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A girl who wears clocked stockings should be able to get along without s mother's watch being kept upon her. "I have used Darbys Propbylactic Fluid in hospital and prívate practice for ten years and know of nothing better for sloughing, contused and lacerated wounds, foul and indolent ulcer8, and asa disinfectant."- J. F. Heustis, Prof. Mobile Medical College. The peculiar combination of Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup enables it to do what no other remedy has ever accomplished, aud it 3 daily curing those who years ago had givea up all hopes of being cured. A thing that grows upon you - A wen -Puck. HALE'S HONEY s the best Cough Cure, 25. 60c., $L GLENN'S SDLPHUR SOAP heals and beautifies, 25c GERMÁN CORN REMOVER kills Corns & Bunions, 25c HILL'S HAIR & WHISKER DYE- Black & Brown, SOc. PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure in 1 Minute, 25c. DEAN'S RHEDMATIC PILLS are a sure cure, 50c A railroad horror - the boy. - Puck. fvv trifle witli any Throat or J)'P v Lung Disease. If you have ft. Cough or Cold, or the children are th reatened with Croup or Whooplng Cough, ase Acker's English Remedy and prevent further trouble. It is a positivo cure,' and we guarantee it. Frice 10 and 50a John Moore, Druggist. We go and fancy that everybody is thinking of ue. But he is not ; he is like us, he is thinking of himself. - Charles Reade. Fv the Nadies. Thcre are some complaints to which women are peculiarly Hable, and rom which they will suffer In silence for yeais, when they could be eaeily cured by the use of Pomeroy's Petroline Piasters, lts healing and soothing propertiet have met, wlth universal and unquaiifled commendation from all using them. Ladies who have never used them will find it to their advantage to try them. If they once do bo, they will never be witliout them again. For Sale by H. J. Brown, Dist. Agt. for Ann Arbor. What to expect in bonnets - Women. - Burlington Free Press. CQISTIPATÍON! There is co medium throngh wMch diaeaso bo oftea attacks tho system B3 by Coastipation, and thero is no cthsr ilJ flesli is heir to.more apt to ba ueglected, from the fact material incenvenience cay not be immediately felt from irregular aclion of tho bowels. VTliea there is not regular acüon, the retention of decayed and effete matter, with its poisonous gases, sooa poisons the whoJe system by being absorbed into it,' causing piles, fistcla, headache, impure blood and many other eerious affections. BÜRDOCK BLOOD BITTERS wili Immediately relieve, and one bottle positively cure cr relieve any casa of Constipation. " Was troubled for a year with torpid liver and indigestión, and after trying everything imaginable, used BURDOCK. BLOOD Tho flrst bottle revived me and the eecond curedme entirely."- J.S.Wilüamson. Rochester, N. Y. Hood's Sarsaparilla ia peculiar to iteelf and superior to all other preparations in strength, economy, and medicinal merit. ; A mean man may wear the wings of an angel, but he doesn't know how to flap them. - Brick Pomeroy. Bncblen's Árnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chillblaina, Coras, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisiaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Forsale by Eberbach & Son. Rumora are among the best things in the world to let alone. - Advance Tho'ight' Good Morxixg, Mother ; how do you feel this morning? Oh, I am ever so much better. That cough and aoreness of my lungs has entirely left ine. I got a bottle of Hibbard's Throat and Lung Balsam, and in twenty-four hours I was well. When a toper investa in liquor he expects to get "full" value for his money. StatesmaD. Piles! Piles! pñes ! Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment is the only sure cure for Blind, Bleeding or Itching Piles ever Diacovered. It never fails to cure oíd chronie cases of long standing. Williams Mf g Co., Cleveland, O. The only man tbat seems to thrive on procrastination is the one that owes his tailor. - Hotel Mail. "Sofar, so good," said the boy, after eating the stolen tart. After reviewing me iiiuussuus nu lens ot tnousanus oí colds and couejbs that have been conquered by Dr. BulPs Cough Syrup we can readly say, so far, so good. Price 25 cents. . Times are pretty hard when a man can't collect hij ideas or borrow trouble. - Siftings. Careful attention to diet is the best guard against diseae. It, is a fact which all should know, that over-eating not only corrupta the blood but destroys nerve force, and induces dyspepsia, jaundice, bad breath, piles, pimples, low spirits, headache, ague, malaria, and all stomach and liver troublea. Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic quickly cures the above diseases. Can be taken by the most delicate. Price 50 cents, of Eberbach & Son. The home stretch - A nap on the lounge' - Lowell Citizen. Hiebaed's Rheumatic Piasters are of ereat merit for weak lungs and stomach, and should be applied over the parts alfected. "Oh, mamma!" sighed little Ethel, "I have such a headache in my sash!' - The Epoch. IBVltie Best and Purest MedicineS $L EVER MADE. Ijl X.ttwlll drive the Ilumorfromyour III % CL eystem, and make your skin 111 tb, t-o 'fcL clean and smooth. Tlios.I I ? % jLpimples and Blotches tn%,' 'h-.VyyvhkhmaT yur beautyM lia p ei "i jare causetl by impuregg 1o % 'kjLljlootl, and can bell %,%,% „.ÍLtinie, if you arel I ."■ S%% Lwisoandusell illlHii m The Doee lbV, W% B III spooníul. It is thef. % e ", . I II best and cheapestV "o tfAvl I II medicine. Try it, anffo ; - % I Illyouwillbesatisaed. V i 5lü g üet it of your Druggist. %.v!" I I( you are euffering from Kid II III ner Diaease, and wish to live to III o?a ageTnse SULPHUB BIITEltsTV III Tliey never fail to cure. Ij j Send 3 2-cent eUimps to A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass., Lor bett meilical work published? lew Advertisements do ïoi' du SEEDS? Send a Postal for Catalogue to J. M. THOBBIRÜ A O.. 15 JOHX STRKKT. NEW YORK, HKADQl'ARTERS FOR White Plume Celery and Thorburn's Gilt Edge Cauliflower Seed. IHnHHMf ñ Wha revolmionized the work durTfllllP]yTinñIia8 e last half century. Xot ■il lail iinle"st aiu'J"K the wondcra of Ini -■■ ■■ yentive progresa is a method and system of work that cn De performed all over the country without separaü'ng the workers from tlieir homes. Pay liberal ; any one can do the work; eithersex, youngorold; no special ability required. Capital not needed ; you are started free. Cut this out aDd return to us and we wlll send you free, something of great value and importanee to you, that will start you in business, which will bring you in more money right away than anythiugelse in the world. (ra.nluuifit}ree. Address Trce & Co., Augusta, Maine. TSE CKEÁU of all S00K2 of AS7SNTU&S Oondensed into One Volume. PIONEER u,n DARING HÉROES I m DEEDS. The thrilling adventures of all the nero explorers and frontier fighters with Indians, outlaws and wild beaste, over our whole cou; try, from the carliest times to the present. Lives and famous exploits of DeSoto, LaSalle, Standish, Boone, Kenton. Brady, Crockett, Bowie, Houston, Carson. Custcr, California Joe. Wild Bill, Buffalo Bllt Generáis Miles and Crook, great Indian Ohiefs, aud scores ofothers. Ñplemlirity IIIimtratcil with 220 fiue engravings. AEX TS WAJíTED. Low-píiced, and beats anything to sell. Time for payments allowed Agents short of I funds. PLANET JTB. CO., Box 681, St. Locis, Mo. I EBEBÜCÏÏ & m, DRUGGISTS And Pharmacists, No. 12 South Main Street, Keep on hand a Iarge and well selected stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye-Stufls, Artists' and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet ArticIes,Trusses, and PURE WINES & LIQUORS Special attention paid to the fumishing ofPhyfucians, Chemfsts, échools, etc., with Philosophïoal and Chemical Apparatus, Bohemian Chemical Glass-ware, Porcelain Ware, Pure Keagents, Physicians' Prescriptioas carefully preparad at EÍJMBER LUMBERI IÜMBER! If you contémplate building oall at FERDON mmwi Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and get our figures for all kinds oí LUMBER We manufacture our own Lumber and uarantee VERY LOW PRIOESI Sf-fiive ns h cali uil we 111 makelt io .unir iiii.rf-r . aa onr largo and well ltrad.l stock fnlly ktisIdIun mr iwrllon. JA1IES TOLBEKS , Prop. T. J. KKECH, Snpt. EINSEY & SSAB0L7 NOS. S JS.2ST3D B Washington Street, Anu Arbor Michigan. Havealwayson hand a complete -'Kk of even GROCERY LIJE! Teas, Coffees and Lagars All prime Anieles bought for Cas h and can sell atlow figures. Our frequent large iuvoices O' Teas ís a sure sign that we give bargaine in QUALITY AND PRICE. Weroastour own coffeee every eek, alwsjl fresh and good. Our bakery turns out thevery best of Bread, Cakes aud crackers. Cali and BeeHS. PATENTS FRANKLIN H. HOUGH; Solicitor qf American & ForeiLii Pateiits. Ji. F St., mr V. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D. C All business befare tlie United States Patent Office attended to for moderate lees. Patents jrroenred in t be United Statesand all Foreien Coantrie. Trade Marlt and Labels reellterac Kejeeteil applleations revi ved and prosecuted. Information and advice as to obtainlng Patents oheerfnlly famlabed witliout charge. Send Sketch or Mode! for free opinión as to patentability. Copies of Patents furnlshed fbr 2." cents eiich. Correspondeos Invited. w I PAINT I J RyntSnr fOIT A 10" OVK-fOAT BFGCY PUVT "c-=í ?T Painl I rici.ty, run it to Church SuiuUy. EiRht ; 3K FasNonabte Shades; Black, Muroon, Veimfflon S Hlue, Yellcw, Olive I-ake, Brewsur and Wagoo c cjs É5 GreeiUL No Vaniishing necesiry. Irli h;ird í th "bbine." Oue Coat and job is done. a-Q L YOUR BUCCY fl fci Tip top f r Chatn, Lawn Srats Sash, Flower " y TrT Pms, Baby Carñaget, c i rtdture, y Ul I n .! Doors, Stoce-fronts, Screen Doors. Bctts, M3_ TJ Mantl s, : i tact veryttüng. Just ,= -L "" Liie thiii for the ladies to use about the house a - LFOR ONE DOLLAR ÍS -coitshonestI Ci Are you coíng to Paint this yeart If so, don't U á p ' huy ■ pamt contaimng water or benzino when L H _. forlhc s.iine money (or nearly so) you ca procure u"31 CÜ1T A. (O'S I'IIÍK PA1T tiiat ís wrrnld to ]-tÍB "■ beaa honím, i,kmik IJXSBICDOIL PAIXf "8a 3 and fre from watet and benzine. lícmand thl w w ff _ lirnni and t.ite m Hut. Herchaní handUag a g g &9 t are cnr annts ad aull'orizrd by usjn writíng. a lo nrrnnl It to woír & W.AK witli 3 OATS or 3 JA 8 YKAK8 with 2 COATS. O r Shades are th g L á "■ I atett Styl l used in the Last now becoming -"í. LAJ Bo popular in the West, and up wiih the times 5 m Try tfais brand of HOMiST PliST and you wiü fjt.a " bmw regrct it. This to the wisc ís sufficient „uu = HOUSE PAINT }} % COIT'S FLOOR PAINTS Jil Paint that nver drïed bevond the sticky point, 3S Zwasta a week. KWtí the jub, and then swe.irT f- Nest time l.iH f r COIT & O'S FUKtK FADfT 4% i popular and mitabht h.ulcb, wirrwtfd to dry JLjif ifsficKYii


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