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Real Estate Transfers

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The following is a list oí the real estáte transfers in Washtenaw county, as reconied by the register of deeds, tor the week ending Mareh 12, 1888. A. M. F. & F. W. Goodale to Richmond & Wheeler, 8cio (by sheriff) Tate Wauon to J. L. & M. T. Waison, Lyndon - ■ Taie Watson to Harriet Watson. Lyndon Jacob Hertellen by heirei to Margaret M. Hertchen, Ann Arbor city Amos Bnllard to Heury Trolz, Sharon t L00 E. J. Feldkamp to W. Sc B. J. Uadd, BiidgeEzra Saiifórd'tÖE J.Feïdkamp, 8aliue_ 0800 Klim W. Davis t John McNally, Ann Arbor gfty t BOU Russeií Milis to Jacob Kiunn, Saline 100 Henry E. Watson to John & David Gordon, Saline - Czarrine Ranford, nee Redder, to John aud David Oon'.on. Saline 1 Susan K Kidder to Johu and David Gordon, S&Une _ - J David Gordon to John Gordon Saline 1 Clark & Palmer to John Bchelller, Lima &10 Lncy W. 8. Morgan 0y ex.) to Chas. H. Richmond, ex.. Nonhtieid - - 1 J. G Pnoeto Mary E. Fulford, Ann Arbor.1 Mary E. Fulford to Adolf Bitpke, Aun Arbor - 1 CaTie Rom to William Arnold, Ann Arbor city „ 2W Mary Howard to Catherine Howard, will. C. C. BliSDiby heirs; to Geo Walker, Salem. 7200 U D. Wheeler to K. W. WaUan, Piuifleld.„„ 9.i James Henrv to Wm. Clark. Dexter _ 350 Ann Olark tó Wm Clark, DexieJ _.. 200 Wm Bchre to A P. Buruh Hharon S0 Louiiia Behre to A P. Burtch, 8haron....__. 1400