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Mr. Morcan Talk to Ir. Lynch. Manchester, Mich., Sept, 1887. Doctor. - Do y ou remember me counseling with you ome inonlhs ej;o about my rheumatism, and that one oí' my lower limbs was partially paralyzed from ita effects? I asked you about the Syrup, and you replied to me that if there was anything under the sun that would cure me to take it. So I commenced nsing Hibbard's Jlheumatic Syrup, nd I want to say to you that it ia the greatps'. medicine in the world, I firmly be!iev. That dizziness that troubled me as weli as the rheumatisra is cared, and my blood is in a heal hy condition. My ppetite and sleep are both good, and I atn healthy. Doctor, that is a great family medicine, and you need not hesitute to reommend tMrs. Thomas Morgan They were out in a boat, and t-he very innocently aikfiJ him if it was possible lo sieer with one hand? He had liever been there before, but he caugbt on iike an oíd gtager. Hiboard's Rheumatic Piasters are of preat merit for weak lungs ar.ti stomach, aud should bc pplit over lm ; ■- K,feeted. Most people would succeed in smal) things if they were not trouhled with ijreat ambitiong. - Long'ellow. )CYAVOVVL WY Plea8ant ano wenlts, are Acker's Dyspepsia Tableta. Recommended by physicians and endorsed by all who have used them. The best lemedy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency.and Coatipation. Guaran teed, and sold at 25c. by Johw Moork, Drop-piit, Most ol our mief'ortunes are more supportable ihan the comrnfntp of cur friends upon them. - Ltcon. A Black Friday. - ïbat day when a períon if tirsi seriouily atUcked with rheumatism, oiay well be termed a black one; hut if he us"s Salvation Oil in time, he will sooii be able to npak of a "Good Fridiy." ( 'm the grcaiest cure or: eartb for pain. It is Arkinsaw ofBciaüy now and Cox has given up his ai tempt to Lave it pronouocH Arkansas. a ffwöfes Mm Pur fier fë KNOWN. M I Thia Grrat Germán Medicine Is the#, III e.heapert and best. 128losesof SUL.-W III PmTKI!ITTElLSfortl.00,]e88than# S III one cent a lose, lt will cure thc# fcj jj p worst cases of skin disease, troroM m Ui common pimple on the face ƒ IC U In to that awfnl liiscase Scrofnn,M SI lUSUI'nUB BITTERS is thcM J 111 Illbest meUc!n to nse in all# Illcases of such gtnbborn Wyov.r Ki! IH llaecp seated dlseaecs. IKWneysareoutlll Bloot ever take #ofonier. Vee BI ÍBLUE PILLS ?.LLLL ULH the pureet and bestW0'1'0 melicine evenude. JJUr Bitn ! IH --IiyoniTongiieGoatedjr SS gl withayel1ow8Ucky#Don't walt nntil yotibl Hl snbsuuice? Isyourare unablti to walk,orl Illbreath foul amlJfare flat on your back, III lllofrcnsive? Yonrbut jet Bome at once, ltl Illstomach is owtfwill cure jou. ■Sulpiiurlll IH ' Uee#Bitters ia ra SUni1TTKÍtipihe lüTalíd's Friend. K ilmrnisliati]ynlieyonng,theagel aml tot-ïï Ig your Ur-Jftering are Boon made wpll by III ine tbick.its use. Kcmemher what you III fny, cto-Mread here, it may save yoiirlll udy, orjnife, it has saveil hnntlrols. MDou t walt udÜI to-morrow, I f fTrj a Bottle To-day! E3 IS m -Arfl yon low-spirited aml wcak, S Mot siifferiBir from the execssos nf .youth? ]f so, SULPHUR BITÏÜItól I Send 3 2-vect sUimps to A. J'. Oniway & Co., Uotton, MitBti., for bcbt mcdicJ work publiehvU? lew Advertisements DO YOD I SI. SEEDS? Fend & Postal Un Cataloxui ■,. J. 1I THOIHB A O.. ]. Ulin STK1.KI. MH HIIIK. HíAIXÍTíKTEHS FOB White Plume Celery and Thorburn'e Gilt Edge Cauüflower Seed Millflf na revolütioui iht oii I iHuRNT mí -ng the la8t half I iil IJJll ilbIlea-t the woudera of I TenUve propress i a method and I tjKtem of work that can De perfonned al! over I the country without s;p&ra'.ing the workers from I their homes. Pay literal ; aiiy one can do the I work ; either scs! jtoudk or old ; no special I tyrequired. C&pitkl not needed ; you are st&rted I free. Cutthie out aod return to es and we will I end you ree, somethinp of great value and I poruñee to you, ihtt wlll start you in business, I which will brinir yon iu more money right away I than anythinee; in the worid. Grandout UJru.. I Addreas Tsif & Co., Augusta. Maine. f TEE lllLÏ of til BOOEE :: ADVENTURE Condeneed into One Volume. PIONEER .„.I DARING HÉROES AM) DEEDS. l The thrüline advcutures of all the hero explorer and frontier fiRhiers with Indiana, ooíIaw and wild beun', over our whole con try, from the earliest times to the present. Lives ind tamous exploits of DeSoto, Laalle, StandiPh, I Boone. Kenton. Brady, Crockett. Bowie. Houston. I Careon. (-■u.'ter, California Joe. Wild Bill, Buffalo I Bill. Generale Muts and Crook. great Indian I Chlefü, and scores ofnthere. Nplrudid y I lHN(rnt-fl wlth 220 fine engraving. AKKSTN I WA.VIÏD. Low-prieed, and beate anything Ui I Time fir parmen's allowed Agents short of I fundí. FLANET PIH. CO., Box 6X81. PhilíDelpuií, Pa., or Bt. Lopis, Mo. I Au Excellent Route. Tourltt, DnsliMH men, eeUlers anó ! t tu reafii auy place la Central ■■ ero Montana, Daiot-a, Minnesota, r Piig - íi.uud and Patine toast poinw BbouM Invtwl s.t rpKurdmg tbe ratea and advantJi - li.vtijis route. A rat írom Uliie4o or s ! Puget Round or Pacific Coast poims than via uuy other line is guárante. A I M5TTRAUL 4 aniTobÁ SflaL. wtöwn, Aberdeen, Elndale, Fort I buford aiid Bottineau, Daltota, re a fe o! (he I prji,.-if,al poinu reaclied Tia reeent uteneionkol A or raaps or other intormati. oraw (. H. Wakkem, Genm-a! Passenwr A ' ■! -I1! '."I.Minn.. orI.W. H. Moreland ; FhUrr Ajent, 17!. JeHerson Av. ' i ínrnfwmapofNorthweft. ' lEBERBACH & WK, DRUOGISTS And Pharmacists, No. 12 South Main Street, Keep on hand a large and wtll selected stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye-Stufls, Arlists' and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Articlesjrusses, and PURE WINES & LIQUORS Special attention paid to the furnishing of Phyciane, ChemlBt, School, etc., with Philoaopb. ical and Chemical Apparatus, Bohemlan Chemical Glass-ware, Porelain Ware, Pure Reagenta. Pliysiciar.s' PrescrtptlOM carefnlly preparad at allhoure. LÏÏMBËR LUMBERZ LUMBER! If you contémplate building caU at FERDON HUI YARD! Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., and get our figures for all kinds oí LUMBEE We manufacture our own Lumber and Tuarantee VERY LOW PRICES5 -CS v a cali i ntl we will mak e It ut onr inl.resl. an oar Iare and wll If riw). f t.irii rnlly -n-lniw. onr uw lion. JAMES TOLHKRT, Prop. T. J. HKKCH.Supt. BIHS5Y & SIABOLT 3STOS. 6 AJSTD 8 Washington Street, Ann Arboï Michigan. Ev tiwijton and a complet Ptock oí ewi liillPii RM GROCËRY LOB! Teas, Coffees and Sugars AU prime Arücics tought for. Cash nd o!cri Rtlow figures. Onr frequent large invoices p Tea. io & mie ign ;tat wc girp bargains in QUALITY AND PRIOE. Weroaatoui own coffees evcrj weei,lw fresh and good. Onr batery tutns out toeveiy bett of Bread, Cakes and cracker. Cali and seeus. PATENTS FRANKLIN H. HOUGH, Solicitor of American & Forap Patenta, OS 9 S-t., nw V. .. Patent Offic, ' WASHINGTON, D. C All biiRinowtforethcünitwlStntcs Patent. ortoe tended to lor moderate leen. Patents jocored in thUnlted8tateandail íoíSin ontr).s. J-:de Marl-, av.t LaUh rrglsterSt Reiend applicaUoni revlved and proeeeut .!.' 1 nformatton and ulvlop as to obtainine PltMBte checrfully furiHshca wilhoutchftrgf .Sii irrA ör (xv ,r . opinión as o txiientability. rachPÍeS Of Patonts iurni'til for 25 cents tSr Corrc--pondencc invite-d. PAÏNT 11 K FshatlíS!..: hLuk, M.J000, VermSon T I Bina, YcjW, Ottva ï-aiic. Rrrwttcr and Waon 3 & I O '-reens. Ntf Van , .-. Drl hard .L L YOUR BUGGY if I S "Hp t( p fe Chürt, Lwn Eat Sash, Ftewer % S jj Pola, Bftbj Carriage, t irtato Potes, Fumiture. 52o I ■ J ront lnr, t-u re-fronts, Screen Doors, Boats. b J Matules I ■■ Fenc, tn fact rvrnihinc. MK o I tbc tiuog fas tí i..J - u ube a6out Ihc bóusc í FOR QUE DOLLflBl -COITS HONESTÉ CO 'e yt" - rl irso,doai5 w ÍHl - itei or tiínríne whea I'S J 1 forfltc s. '■ut.iH procure ?-í " tK , klt%r HT, l-ÍMii, LlfchlO!L PAIXTI89 3 and írtm w.,:cr .i btnanc D'iI thblp L OhrabO and iiii no th-r. Mcrchanis haodKfggg í an (iíi agenn v:.d authorízrd bvuí. In writing, rëi: c tf-urrnwt ii [(. ,a-í t felliM fth S 1XAT8 r IK fi B Q ft ÏKABi -lih 2 HTti. (tur Sh.Td are lhr2Ë"c ._-'■'■ t now tv.-i-oming I rt d kU -. fff .lTld upwiíh thctíms62't; 5 '■ HOMíST Pil NT ar.d you wi!lH?.M T ■ tÍK -is Is sufiicirr. I ñu g HOUSE PAIWT M i corrs floor wr íSiM ■JV ..-te . ■" . -i-j ;%. job, and tltcn swcartl g'm I Ne Üi - ti íor COIT A (P KLOÜR PITSi. X P3 ■-, "i,(mí (o rfri l ■m hard a nx-k rr túhu o iiouble. Noj SgaWDÍiTDRyST1CKYb te


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