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Real Estate Transfers

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Following is a list of the real estáte transfers in Washtenaw county, as recorded by the register of deeds, for week ending March 5, 1888. Gustave A. Roehm to Cari H. Roehm. Ann Arbor city S 1 S. P. and E. J. Sumner to Elvira C. Sumner, Ann Arbor city 700 Hiram Storms and wife to T. H. Eaton, jr., Ann Arbor city 100 Adella E. Pierce to William Wood, Dexter 650 George Moffitt and wife to Julius Oelke, Augusta _ 300 Alfred Miller and wife to Adam Sauer, Lodi , 100 Oscar O. Sorg to Blanch E. Bach, Ann Arbor city 150 Wilson & Warner to Philenia Olcott, Milan village 125 Mary E. Newman to Mary Wheeler, Ann Arbor city 1000 Wallace & Henley to John Mahlke, Ann Arbor city „... 370 Martha H. Taylor to Comstock T. Hill (power of attorney). Josephine A. Cheney to James and Mary Hutchinson, Ypsilanti city 1600 Garrlson Underhill to Eliza Underhill, Manchester 1200 Mathias Clawson to Susan M. Brokaw, Ypsilanti city 8000 Thomas Thompson to James Rice, Superior 2600 Margs ret Wood to A. Sager Hall, PittsBeld 1 Ellen T. Bradley to James M. Stafford, Ann Arborcity 1250 MargaretTO. Frederick et. al. to Adolph Gargler, Salem 150 Thos. Markey (by sheriff) to Patrick Rabbit, Dexter 1G98 James II. Stafford and wife to Adam D. Seyler, Ann Arbor city 1550 Mary Wheeler to John Waltz, Ann Arbor city _ 750 Mary Ann Bumpus (by sheriff) to Helen C. Swift, Ypsilanti city 3495