fond. - Cali. Throat-ailom gets well seld of itsell, budeepens until it undermines the constituí tion, wastes away health, etrength and flesh, and finally fastens itself on the lungf, completing the wreek and ruin of the whole man. Dr. Bigelow's Positivo Cure is the only safe, Bure and epeedy remedy for coughg, colds, and all throat and lung diseasea. Sold by Eberbach A Son, at fifty cents and one dollar. Pleasant to take and safe for children. The waiter broaght a glass of beer, on which, howeyer, tbere was very li'ttle beer, but a great de! of froth and foam. "No, thank you," said iho Mjor, "1 don't want toshave just now." - M cking Bird. Read what thr pcopte ■ay coaceramg the bitityof Dr. Thomas' Edvctric Ot t cuie asthma, caiairh. croup, coíds etc. Mrs. Dor Koch oí Cufíalo, says : ' t'or croup ie is decidtdly cfTicirïous." [Mrs. Jacob Mclloor of M.ric; Ohio, ys che same iiimg.1 S. S. Gravc Akron, N. V., write ; M Had authma of the worsC kind, look otie dote of Thomas' Eclecthc Oil and was rel tr ved in a few minuies. Would walk five miles lor thts medicine and pay $5 a boe tic for it." D.u"KistC. R. HalI.Crayvilie. ÍIL. ay; Curedan uicerated throat for me in iweniy-four hours." M Sal up in bed and coughed uil the dotbiog wu wel with perspiratioo. My wife tn&isted that I us Thomas' Lclectnc Oil. The fint teaspoonful RHLiKVKüme." E. HPerktns, Creek Centre N. Y., Thomas Ecleciric Oil is atso a TirTop external application for rhenmktism, cu ts.scaldsbn nis, buts, bruises,etc. When visiting the druggir.t, ask him what fie knows of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil ; if he has been long ín the drur trade, be sure he wilt (peale hifhJy of it. WorkcU U' onder. M Mjr daughter was vrry bad off on account ot a cold aad pain in her (üngs. Dr. Tkmms' BrUc trie Oil cured her in Iwity-four hours. Oüp of the boys was cured of sore ihroat. This nicdicine has workcd uofMlers in our family." 'AJvüi Pinckocy, I.kf "-:■ - . " V.


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