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Me. Gso. P. Eowell, oí New York, who is authority on such mattere, in an R(idress before the American Newspaper Publishere' Assooiation, st Indiannanohs, proved that five cewspapers issue mortthan one-seventh of the total edition of all the dily papera printed. The number of daily newspapers in the United States now nuaabers about fout teen hundred, consequently the five which were referred (o must each sell an average edition two hundred times greater than the average of the others. Oenfness Csn't be nrfd by lootl applioattons, as they can not reaoh the diseased porüon oL the ear. There is only one way of curing Deafness, and that is by constitutional remedien. Deafnesa is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucus liniDg of the Eustachain Tube. When this tubd get8 inBamed, you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entireiy closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflatnalion can be taken out and this tube rtstored to its normal coiidition, hearing will be distroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh. which is not hing but an inflamed condition of the mucus surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Doafness (uaused by Catarrh) that we can not cure by taking Hall's Catarrh Oure. S nd for circular, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. gr"Sold y Drufrpts. 75 cent. "Faith," faid Pat tn ss they pet out to trudge to New Yirk, "you walk the Crst moile an' I'll walk th' nixt, au' that way it'll only be hall the distance." - Tid Bitó. - V Wrd to the Win ia Nuflir Irnl." Catarrh is not simply an incotivenience, unpleasant to the suSt-rer ai d disgu-tii g to otherj - it is an advanced outpost nf ap proaching diseane of worse type. Do nol neglect itt warning; it liringe deadly evils in its train. Betore it is too late, ue Dr. Sage's Oatarrh Rsmedy. It reaches ibe Beat of tbe ailment, and ia tbe thing that wilL Tou my dose yourself with quack medicines till it is too late - 'till the ütreamlet becomes a resistless torreut. It is tbe matured inventian of a gcientiñc physician. "A word to the wise is sufficient." A "Pat and Cll." Thia is a L unny pbrase t the uninitiated, but all the brokers undt-rstand it. The; use it when a person yivca a certain per cent. for the option of buying or eellmg stock on a fixed day, at a price tated on the day the option is piven. Il i oiten a perious operation to the dénier, but there in a seriouR "put and cali" tban this : when yoo are "put" to be1 with a Bevere cold and your Irienda "cali" a phyeicn. Avoid all this by k-epiiij in the house Dr. Pierce'g Golden Medical Dipcovery. The great cure for pulmonaiy and bluud dmeases. lts action is marvelouR. I' cnres the worst cough, wheiher cute, hnRering, or chronic. For Wenk Lunas, Spiiting of Blond, Siort Breaib, Cin-umption, Night sweatn, and kindred ffections, it surpasse all nthrr ineHicine". If woman lost us Eilen. euoh as she alone can restore it. - Whittier.


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