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Fiftieth Congress

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SENATE. Washington, March 1.- The bilí for the compulsory educatlon of Indian children was passed in the Senate yesterday. It makes it the dnty of the Secretary of the Interior lo establish an industrial boarding school on every Indian reservación upon which there may be located five hundred or more adult Indiana The bilí also passed to establish a National art commission. A resoíution was reported requesting the President to negotiate a treaty with China containinj a provisión that no Chinese laborers shall enter the United States. ín the debate on the ürand Army bill Senator Plmnb (Kan.) delivered an eloquent eulogy on the army. Senator Vest (Mo.) denounceíl the bul as a écheme for plunder. Washington, March Z- In the Senate yesterday the resolntion directing the President to negotiate treaties to ent off all Chinese immigration was passed. A bilí was introdnced to revive the grade of General of toe army. The credentials of Mr. Wilson, of Iowa, and Mr. Walthall, of Miseissippi, for a new term, were presented. A further debate took place on the Pension bilL Adjonrned to the 5th. Washington, March C- In the Senate yesterday petitions and memorial were presented and referred for the abolition of all licenses and taxes on commercial travelers; for the repeal of interna! revenue taxes on alcoholic liquorfi and for a prohibitory amendment to the constitotion; and for the passage of the per-diem Service-Ponsion bilí A resoiution was adopted to inquire into the methods of allotting lands in severalty to Indians on Indian reservations in the northern portions of Wisconsin and Minnesota, and as to the sale of timber on those lands. The unfinished business, the Pension bill, was laid aside and the Urgent Deneieney Appropriation bill was considered. Washington, March 7.- The Dependent Pension bill was furthor considered in the Senate yesterday, and in the discussion Senator Ingalls bitterly arraigned the President and bis party, charging them with base iDgratitude toward Union soldiers. Senator Blackburn replied, denying Mr. Ingalls' charges. A joint resoiution was passed to investígate the practicability of constructing reservoirs for the storage of water in the arid regions of the United States. A rule was agreed to that a treaty may be made public or considered in open Bession whenever a majority vote so decides. THE HOUSE. Washington, March 1.- In the House yesterday bilis were passed authorizing the Secretary of the Treasnry to purchase bonds with the surplus reyenue, and dividing the State of Minnesota into two collection district, and making St Paul a port of entry and St. Vincent a sub-port Eulogies on the late Seth C. Moffatt, of Michigan, were delivered. A bill was reported to secure to actual settlers the public lands adapted to agriculture, and to protect the foresta on the public domaia Washington, March 2.- The bill ing the transmission throngh the mails of newspapers containing lottery advertisements was reported adversely in the House yesterday. A ioint resolution was adopted authorizing the President to arrange a conference to be held in Washington in 1889 to encourage reciprocal commercial relations between the United States and the repubücs of Central and South America and the empire of BraziL Washington, March 3 -In the House yesterday a bilí creating the office of Assistant Superintendent of the railway mail service, with fiiiy-f our chief clerks, was favorably reported. A memorial was presented from the St Paul Chamber of Commerce calling for stringent measures to prevent the emigration of Anarchists, Nihilista and crimináis of every kinj to this country. In committee of the whole the "omnibus" bili was considered, which provides for the payment of thirty dd claims for supplies used for the anny dnring the war reported by the Court of Claims under the provisions of the Bowman net, and it was agreed to report the bill to the House. At the evening session twentyfive pension bilis were passed. Washington, March 5. -In the House Saturday numerous petitions, memorials and resolutions were presented praying for the passage of the pending bill to protect the manufacture and sale of pure lard. The Pacific Eailway Telegraph bill was passed, Henry C. Seymour, of Michigan, successor to the late Seth C. Moffat, appeared and took the oath of office. In the contested election case from the Tenth Illinois district the Committee on Elections decided in favor of General Post (Rep), the sitting member. Washington, Maren 6.- Bills were introduced in the House yesterday to define trusts and to prohibit trusts from oarrying en Inter-State commerce; for the constructlon of a ship-canal around Niágara Falls in New York; for the better protection of the Northern and Northwestern frontier; to anticípate the payment of interest on the bonded debt; for public buildings at Ottumwa, Oskaloosa and Cedar liapids. Ia. Washington. March 7.- The House yesterday resumed uonsideration of the Alabama contested-election case of McDuflie affainst Davicison. After a lensthy disuussion the minority resolution declaring McDuflie entitled to the seat was rejected- yeas, 122; nays, 133- and the majority resolution declaring the sittinpr member entitled to his seat was adopted without división. No other business of importance was transacted. OTHEK NOTES. Washington, March 1. - Orders were isBued yesterday for the discontinuance after April 1 of the signal-service stations at Rochester, Erie, Sandusky, Escunaba, Keokuk, Mackinaw City, Dubuque, Lexington and Lamar, on account of the depleted condition of the appropriatiou for the service Washington, Mareh 2.- The debt statement issued yesterday shows that the duction of the public debt dnring February amounted to $7,756,366. The total cash in the treasury is $572,390,989. Washington, Mareta 3. -During February there was a net decrease of $11,043,783 in the circulation and a net increase of $9,033,743 in the money and bullion in the Treasury. Washington, Maren 4.- The Secretary of the Treasury is advised of an orfjanized movement for the emigration of Germán convicts to this country, and has taken steps to guard against the landing of all Buch passengere Washington, March 6.- The President yesterday transmitted to Congress the remaininff documents relating to the lisheries treaty, together with a letter from Secretary Bayard, in which the S?cretary says he believes the treaty to be a just settlement Of the existing disputes. Washington, March 7.- The President has sent tke Senate the following nominations: John Lee liogan, of New 2ork, to be ABsociate Justiee oL the Supreme Court of Idaho; Charles C. Jones, of Nebraska, to be Register of the Land Office at Neligh, Neb. ; Rev. John f. Dolphin, of Minnesota, to be post chaplain, and George F. Hollis, of Massachusetts, to be United States Consul at Cape Town.


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