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OCH 85 CEiïT COMJJIX. Advertisements, such as To Rent, For Sale or Vants, not exceeding three linee, can be inserted t ree weeks for 25 cents. U"OR SALE OR EXCHANGE - House with 9 L Rooms, good Well, Barn, with 4 Acres of Laad iinclty; Cheap. B. J. üonrad. FOR SALE- A large House and two Lots, dtrectly frontiug Campus. Also about 4 Acres "'Land on eame Street, with large new Barn. Vill exchange either place for other Property in City. J. f. Jndson, 22 Statest "piOR SALE- A Piano. Enquire at 6 Packardst. ÏpOR SALE-One House, price, $1400 ; One New House, $2500 ; One Vacant Lot ■ one-third down; Iuqulae 90 Washlngton-tt., S. D. Alleu. F'OR SALE on very Reasonable Terms- A well established Law and Insurance Oflice situated iu one of the flnest villages in Mich Addresa Box 300, Cedar Springs. Mich. FOR SALE- at Auction, near tbe Court House in Ann Arbor, Monday, April 2, at 3 o'clock' P. M-, One Süan Ol POOd Wnrlrintr TTfsiAo nnA )ouble Wagon, one Set of Doublé Harness two POughs, one Scraper. one Doublé Buggy, one Single UarnesB, etc. 6 months credit. Thomas Collier. FARM FOR SALK-80 Acres in Lodi, 1 mile South-west of cily. Address Samuel Fay, Bx. 1438, Ann Arbor. f'OR SALE- A good Horse. Buggy and Cutter. Inquire of Fred N. Henion, PO. Bx. 1112. T?OR SALE- Llght pair of driving Horees, good X style. For particular, inquire of James H. Murray, Salem, Mich. FOR SALE, CHEAP-Team of Homes. Wagon, Sleigh, Racks. J. P. Judson, 22 State-at. F'OR SALE.- A strong, well-made phaeton in good condiöon. Cmi be Been at No. 26 N State at. For terms inqutre at 23 E. Catherinest. Í7"OR SALE- Gentleman 8 Driying and Saddle Horse; Bright Bay. Best Saddle Horse in the County. J. M. Alleu, Dexter. Mich. fOR SALE, CHEAP-Four orfive grade Jersey Cows, new Milch, just the Cows ior family use. L. P. Hall. L OR SALE- Fruit Farm, 60 Acres, near city of Ann Arbor, % mile irom Court House, on Whitmore lake road. Brick House, Frame Barn, Hen House, Grauary and Crib. 3 good Wells Peach Orchard, Apples, Pears, Quinces, Cherries, Plums, (jrujies, Utrawberries, filackberrles Kaspberries, all chots varteües. Price, J6.000. Geo. L. Loomis, Ann Arbor. L?OR SALE- 10,000 cioioe Snyder Black-berry r Roots at 5 per 100Ü. Apply to Wm. Looker or to John K. Miner, Register Building. tf_ FARM FOR SALE- ü66 Acres; can be divided. Located in Milan, one of the best towns in .Southern Mich. Splendid Farm, fine location Terms reasouable. For particulara, cali on or Addreas H. H. Allen, Milan, Midi. L"iÜR SALE- Farm of 8u acreB, good buildings, 1. soil, etc. Location unsurpassed. Long time, low rate of interest and on easy terms, or will sxehunKe. Correspondence solicited. G. C. Crane, Stony Creek Mich. 656- If. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-For City resldence, farm of 65 acres, one mile south west oi City. Or will sell or exchange 15 acres with buildings. Enquire at 36 South 5th St. S A. Henion. 1 f. FOR SALE- Horse Wagon and Cutter, Jersey Cow and Calf, three Fire Proof Safes, Stock of Hats, Caps and Furs. House on University Ave for rent. Nov. 9th, 1807. C. H. Richmond. 672 tf ' REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houses and lots valued from $1.000 to 86,000 and contaiulug from one-flfth of an acre to twenty acres- ali in the city limita. Houses rented on reasonable terms in central localities. Forma exchanged lor city property. Enquire of J. Q. A.SESSIONS, 632tl Attorney and Real Estáte Agent Office over Expresa Office. Main St., Ann Arbor. WANTED - One or two Rooms, partly Furnlshed for light housekeeping, near High School, by Lady, Terms, moderate Address Box 1484. ■raANTED- By a young Lady, office wtfrk or TV writlng of any kind. Address Lock Bx. 84. WANTED IMMEDIATELY - Two good reliable Coat-makers and one Vest-maker. Good prices. Pleuty of work. Solid irons. Pleasant shop. Cash every week. N. H. Winans, Battle Creek, Mich. &j tf WANTED- Subscribers to the New York Weekly Mail and Express. A clean non-politli'al and gond Newspaper Price, Sl.Ou, or íl .10 with two pietures. S. S. Ganigues, 45 E. Ubertyst Ann Arbor. LOST-I10.0O Bill on Main-t , or Detween Rinsey& Seabolrt and Main st. Return to Rinsey & Seabolt and recetve reward. TO RENT- Very pleasant, convenient Unfur nished Rooms, Water in House, vil Geddes Are ÍpURNISHED and unfurnished rooms for rent at No. 13. North Dlvision-st. fO RENT on Shares, X% Acres of land in the i. cuy, Miitaoie lor Onious or Celery. Address Henry C Waldron. Worden, Mlch. rpo RENT-Two Suites of Furnished Rooms i. No 53 North at MAGNETIC PHYSICIAN-Mrs. N. H. Pierce can diagnose distase by letter. Send name age, lock of íiair, and one leading symptom and rective by return mail a elairvoyant diagnosis of your disease. Enrióse 10c. Address Mrs. N. H. Pierce, box 1253, Ann Arbor. MONEYTO LOAN.-On farms only, from one to flveyeara, interest payable annualiy, with privilege of paying 810O or over atany time and stop Interest. No commisson charged Fot paniculars, cali orí or add-eas. W. J. Permar tf. No. 5 South Main-st. DRESSMAKING - Misi Buril's Dressmakinir Ronm, at 69 S. Main-st Cloaks ana Wraiw a specialty. WANTED- responsible party to represent the Ball Electric Light Co., in the city of Ann Arbor and yicinUy. Best of re fe ren ees required. Aridress BaLL ELECTRIC LIGHT CO 18 Cortlandt St., New York City. rpHE great Button Ma hiñe of the World. Any -I perron, either lady or gentleman wanting buttons to match their dress or suit cn eall at Burchdeld. the Merchant Tailor, and have thern made. Bring a plece of your goods with you if you want lt llke your dress. No. C E. Huron-ta.' 1"O FARMERS- We have about 100 los. stout Twine, good for bag suings, and haudy to have around at any time. Will sell it cheap. Reoistkk Orne. ■DROFITABLK EKPLOYMENT for any GentleX man orLady Kira percentage, immedlale returns, no rifk. Agenis wanted to sell The Misin Sene ; sells ea-ily at sig' t; no subsenptions peeded. Address C W Wooldridge, Ann Arbor Mlch, or cali at 45 S. I OANING- Money to loan on flret class real L estáte mortgages at current rates of interest iaUefaetory arraniíemeuts made with capitalista lMlring Buch investment. Every conveyance nd traasaction ín abstracto or Utles carefuííy exkmlned u to legal effect. Zina P. Kin. Ann Arbor Mich. tf


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Ann Arbor Register