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An eartliquake shonk disturbed I.-jmoille, 111. , on Monday. Vt'risht's Opera-House at Maoon. Mo. was twrned Saturday. A Ere ?n Tuesday destroyed s:x busineaa bnilding-s at Ligonier, Iud. fhe Wlnslow Paekinjr Company of Portland, Me., Ims failed for $100, 000. Pleuro. pneumonía has again broken out amonsr ti:e c-altk! in' Klddlesex ( ounty, Petroleum reachod t:ie hiffhest price at Pitteburgh Tuesday since November 1 Johann i tocum, of NineTah, O., feil icto the fïre in a íit Tuesday moroioj; and was burned to dsath. The postal clerks of Spokana Palh, D. T., went on a strike on Saturday aud the postofflce was closed. The bodiea of over 200 victima of the recent ayalanches in the Italian Alps had been recovered on Sunday. Alice Pearce snd liura Lanel, ag-ed respectively about lHyears, were artested for forgery I'riday at Marión, Iud. The Government estimatea were snbmitted to the Dominion Parliament Friday. The total suin asked is $2:3, 230, 000. Emma Iine, a lti-year-old Chicago ÍTirl, comniitted suicide with poison oa Friday because her raother puuishefi herAt Goldsnüth's mine, near Walkerville. Jt T., three niiners were killed on Friday by falline" down ;i sh-ift n riifün' -.f iiirt tat Rev. T. De Witt Talmate writee to Miss Susun B. Anthony that he is now, and atways has been, in favor of woman sufrrage. A passenger train on the Cineinnati Southern road was wrecked .on Monday at Oakdale, Tenn., and four persons vrere killed. A fire at Mihvaukee Saturday whieh started in the candy factory oí Fernecke Brothers destroyed property to tha value of $200,000. The I'resljyterian Mutual Aanuanofl Assoctation of Louisville, Kv , asíig'ned Monday. Theassets are .f25,000 and the liabilitles are $00,000. At Clinton, Ia., Mrs. Frank I'rown and her bate were fatally burned on Friday by thelr clothing taking üre froi an exploded kerosene lamp. The case against Eimua Jfolloy, charg-ed with beinfr au aecessory to the lanrder cf Mrs. Graham, was dismissed at Sprinsrfteld 3Io., on Katurday. The SÜO miners at Mount Carme', Pa, who had been on strike since Janu.:ry 1 for an advance In wages, returned to worfc at the oíd ratas on Tuesday. About 1,000 men employed in the varieua shops of tbe Fort Wayneroad atl'ittsburgh, Pa., were diicharg'ed on Tuesday. Lack of work was jflven as the cause. The Canadian Government has decided to expend $1,500,000 in enlargring and deepening the 8t Lawrence can als in order to compete with the Erie canal route. The American Base-Ball Assoeiafon formulated a new rule Tuesday, giving prizes of $1,000, lp750 and 9600 rrapectively to the three leadlng clubs at theendofth eeason. David Stain and Oliver Cromwell were convicted on Xaturday at Baiigor, Me., of killing the oashier of the Dixter ank 'ten years ago, and were sentenceJ to life imprisonment M. V. Dixon, formerly of Hancock County, m, has been sentenced to the California I'enitentiarv for life for th nnirrtor m" William Hüjkius, oL Colusa, Cal-, in November last Grocers at Jladison, Wis , have been suffering from petty pilferiug for some months, and Sunday the thlef waa caught in the act He proved to be Willle Schulkamp, aged 10. Sumner Hollander, 13 yesrs ohl, of Somerville, Mas?., seriously wounded his 11year old consin by trying to snoot an appla on the top of the latter's head while playinr WUliam Teil. Louis E. Fisher, editor of the Northwestern Newspaper Union, died at St. Paul on Tnesday. Mr. Flsher assisted, in 1834, la petnng out tne nrst uun.r paper ever publlshed in that city, the l'ioucer. Flre Mouday in the building at Xew York occupied by J. H. Bunnell & ('o., eleotric and telegraph supplies, anti Simón Bache 4 Co., glass importers, caused a loss ot about $1L'0,000; lully covered by insurance. Tbroug-h the fault of a train dispatcher at Marshalltown, Ia,, two heavy freighta on the Iowa Central collided near Hampton Tuesday af ternoon, pilinof nineteen cars and the engines in a heap of ruins. Jlrakemeu WUliama and Ferguson were fatally hurt The Bpringfield A Columbus Iïailway Company has been incorporated at Columbua, O., with a capital stock of $1,000,000, by persons intereated in the 1, B. A W. railway, who will build the line between the two cities named as au outlet to the latter road.


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