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BUSNESS CARDS. ALEX. W. HAMILTON Attorney at Will practicein both State and United States Courts. Office Rooms, one and two, lst Booi of the new brick block. corner of Huron and Fourth Streets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. XJia. H. H. ABITDT. (Office over First National Bank.) Hodrs: 10:30 to 12 il and 2:30 to 3:30 p. u' , Can be reached atresidence, West Huron -st., a the " Prof. Nichol place " ; by telephone Xo. 97 and will reply to calis in the evening. PEERLESS TRUSS Ia glven on trial and warranted to give sati&faction or money refunded. CHRONIC CASES A SFECIALITY. Office, No. 6 st., Over Rlnsey & Seabolt's Store, Ann Arbor. O. HOWELL, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office in Masonic Block, ROOM 4. Telephone Connecttons, Ann Arbor. NICHOLS BROS., DENTAL OFFICE Becond Floor Masonlc Blocfa, over Snvlngs Bank, Ann Arbor, Micn, leeth extracted without pain by the nee of gas or vitalized air. EGAN'8 IMPERIAL TRC8S. Spirnl Spring wlth graded pres sure 1 to 6 ponnds. Worn day and night by an Infant a week old o adultof) years. Ladies' Trusse a specialty. Enclose Btamps to Testimonial of Cures, measurements, etc EGAN'8 IMPERIA1 THUSS CO., Hamilton Block, Ann Albor, Mich. WM. BIGGS. Contractor ! Builder And all kinds of worh in connectlon i i Ui tbe abye prumplly execnted. a Shop Cor. of Church-st and üniversity ave. Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box 124S. WZLLZAM AZUTOLD, SELLS 1847 R GERS BROS.' SPOONS, FÖRKS A.ND HNIVKS, At bottom prices, engravin? inclodei full line of the justly celebietcd ROCKPORD WALTHAM and ELGIN 'WATOHES. pen face, Key and Stem -winding a 1 waye On hand and regulated, ready for a man t pocket. If you cannot readthis get ene of Johnston & Co'. s eye-zlasses or spectacles for sale by WM. ABNOLD, 86 Main 8L Aun Arbor, Mich. SHINGLBS! The best Roofing in the world is Walter's PatentShingles Made of Iron, Tin or Steel. Cheaper More Durable and 'Ornamenatl Than Slate Warranted to give Batisf action. For particulars and prices addresa GEOK.GE SCOTT, Architect. Sole Agent forWasbtenaw County. IKVJ ■ M i QB w jt i A wB w h i a. Sí i y. BBMMMJMMMWMBlffMB ftft tmmi&iv SURE CURE FOR NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, KEABACÜF:, BACKACHE, HEART CORRECTOR, OR PAiNS. It Is the grandest female remedy known. It is the ladles' iriend. Try it. Xo shoula be without it. Valuable Testimoniáis. DON'T ÜSE THE KNIFE. A Eemarkable Case.- Doctors gare hor up as incurable and her jaw bone musí be removed, butissavedbytheuse of Stckct; e Neuralgia Drops. The undersigncd herewith wishes to gay what a remarkable cure B tee 8 Neuralgia Drops done in curing the i ndersigned of neuralgia. Ihadbeentros with pain in royiaw for a long time. I ocployed a skillful physician in this city. He decided that my case was incurable unless my jaw bone wes removed. I called on Mr. Steketee foradvise. Headvisedafterhaving examined my case touse his Neuralgia Drops. The result of using one.half botttt oí Neuralgia DropB entirely cured me, and without the use of a knite or violence. Miss G. Eoeet. Corner or Clancy and Cedar Streets. Grand Rapids, Mich., Dec. 5, 1883. Many people have written me if the above writingr are true. I now answer all inquires that every word of the above writing is true. It isnearlyfouryearssineelwas cured: ha3 no more pain nor neuralgia. It is worth the weiffht in gold to me. Miss G. Roest, November 1, 1887. Now Mrs. B De Korne. Ask j-our drug-gist for Steketee's NeuralRia Drops. If they have not it for Bale, thun take nothingr else, but send direct to G. G. Steketee, Grand Rapiis, Mich., who will send three bottles on receipt of ïl.50; express paid. P. S.- Trial bottle sent on receipt of 12 cents la U. S. postage stamps. GEO. G. STEKETEE, Grand Rapids, - Mich. An Excellent Routei Tourists, Dusiness men, settlers and othera desirmg to reach any place in Central or Northern Montana, Dakota, Minnesota, or Pucet Sound and Pacific Coast points Bhould investícate regarding the rates and advantages offereri bj this route. A rate f rom Chicago or St.PauI to Puget Sound or Pacific Coaet points $6.00 lower than via any other line is guarauteed. AccomK'fl ST:WkUL M tion 'i',11 VlINNEAPOLIS M ' lass. IMManitobAiS tana; Watertown, Aberdeen, Ellendale, Fort Buford and Bottineau, Dakota, are a few of tlie I principal pointe reached via recent extensión of , t lus road. í or maps or other information ad4 f6? c1HWaken, General Passenger Agent, I paJ'.Mmii., or D.W.H. Moreland, Traveling Mhenger BeOt' 179 JeLfers0D Ave- Detroit. 8end for new map of Northwest.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register