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WoiMlerfnl I'oimlaril.v. The fact that the sale of Dr. Pieree'a Pk-asant Purgative Pelleta exceeds that of any other pill in the tnarket, be it great or small, is on account of the faot that they are tiny, little, suar-ooated granules, and that in most cases one little "Pellet" is míBcient for a dose; that tbey are purely vegetable and peitectly harmless; and for constipation, bilicusoesj, sick headarhe, and alldiseuses arising trom derangement of the liver, atomach or bowels, they are absokitely a specific. A geiíile laxative or acdve cathartic, according to size of doM. Fall drinks xbould riot be üut ful! in the nc; k. - Washington Hatehet. Scrofula, dispepsia, gout and erysipelas, or any of the diseases ariaing trom an enteeoled condition ot the system, eau be effee u illy cureil by the great blood purifier, Ilibbard's Rheumatic Syrup. . People to whora revenge ia sweetaie those apt to bite i ff more than they can chew. - Times. We should ecjnomize at all times, but more especially when times are close. Observe the purchases of your thrifty neighoors. More substanüal teneüts can be obtained from a fifty cent bottle of Dr. B:gelow's Positive Cure than a dollar bottle of any other cough remedy. It is a prompt, safe and pleasant cure for all throat and lung troubles. Sold and endo'sed by Eberbach & Co. Worth repeattng - A ki s - sometimes- Fie Pres. Mr. Morgnn Talks t Dr. Lynch. Manchkster, Mieh., Sept., 1887. D ictor. - Do y ou rememher me counseling with you some months egj about my rheumatism, anl that one of my lower l:mbs was partinlly paralyzed from its eifec:s ? I asked you about the Syrup, and you replied to me that if there was anything under the gun that would cure me to tke it. So I commenced uÍDg Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup, si:d I want to gy to you that it is the greategt medicine in the world, I firmly believe. That dizzi.ness that troubled me as well as the rheumausm is cured, and my blood is in a heal by condition. My appetite and sleep are both good, and I atn healthy. Doctor, that is a great family medicine, and you need not hesitate to recommend t Mrs. Thomas Morgan. A little Burlington boy gave, athe definition of cupidity, "love-sickness." - Free Press. f rV and reliable Medicines are the best " to depend upon. Acker's Blood Elixir has been prescribed for years for all impurities of the Blood. IneveryformofScrofnlous, Syphilitic or Mercurial diseases, itis invaluable. For Rhenmatism, has no equal, John Moobk, DruggisL Voici s of the nigiit - Squalling tvrins. - Aivan e. U liai Am I To Do? The symptoins of Biliousness re unhappily but too well known. They difl'er in different individuals to some extent A Bilious man ia seldom a breakfast eater. Too freqaently, ala, he has an excellent appelite for 1 quors bat none for solids of a morning. His tongue wiïl haróly bear infpection at any time; if it is not white and furied, it is rough, at all events. The digestiré system is whdly out of order and Diarrhea or' Constipaiion may be a symptom, or the two may altérnate. There are often Hemorrhoids or even loss of blood. There may be giddiness and often headache and ajidity or flatulence and tenderness in the pit of the Btomach. To correct all thie if not effect a cure try Green's August Flower; it costs but a trifle and thousands attest its efficacy. Under most - The socialists. - Puck. AU Sorti of Polion. Mr. W. F. Daley, Advertising Agent of the Brooklyn Elevatcd Kailroad, writes: "Inflammatory rheumatism swelled my legs and arms to twice their natural size. I suffered excruciating pain. Tcmr wonderful S. S. S., made a complete cure. Major Sidney Herbert, editor of the Sovttern Cultivator and Duie Farmer, Atlanta, Ga., writes: " I have fully tested the virtucs of Swift'e Specific, Vxith as a i jiti.iiiiiii.jMii cure uiiu a lome. 11 ñas aone even more than its proprietors claim forit. Mr. Michael Long, Jr., with the Strobridge Lithographic Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, writes : " I suffered for two years with a terrible ítehisg and painful sores on my neck, arms, hands and fingers. No phyRician could he;p me. S. S. S. relieved me perfectly 8nd I fiel like a new man. Mrs. Amanda Ingie, of Gastonia,. N. C, writes : "31 y baby, when four months oíd, developed scrotula. He had two aeTere risines and sores on the neck. I sent íor our family physician, who pronounced it Bcrofula, and jirescribed S. S. S. for it. I gave the baby B. B. 8 , and it Svon got the disease under control. The sores are hcaled, and the baby is well and healthy. I know S. S. S. saved itn lite, and I told our doctor so. He i a regular phyeician, and prescribed S. S. S. for the baby as soon as he saw it had scrofula. Treatipo on Blood and Skin Diseas mailed free. The Swift fcrECiFic Co., Brawer 3, Atlanta, Ga, The merchant who dispoes of his goods below cost may be known as a sub8eller. - Paragrapher. SOME DOCTORS honestly admit that they cant cure Rheumatisra and Nenralgi. Others say thcy eau but-dou't. Ath-lopho-ros says nothing but - cura. That's the secret of its succes-. Years of trial have provcd it to be a qukk, safe, sxirc cure. . Ooncord, N. H.. St p(. 3. 17 In niy own family AthJophoros waaused lw a laut rtsort. the ustr naving suffcrtid Irom rhpumatism for years and baviiiK been treatid for the discase by diffirciit I'hysicians in thiB 8tate and Massachu. (jetta without een lninirary relief Upon niy rpcomniíiiilation of poine have nwA this remtily with the name resulte claiined for it Q H. Wiion. Dubuque. Iow Jan. .". lw. AtmophoroR has eoiiif!etly eured me of nervous hradachc, and I feel thankiul for all the Ki'i'.l it has done me. Mrs. LoriKE Cherbt. Scnd 6 csnti for Die beautiful eolored picture, "Woorish Maiden.J THEATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall St. H. Y. For cleanine and heolinsr foul and indolent Tjlcer?, Sores and Absceses and rerrjoving the bad odors ariing tberefrom, and f'or slmighinfr. contu-ied and acerated wounds, Darby Pn ji'ijlactc Fluid is unequalled. ' Anarchy and srnall-pox hoih hang out a red flag. - Sin Francisco Al a. "T4? f. vou eDJ7 yur dlnner J j and are preventedbyDyspepsia, use Acker's Dyspepsia Tableta. They are a positive cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestión, Flatulency and C'onstipation. We guarantee them. 25 and 50 cents. John Moore, DruggisL A man who is hung is Qpually cool. It i? the tVUow who is gnillotined thRt loses bis head. - Alt, "HOW'S YOUR LIVER?" Is the Oriental salutation. knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. Wtaen tbe Livor ík i 'orpld the Bowels are SIiijtk í i aud Constlpated, and tbe Food lies ni the Stoinach lt ompONi c Miioiii ii jí tbe blood. Frequent headache ensues, añil a feeling of lassitude and despondency indícate how the whole system is deranged No ageney on earth has restored as many people to healih and happiness by giving them a healthy liver as "As a general family remedy Ifor Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Oonstipation, etc., I ah'vsys use Simmons Liver Regulator and have never been disappointed in the effect produeed. It seems to be a perfect cure for all disoases of the Stomach and Bowels.''- V. J. McEi.p.ov, Macón, Ga. """LrtffW Theleading H W I XBW Corsets of EurliM QpflV pe and tm jm j America Avoidworthlessimltations. CoraUne is used in no Corsets except ttaose made by us. None are genuino unlesa Dr. WARNER S CORAD N E isprinted on inside of steel cover. For Bale by all leadinff merchante. WARNER BROS.,257 t$%$.su J. A. MINER, Manager. , "fc Forest City Bird Store, ■ -- 'Htt .áSV cstaljlifhed 187ÍjSingnKKriIleI!A' Talking ParES=sBWr rots, Bird Cages, Puro Seed, Song Kestoier, vTt Insect Cure, Pishing 'aSf Tackle, Bird Books. 3k Poultry Supplies, GolJ ' Fish, Bogs it their Medicines, FeiTets, Bird's Eyes. S. H. WILSOX, 349 Superior St., Cleveland, Ohio. AGENTS sTEfLENTIRELY WANTEDPanÍITEW BOOK The most wonderfully complete collection of theabsolutely msi (u! and practical which has ever been published in any nation on the globe. A marvel of every-day valué and actual inoney-earninand money-Navinur to every possessor. Huudreds upon hundreds of beautiful and helnful eugravings. Its extraordinary low price beyoni competition. Nothing in the whole history of the book trade like it. Select somethiug of real valué to the people, and salegare mire. Agents looking for a new and !irsl- Im-s book, write tor full description and terms. 3Ü days' time given Agents without capital. 8CAMMELL & CO., Box, SU71, ST. LOUIS, JIO. HeaítlTis Wealtti ! Dr. E. C. Wdt's Nerve ton Bbain Theatmkxt, a guarauteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by tbe use of alcohol or tobáceo, Wakelulness, Mental Depresslon, Softeuing of the Braiu resulting Ín infanity and leading to mis ry, deeayand death, Premature Oíd Age, Barrenness, Loss of power in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrha'a caused byover-exertion of the brain. selfabuse or over-indulgence. Bach box contaius one month'e treatment. íl.OO a box, or six boxes ferSS.OO, eent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. WE Ol'iBAXTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with S5.00, we wiíl send the purchaser our written guarantee to reíund the money if the treatment does not effect acure. Guarantees issued only by EBERBACH & SON, Druggiste. Solé Agts., Ánñ Arbor, Mich. $500 Reward! We will pny the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestión, constipation or constiveness we caunot cure vith West's Vegetable Liver Pilis, when the directions are strictly complied with They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes containing 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale by ail druggists. Beware of counterfeitand imitations. Tlie genuine manufactured only by JOHN' C. WEST & CO. Sfy1 W Madison-st., Chicago, 111. Tlf fllff W Kew'Iel are those who read this H H i Y and then act i they wül fi"d honorable HlVUil eniploymeiit that will nottake them from their homes and families. The profits are large and sure lor every indnstriousperson, many have made and are nowmakmg several hundred dollars a month. It is eatv foranyone to make Í5 and upwards per day, who is williug to work. Either sex, young or oíd ; capital not needed ; we start vou.' Everything new. No special abilíty requíred; you, reader, eau do it as well as any one. Write to us at once for full particular, which we mail free. Address Stinson & Co., PorÚand, Maine. Minnesota Leads the World VTUh lifr itock, dalry and grain producta. 2,000,000 acres fine timber, farminc and gradng lands, íidjaceutto rallroM, for sale ctira] on easy terms. For maps, priees, r.ites, etc., addrefs, J. Bookwalter. Land Commissloner, or O, H. Warren, Generala a stkul ■' Passenger An'"it, St.ll MI"Wu A Paul, Minn. MANITOBA A8k lor Book H. f A5L'tA5? "M 4wif% Central OOIKO EAST. ff lig !i UaOM. _ I gQ _M h 1 &f HS I 3. d A. M. A. M. P. M.P. M.lp. M. A. M Ohicago.Lv 6 50 9 00 8 101 8 15 9 10 Kalamazo 12 17 150 6 58 12 33 2 27 "fi'ïi BattleCreelc 1 12 2 27 7 33 1 25 S 18 7 ai Jackson.. 3 15 4 20 8 49 3 15 4 60 9 15 Chelwa 3 59 5 35 9 55 Dexter 4 14 5 60 10 08 Delhi Milis 4 22 ::: :.::::: " Ann Arbor 4 38 5 30! 9 45 4 35 6 08 10 38 Ypsilanti 4 60 5 45 9 56 4 52 6 24 10 47 Wayne Jun._ 5 15 6 OS 5 15 6 47 1109 Detroit 6 00 6 45 10 45 6 00 7 30 11 50 Niágara Falls 2 21 4 59 1 22 6 50 Buffalo _ 4 35 7 1& 3 40 9 05."" P. M. A. M.JA. M. A. M. A. M. A ,M. QOIKQ WEST. STATIONS. jL 9 k J Cj ! ■ i 1 a_ I_fs_ L_ 2_ _ _ , P. M A M.iA. M. A. M. P. M. Buffalo 11 80 5 35 6 05 9 00 1 00 Magara Falls 1245 6 43 2 15 _ . .. T A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M Detroit, Lv 7 00 9 10 1 30 4 00 8 00 10 15 Wayne Jun 7 41 9 53 2 03 4 46 8 37 10 55 Ypsilanti 8 03 10 12 2 20 5 12 8 58 11 18 Ann Arbor. 8 18 10 30 2 32 5 30 9 12 11 35 Delhi Mills 8 28 542 "ter 8 37 ■;;;;; 8 K , j ;;;;- Chelsea 8 52 6 05 9 52 Jackson 9 45 11 35 3 32 7 10 10 52 12 54 BattleCreek 1120 112 4 40 8 52 12 12 2 23 kalamazoo.„ 12 17 150 5 15 1 20 8 07 Chicago, Ar 5 40 6 40 9 80 7 00 7 45 P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. OW. RUGGLES. H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. A., Chicago. Local Ag't, Ann Arbor. Toleöe.Ann Arbor & Nortñ MicMpïlTy Time Table going into effect Sunday, Oct. 9, 'V7 E5ïtHrTATIONS. G0inSo Pais.pL. M'l. Standard Time. p pq ílp i L Lv'EL Ta Hü TH. pTïT 3 15 6 25 5 15 Toledo 9 00 1 10 8 42 Í ?L' I 51! 6 02 ouroe Junct'n 8 10 12 31 7 51 4 12j 8 05; 6 10 Dundee 8 03 12 24 7 40 4 35 8 35 6 35 Mllan '7 45 12 04 7 20 4 53 9 05 7 00 .. Pittsfield 7 26 11 43 7 10 s w o - Jo ■ Arbor.. 7 15 11 30 6 50 5 30 9 50 7 33 Leland's 6 30 11 14 6 80 l Í5 M' l të Wbitmore Lake a. m. 11 09 6 16 5 52 1 7 53 Hamburg 10 55 6 10 e 28 8 30 Howel'!. ....... 10 20 5 83 ' 20 9 30 Duiand 9 30 4 S6 Z ñ ' gj Cprunna 9 08 4 15 5 10 01 Owosso ___ 9 00 4 OS 9 15 11 16 Ithaca 7 46 2 46 9 33 11 35 SL Louis 7 27 2 26 9 11 41 Alma 7 20 2 20 10 30 12 80 ".kt Pleasant 6 30 1 80 F-M-l r-M. a. M. p. M. Trains leave Ann Arbor at 7:15 a. m., make direct connection at Asbley for Muskegon and intermedíate pointe between, such as Greenville Carson City, etc. All passenger trains run daily except Sunday. Connections at Toledo with rkllroadsdlverginr. At Manhattan Junction with Wheeling át Lake Krlé E R. At Alexis Junction with M. C R. KU tt'y and F. & P. M R. R At Monroe Junction wun L. 8. ft. M. 8. H'y. At Dundee with L. 8 4 M. 8.. and M. & O. Ry. At Milan with W., Bt L A P. Ry. At Pittsfleld with L. S. & M. 8. R't At Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R and at Sonth Lyon with Detroit, laneing and Northern R. R.,and G. T. Ky. H. W. A8HLEY. W. H.BENNKTT, Superintendent, Gen. Passenger Agent. A. J. PAISLEY, Agent, Ann Arbor. At Ashley with the Toledo, Eaginaw & Muskegon railway. REPORT OP THÜ UONDITION OFTHK Ann Arbor Savings Bank AT ANN ARBOR, MICH., ON MONDAY, Jan. 2d, A. D. 1888, MADK In Accordnnce wilh Scc ions 18, 1 and 67 of the General Banking Luw as Amended in IS7I. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts 5 264 369 44 Bonds and Mortgages 203,359 18 Overdrafts 149 g9 Furniture and Fixtures 1 g-jo 85 Due frora National and State Bank.... 101,3380 Cashonhand 34,699 16 LIABtLITÏES. $ 65-839 32 Capital Stock „...j 50 qoo 00 Surplus Fund 50 000 00 PTofitand Loss 30J612 06 Jan. Dividend 2 735 00 Due Depositors 472',492 2ü 8 605,839 32 I do solemnly swear that the above statement Ie true, to the beet of my knowledge and belief. CHAS. E. HIseOCK, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2d day of Jan., 1888. L. GRUNER, Notary Public. It is Generally conceded by physiciang that the spring truss is the best known instrument forretaining hernia, giving a uniform pressure and conforming to the various positions of the body. They are clean, comfortable and durable. Our stock is large, embracing all the leadinp makes. Weguarantee eatisfaction. ÍJÍwne sharPe '- flipper No. 1 83.30 ; PoNtnge lSe. Rrwnk: Shnrpe Hone ('llpncr Ho 2 3.00 ; Postage 25c. MANN BRO'8, Druegistg, Ann Arbor. ■HO rMrCllattlie Newspaper AdverNa W. AVER A SON. our authorlzcd agenta. tGOLD MEDAL, PAEIS, 1878. BAKER'S ; Jreaïfasi Cocoa. m Warronted abaolutely pure Cocoa, f rom which the excese of Oil has been removed. It has three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot orSugar, and is thereforo far more economical, costíng lesa than one cent a cup. It ia delicious, nourishing. Btrengthenlng, easily digeeted, and admirably adapted for invalida as well as for pereons in health. Sold by Procer eyerywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorcbester, Mass.


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